9. Harry's room

Sarah Mullings owled back that she would be there at ten o'clock the next morning. She flooed over at exactly ten and began her inspection of Severus quarters. She looked into Harry's room and noticed it had its own bathroom; she noted that Severus private potions lab was kept securely locked and Harry was not allowed to go in there unless he was with Severus. She inspected the living room and kitchen and even inspected the yard outside.

"Harry is responsible for keeping his room straightened up, his clothing put away and the soiled ones left out for the laundry elves to pick up." Severus responded when Sarah asked about Harry's household duties."

"How do you feel about this, Harry?"

"It's great, Mrs. Mullings. It doesn't take me any time at all to straighten up my room and I like helping Professor Snape cook dinner. He promised me I could help him plant his gardens next spring. At the Dursley's I spent practically all my time doing chores."

"What do you do for fun, Harry?" Sarah asked.

"I have a lot of books to read and we play games like Wizard's Chess and Gobstones. The professor's takes me flying on his broom around the Quidditch pitch here and once a week we go into Muggle London and visit different places like museums and stuff and then we eat lunch out."

Severus smiled. "It is a learning experience for me as well."

"What about rules, Harry?"

"I have to be in bed by nine o'clock because I'm getting up at 7:30 now in preparation for school. I can't go into Professor Snape's potion lab unless he's with me. I can't wander around the castle by myself because I could get lost and there's some dangerous stuff like moving stairs. When school starts I have to study and do my best. He said it's okay if I get an A as long as I did my best. Oh! I have to keep my room tidy even when I'm in the dorm."

"Do you think Professor Snape's rules are fair?"

"Heck yes, Mrs. Mullings. You should have seen the list of rules I had at the Dursley's and breaking even one of them meant being locked in my cupboard without any food for a week."

"How about punishments?"

"Well, Professor Snape told me if I do something that puts me or somebody else in danger, he'll spank me, but he'll only give me ten smacks at the most, but otherwise I'll have to write lines or have timeouts in my room and I can't do anything while I'm in there either."

"I do not believe in corporal punishment except as I told Harry in a case where he would put himself or somebody else in danger of serious injury or death," Severus explained.

"I'm glad to hear your views on punishment, Severus," Sarah nodded approvingly. "Everything is satisfactory as far as living arrangements here and my talks with Harry and you. I don't see why we cannot go ahead with the adoption. She took the papers out of her bag that she had filled out a few weeks ago. "These are the forms for adoption. I'll need both your signatures on the places I've marked with an X."

"My name's going to be Harry James Potter-Snape now," Harry announced as he signed is new name on each of the four sheets of parchment. He had been practicing writing with a quill and could write fairly decent now.

Once both were done signing Sarah smiled and said, "I now pronounce you father and son. I'll file these with the Ministry and with Gringotts as soon as I return." She flooed back, leaving Harry and Severus alone.

"I can call you dad now," Harry said giving Severus a tight hug.

"Yes, and I can call you son," he replied returning Harry's hug. "Okay, the first thing we need to do today is see Madam Pomfrey who's the school's Medi-Witch. She's back from vacation today."

"Why do I have to see her, dad?" Harry pouted.

"I want her to check you out to make sure you're okay and to make sure your shots are up to date."

"I hate shots. The doctor Aunt Petunia used to take me too was so mean and his shots really hurt!"

"Madam Pomfrey is very good and it will hardly hurt if she does need to give you a shot."

Harry and Severus entered the Infirmary. Madam Pomfrey was in the back checking on supplies and putting the vials of newly brewed potions Severus had brought up that morning, away. "Poppy?" Severus called.

"Severus, what can I do for you and who is this young man?"

"Poppy, this is Harry Potter-Snape, my son." He almost grinned at the expression on her face. To say she was shocked would be the understatement of the century. He took pity on her and said. "What I should have said is that Harry, as of this morning, is my adopted son. I took him away from the Dursley's on his birthday when I brought his Hogwarts letter to him. They were mistreating him and I want you to check him over to make sure there's no permanent damage."

"Of course, Severus. If you would lie down on the bed right there, Mr. Potter-Snape," Poppy requested. "This won't hurt a bit." Harry did as she requested and she ran her wand lightly over his body from his head to his toes, chanting something softly in a language he didn't understand. His eyes widened as a piece of parchment suddenly popped out of nowhere. Poppy took it and read it. "Hmm, not as bad as I feared having heard about Harry's relatives from Minerva. He's malnourished and under his proper weight, but I do see those are improving, but I'm still going to prescribe a nutrient potion for Harry to take three times a day with his meals. I also see his Muggle inoculations are up to date, but he will need an inoculation for Dragon Pox."

"We can do that right now," Severus said.

Harry grimaced, but sat still while Madam Pomfrey administered his shot. She patted his arm lightly and said, "All done, young man."