The Beginning of the Transformation

The city of Elysee had finally quieted. The grand celebrations of the coronation and royal wedding had come to an end, and as the first light of dawn crept over the rooftops, the aftermath of the festivities was visible throughout the streets.

Discarded garlands hung limply from lampposts, musicians packed up their instruments, and weary laborers began the task of cleaning up the remnants of feasts and celebrations. The people had enjoyed their moment of joy, but now, life would return to its usual rhythm—though under a new ruler, with new expectations.

Inside the royal palace, the mood had already shifted from celebration to governance. King Bruno sat in his study, dressed in a simple dark tunic, a stark contrast to the regal attire of the previous night. The large wooden table before him was covered with maps, documents, and reports—the real work of a ruler.