July 1698.
Marshal Armand Roux knew that Elysea's position in Pan-America had never been stronger. The Iberians were gone, the Dutch had been annihilated, and Germania had chosen to stand aside—for now. That left only one major power to challenge them: Wallachia.
Unlike Germania, which had scattered settlements focused on fur trading, Wallachia controlled key ports along the southern coastline. These ports acted as critical nodes in the transatlantic trade, bringing in valuable resources from Africa and Europe.
Taking them would be no easy task.
Wallachia was a naval power, boasting a fleet far stronger than anything Elysea had encountered thus far. If Elysea moved too quickly, Wallachian warships could cut off supply lines and trap their forces inland.
But if they struck first—before Wallachia could react—Pan-America would belong to Elysea.
The Strategy Meeting