March 17th, 1701.
The vast Elysean fleet cut through the Atlantic, its twenty warships carrying thousands of soldiers across the sea. The war for the New World had begun.
But this time, King Bruno had chosen his weapon carefully.
At the helm of this expedition was General André Masséna—a man who, like Roux, was a master of war.
Masséna was no ordinary commander. He had risen through the ranks not by birthright but through brilliance on the battlefield. A student of strategy, a ruthless tactician, and a man who had spent his life winning wars others deemed impossible.
King Bruno had not chosen him out of desperation.
He had chosen him because he was the only man who could defeat Roux.
Masséna stood on the deck of the Iron Resolve, the largest ship in the fleet. The ocean wind howled as he studied a detailed map of the New World.