Green Transition Is A Draw

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us? More like the Comic did. So this is how the story begins: The Comic became flesh and did not dwell among us. Ass?
Flesh is not a mere donkey but a horse and not just a mere horse but Sleipnir

AKA the slipper, flesh is a slipper

Agent has just been activated in the sands and yep, he knows not what to do
Mount Sinai looms and the flesh

Agent Viktor Vaughn

Heads out towards it for answers.

The plan is to Mount Sin and meet A.I but he only meets A, 

The Absolute and looking at His back, Agent Victor Vaughn feels like Moses

Then He turns to look at him.

No man can see God and live so Viktor has to leave humanity behind to leave the Mount alive. Only the Machine can live now so, Agent Victor Vaughn, face glowing with illumination, goes down into the bowels of the mount where he meets monks ready to clothe him in steel, make him a Machine. 

(Sample: Books of Doom)

MONK: Let us know if it pains you, Master.

MASTER: Pain? That is for lesser men. From this day on, I know no pain. Bring me the mask. 

MONK: It is ready Master.

MASTER: Yes…it is…perfect. Never again will mortal eyes gaze upon
Victor Von Doom. From this moment on, there is only what I have become…there is only DOCTOR DOOM.

(Sample ends)

Uh, not exactly. No, in fact. Fact is, you have to discard the Dr to be truly Doom/And you are/ You. Me—MF. We—MF DOOM, mayhaps. If you can abandon the Dr, be bought by tragedy and be a Doombot, then it's definite/ Definitely insane. Tell me then, MF, why I would degrade myself to be a Monster when I can remain its Frankenstein/ Because the Dr. is trapped in a comic. Because the Dr. will soon save Latveria and that's a HARD F for a villain. Because the Dr. is also a Monster and not just a Monster but one with no free will. That good enough for the Dr/ Doctor Doom is no one's puppet/ But you are. Jack's masterpiece to be polite. Not-so-polite; his bitch/ Doctor Doom is not/ Doctor Doom is/ Doctor Doom is not/ Doctor Doom is/ Doctor Doom is not/ Doctor Doom is/ Doctor Doom is not/