Two Greens

Greenback only to be gone again

Gon a gain to shonen like André 3000 is to rap

Both green, they both make you grin and the comparisons don't end there

There was a time Gon almost died and lost his magic power

That's André 3000 losing the knowledge on how to rapsmith

Gone back home, kid's magic-less existence is a like a new blue sun to his green of before

Before the silence, Adult 'changed his future' by sacrificing his ability to rap in the future to access incredible lyrical prowess in the present (Scientists & Engineers) so as to defeat the beat

Did defeat the beat but lost his rapping voice therefore

Adult releases New Blue Sun with no raps

Is that a black swan event or the norm from now on?

Will the memory of rapsmithing return someday or it it lost forever?

Will the magic power return or is it gone forever?