The Hunt for Points

The Tower did not always offer much in the way of respite, but after what felt like an eternity of cautious hunting, Jaehyun directed everyone to seek shelter in the remains of an old apothecary on the fringes of the city. The pungent odor of dried spices stung my nostrils, and dusty, shattered shelves lined the walls, the last vestiges of a world that had felt like a bygone time, even in the Tower's austere recollection.


"1-8-0 points," Jaehyun muttered, adding to their tally. "We're making good progress, but we have a long way to go."


Yuri sat behind the boarded window, watching through a slit with her crossbow laid in her lap. "Teams aren't going to be silent for too long. It's only a matter of time before someone comes for us."


"That's why we need to keep moving," Seungho said, his voice firm yet urgent. "Right now, resting is a luxury we cannot afford.


Minho was sharpening the dagger in the corner. The rhythmic grind of steel scraping against stone suddenly filled the air around them.


"Rushing makes you mug up," he continued, not even bothering to look up. "We've done the smart thing so far; let's not blow that by leaning too much."


Jaehyun rested against the wall, watching Minho intently. "You've sure got a knack for survival, don't you?"


Minho didn't reply immediately. His hands moved as if they were testing the edge of a blade. "Survival is not simply a matter of luck. It depends on what you're willing to do.'"


That hung in the air for a moment as they all fell into thought before Jiwoo stood up, katana sheathed, but her posture tense. "There's a patrol close," she warned. "We should be ready to move."


The group once again slipped into the streets, the fading light of the lamps shrouding their movements. The city felt stiller now, but that only made it more dangerous.


They reached a small plaza with a small group of NPCs, a mix of townsfolk and guards, gathered around a fire. The guards' armor shone somewhat, suggesting they were higher-tier targets.


"But 10 points apiece," Yuri whispered, already drawing her crossbow to point at one of the guards.


"At this rate, we'll have five hundred," Jaehyun mumbled, surveying his surroundings. "Minho, what do you think?"


Minho surveyed the scene that lay before him. The commoners gathered around the fire, appearing tired. One, a child, clung tightly to the arm of an older woman as the guards stood on dozens, their weapons drawn.


"Just get rid of the guards first," Minho said quietly. "The townsfolk aren't going to fight back, and they'll break once the guards fall."


Seungho frowned. "But they're also worth points, aren't they? Why not take them down?"


"Because they're going to make noise," Minho said, still unfazed. "A screaming child would bring unwanted attention. Right now we can't afford that."


Jaehyun nodded. "Agreed. Yuri, take the first shot. Seungho and Jiwoo, you may need to have her back."


The plan was carried out with practiced precision. Yuri's bolt hit the nearest guard, her aim tight-locked. Next, it was Seungho's turn. He brought down his warhammer with tremendous force that crushed down onto the second guard. Jiwoo followed next, darting like a shadow past Seungho, her katana finding purchase in the chest of the third guard.


The townsfolk shrieked in terror, running for their lives.


"Let them go," said Jaehyun.


But one guard was not out for the count. He staggered to his feet, blood streaming from a wound in his side, reaching for a horn at his belt—a signal that would probably bring backup.


Before anyone had the chance to move, Minho already had. His knife flashed in the firelight as it plunged into the guard's throat. The man recoiled with surprise, then collapsed onto the ground.


A grim hush descended over the plaza.


"EFFICIENT," Jaehyun replied after a beat, his tone inscrutable.


Minho wiped the blade against the guard's tunic and sheathed it. "We don't leave loose ends."


With every step they took, the ground felt softer. As they made their way through the narrow alleyways, Yuri threw Minho a sidelong glance. "That was a real cold call back there," she said quietly.


He didn't look at her. "It's a cold world."


"You were right," Yuri admitted after a pause. "But don't think I didn't see you, though."


Minho didn't respond; his brain immediately switched into "navigating" mode, even though her words repeated in his mind.


As they neared the city center, they heard booms of distant fighting. Jaehyun lifted his hand up for them to stop.


"Another team," he whispered.


They crept to a vantage point overlooking a wide boulevard. Down below, two teams faced off in a heated battle, their shouts echoing off the stone walls. One team buckled, with their formation disintegrating as the other team bore down.


Jaehyun's eyes glimmered with a predatory shine. "We can pick up after them," he added.


"Or we can wait," Minho said.


Jaehyun arched an eyebrow. "Wait for what exactly?"


"To wear each other down," Minho said. "The people left over will be weaker and more easily eliminated."


His proposal lingered, and he could sense the weight of the others' gazes.


"That's..." Seungho started, then trapped.


"Smart," Yuri said, her tone simultaneously dry and approbative.


Jaehyun looked to Minho for a long moment before nodding. "Alright, we wait."


The team fell back into the shadows and watched the brawl unfold below.


Minho surprisingly calmed down as screams trilled in the distance. He wasn't proud of his choices, but pride meant little in this place. The only thing that mattered was to survive.


In the Tower, that meant preparing to go where others wouldn't.