Chapter four

Indeed time flies,Clara couldn't believe how fast time had passed,it seemed like that yesterday she was leaving Nigeria,tearfully saying goodbye to Jason and her Family.Now,she was in her final year of university,studying abroad and thriving

Jason too had moved on with his life,after completing his education,he had landed a good job and was doing well,despite the distance between them,they had remained close,regularly keeping in touch through phone calls,messages and video calls

As Clara navigated her final year of university,she began to think about her future,she had always assumed that she would return to Nigeria after completing her studies,she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation,what would the future hold?would she and Jason finally be reunited?

Clara trudged into her apartment,exhausted from a long day of lectures,All she wanted to do was collapse onto her bed and catch a few hours of sleep,as she dropped her bag onto thr floor,she noticed several missed calls from a number she didn't recognize,despite her curiosity she decided to prioritize her nap,she dialled the mysterious number,but when no one answered she shrugged and set the phone aside "i'll deal with it later",she thought,snuggling under the blankets,with a contented sigh,Clara closed her eyes and let sleep wash over her.

Clara's brow furrowed as she stared at her phone,concern etched on her face it had been days since she last heard from Jason,and despite her repeated messages and calls,he hadn't responded,she scrolled through their chat history,re-reading their last conversations,searching for any clues that might explain his sudden silence,but there was nothing out of the ordinary,just their usual banter and affectionate exchanges,Clara's mind began to wander,conjuring up worst scenarios.Had someyhing happened to Jason?was he okay? Had he lost interest in their relationship?,she tried to shake off the doubts,telling herself that Jason was probably busy or going through a tough time,but the uncertainty gnawed at her,leaving her feeling anxious and unsettled.

As the days turned into weeks,Clara's hope began to dwindle,she had sent countless messages and made numerous calls,but Jason's silence was defeating,Clara's mind was consumed by doubts and fears

Had Jason ever truly loved her,or was it all a facade?Had he moved on with someone else?

The thought of Jason leaving her was too much to bear,she felt like she was drowning in a sea of heartbreak,unable to catch her breath,she wondered if she had been blind to the signs,if she had ignored the red flags,the uncertainty was suffocating,and Clara couldn't help bit feel like she was losing herself in the process,The pain of Jason's silence was unbearable,and she felt like she was losing herself in the darkness of heartbreak,tears steeamed down her face as she mourned the loss of their relationship,she had givem her heart to Jason,and now it felt like he had discarded it like a broken toy,her mind was a jumble of emotions,sadness,anger,confusion,and despair,as she curled up on her bed surrounded by tears and sorrow,Clara whispered a haunting phrase

"i thought our love was forever"

she took a deep breath,wiped away her tears,and made a firm decision,she would let go of the heartache,the what-ifs,snd the memories of Jason,it wastime to focus on herself and her future,she remembered the words of her parents,who had always encouraged ger to prioritize her education.

With renewed determination,Clara dove headfirst into her studies,she spent long hours in the library pouring over textbooks and notes,she joined study groups and sought help from her professors when needed,as she immersed herself in her academic pursuits,she began to feel a sense of purpose and fulfilment and it felt empowering

"i'm going to make my parents proud"Clara said to herself,a smile spreading across her face

"i'm going to make myself proud"

Clara's eyes widened in horror as she stood outside rhe lecture hall,her phone trembling in her hand,Emily's words cut through her like a knife,leaving her breathless

" accident....lost his life"

The words echoed in Clara's mind refusing to sink in,it couldn't be true,Jason the love of her life,the one person who made her life seen and heard was gone

Clara's phone slipped from her fingers,falling to the ground with a soft thud,she didn't notice,she was too busy trying to process the devastating news,her vision blurred,and her knees buckled,Clara felt like she was drowning in a sea of grief unable to find a lifeline,she stumbled backwards her hand grasping for something,anything to hold onto,but there was nothing only the crushing weight of her loss and the haunting realization that she could never see Jason's smile or feel his warm touch again.....

Clara withdraws from her daily life,unable to cope with the loss,she stops attending classes,ignores her friends and family,and becomes isolated in her grief,the pain of losing Jason becomes overwhelming and she starts to question her own existence,Emily tries to reach out to her but Clara pushes her away,Clara's emotional pain becomes too much to bear,she suffers a complete breakdown,unable to eat,sleep or function..She was hospitalized by the school authority for her own safety,surrounded by medical professionals who can provide her with the care and support she needs,while in the hospital,Clara begins to receive treatment and therapy to help her cope with her grief and emotional pain,she faces a tough time adjusting to the medication and therapy,she feels numb,disconnected and struggles to find motivation,despite Emily's support Clara experiences emotional setbacks,feeling like she's taken two steps forward and three steps back,her parents arrived at canada worried sick about their daughter's wellbeing,As they entered Clara's flat,they met a heartbreaking sight,Clara looked frail,her eyes sunken,and her skin pale,she had lost weight,and her usual sparkle was gone

"Clara,am very disappointed,how can you let that foolish bou ruin your life"Her dad shouted

"Dad,how can you say that?Clara's voice trembling with emotion,"Jason was not a fool,he was kind,caring and loving,he made me happy"

"Happy??you call this happy?he gestured to Clara's frail form,her sunken eyes and pale skin,"You are ruining your life over a guy who's not even here to take care of you"

Clara felt a a surge of resentment towards her father,didn't he understand that Jason's death was not his fault,that it was just a tragic accident

"You don't understand,Dad"Clara said"Jason was my everything,and now he's gone,i'm trying to cope with the loss and you are adding salt to my wound"

Her mum intervened,placing a gentle hand on Clara's shoulder "We're sorry dear"

Clara begins to calm down,feeling a sense of relief that her mum is trying to understand,she takes a deep breath and starts to explain how she's feeling,as she shares her emotions,her parents start to gain a new understanding of her perspective,they realize that their daughter's grief is still raw and that they need to be more supportive.Clara breaks down in tears pouring out her heart to her mum "we loved each other so much"she sobs "But you and Dad,you never gave us a chance

Her mum is taken aback by the outburst,feeling a mix of guilt,sadness and regret,She apologizes profusely,her voice shaking with emotion "i'm so sorry sweetie"

Clara looks at her mum,seeing the genuine remorse in her eyes,she takes a deep breath,feeling a weight of lift off her shoulders " i forgive you"she says her voice barely above a whisper "I'll never be the same mum,her voice laced with sadness,he was my everything,my source of happiness,my rock,my reason for living,without him i feel lost and empty"

Her mum nods,tears streaming down her face

"I understand sweetie,i'm so sorry,we'll get through this together" i'll be here for you,no matter what"

Clara nods,feeling a sense of hope and renewal,she knows that she still had a long way to go but with her mum's support,she feels like she can face whatever comes next