Need to know knowledge, FROM THE AUTHOR

So there are Unique Bloodline abilitys, there are ability that almost anyone could learn if they have an affinity for an element, such as like a fireball, but Unique Bloodline ability are ones that only 1 specific bloodline can have like someone with an Angelic Bloodline might have a unique Bloodline ability for healing or defense while a demonic bloodline ability will likely be more chaotic and connected to a darker force that can take things from the user.


There are also 3 different types of bloodlines

Angelic: From the heavens, generally used for healing and defense but they have a few spells that are effective for battle.

Demonic: From Hell, only the strongest of demons could create bloodline contracts with humans and other creatures, but due to the Angelic intervention they cant leave hell for long without being killed.

Godly: from mostly Greek and Norse mythology, not actual Mythology just what the gods stood for, like Loki and his shapeshifting and stuff like that.


So there are still other elements withing the world but they all come from one of those 3 energies, of course some Element types like fire can be made by all while something like Holy can only be made by Godly energy and Angelic Energy.


Why did you choose a More Modern time period for your book you may ask?

Author: well simply I ain't writing a novel in the past, I personally prefer the future but can settle for a more modern-ish time period.


Ask me anything in the comments ill try to answer any questions, I will also be updating this as I feel necessary, such as too many questions about the same topic.

Answer 1: I've had many ask if there will be a Harem, It is unlikely that there will be since each one of those characters would have to be fine with it. Now first Levi wouldn't be second most of the girls hate each other or have clashing personalitys.

So no there wont be a harem.

from Ahjin/ Rai Arashi