What did I expect?

We arrived at the Medical hall, where many of the people were bloodied or had missing arms or legs "Damn" I said, Leon looked at me bewildered "dude most of these injured people are from you, I guess you really do enter into a berserker state" I scratched the back of my head "Are you a son of Ares?" I shook my head "Im not from a clan" his head went back a little in shock "With that power" his eyebrow was raised.

"Contestant 1 please come forward to get your Medical Evaluation," one of the doctors said, I followed them to an examination room "I doubt you have any injuries" he began a chant "Im from a demonic clan" he sighed "Well time for the old style" he put on gloves, with a snap.

Leons Pov

I sat down near the entrance, people were constantly being wheeled in to get healed due to Levis rampage.

my body shook just thinking about it, a girl walked up to me "I heard you teamed up with number 1" I shrugged "what of it, if one of your friends got hurt it isn't my fault" I said defensively "No just needed to confirm it... Fraud" my eyebrows creased "The fuck you mean Fraud" the girl walked off.

i knew she was just trying to get a reaction but I almost, almost.

I sat down and took a deep breath

"Rank 11 we will see you" I walked up to the desk "Im fine" there was a plump women sitting in the chair "your getting checked" she was chewing gum, I sighed and followed a doctor to the back.

He chanted a few words and I felt a warmth run over my entire body.

"Get to the big main building, the number 1 will be giving a speech"

Levi's Pov

I had to fight my way out of the room, the doctor wasn't happy about that "Go to the big hall you'll be giving a speech" I sighed of course I would be.

I slowly walked to the hall, many people passed by me on my way there, the crystal in my hand ached for some reason.

FUCKKk, I lost my gunblade, now ill need to explain to Sebastion.

i opened the doors to the main hall area I guess, they really needed some WD40, because they squeaked worse then anything else.

the hall instantly went quite as people stared at me, some with admiration some with hate and even a few might have been with love.

it was quite the walk down to the podium and once I stood on it, there was a little piece of paper, it talked about my life and how I had only recently awakened my Bloodlines and how I saved one of the very students who sat in the audience now.

FUCK the script, there was also a microphone "Hello, now they gave me this beautifully scripted speech" I picked up the speech and tore it in half "Now while I thank whoever wrote that Speech, if you knew me so personally you would have known I Hate reading" a few people chuckled in the crowd, while most of the front row looked at me with the most hate "Now this is to all the people I fought and injured"

I breathed in "Your FUCKING Weak, like most of you have trained with these powers for years or at least months, guess how long I've had these powers" no one answered, or if they did they were too quiet "2 WEEKS, I've managed to beat all of you with just 2 weeks"

I smiled "Now to those who are currently looking at me with full intention of hurting me, I give you a challenge" I looked at a group who weren't even trying to hide their hate for me "COME GET ME YOU WEAK BITCHES" I jumped off the front of the stage.

i walked to the front desk and asked for my Uniform and what room I would have "Are you rank 1" I nodded, no one was around "please don't mind my speech, its meant to give them all a goal. I'm not fully like that" she smiled and nodded, but behind that she didn't belive him.

"Since you are rank 1 you can choose you entire outfit, but you must have it submitted in 1 week from today" I nodded "and my room?" she nodded "Group A Room 1" I nodded "How do you group people?" her eye twitched "it depends on how many years you spend here and what rank you were, ranks 1-20 of the new year are in group A, they will be moved to group B next year and their final year they will be in Group C, so everyone else starts in group D and bellow"

I nodded "thank you" she nodded and I began to journey across campuses to Group A, the campuses was hundreds of miles so each building was about 1 to 2 miles apart but they were massive.

I stepped into Group A's building, and there was a festive atmosphere, there was a really long table with tons of Food and a banner at the top that said 'Welcome Group A, have a fun year'

"Hey man come here" Leon waved me over "this is Otis" he pointed to a man with curly hair, he looked nerdy "and that is Kael" I extended my hand towards Kael since I knew his character, he would become quite the powerhouse "Nice to meet you Otis and Kael, I'm Levi" they nodded "we know"

"Well scoot over Kael" he did and I sat down "SO who all is in Group A" they shrugged "we will know tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure you almost killed a few on accident" Kael said I shrugged "Dont remember, not that I could" Otis and Kael looked at me confused "Im from a Demonic Line, and one of my ability give me a massive power Boost, it needs a 1 day recharge"

I grabbed some food and started eating "well we do know a few of the people who are with us, there is Liora, shes pretty cool, there is also Selene don't get involved with her she uses Dark Demonic" I frowned, she isn't meant to be here "Caius, he is pretty dense, and those are all the people I know" Kael finished.

i was still eating "what wrong with us Demonic Users" he frowned "Nothing its just her methods are... how do I put it" he shrugged "I don't know how to say it any other way, they will kill her" another interesting thing Kael seems to know Selene will die to her own ability "and how do you know that?" I asked, he shrugged "its just this feeling, and since Im connected to both sides I'm able to feel others paths, unfortunately that means I'm only good for my recon ability"

I nodded, Otis Yawned "well see yall tomorrow" he had a heavy southern accent.

i finished my food "I'm pretty tired too, and we have the entire week before classes start so see yall tomorrow"

I walked away from the table holding my room key, I opened the door and by the gods my room was massive.

Like an average-sized hour, I had an upstairs and a full-sized bathroom and kitchen.

this place was great, I laid down on my bed and pulled out my phone, they had brought all my luggage to this room, which did include my gunblade thankfully.

i texted Sebastion 'Could you get me my Coat, the one I brought home from the Elven Kingdom' he just sent back a simple thumbs up, I guess he wanted to make up for nearly killing me.

i watched random videos on the internet for awhile