Nearly Killed

I got up in the morning, and when I got out of bed my feet touched the freezing cold floor, of course she did.

i changed into normal clothes, which consisted of black pants and a random shirt along with a grey windbreaker.

I stepped out of my room and, just like in the dream a small group had gathered in my living room, only difference was that Leon was the one who invited them in this time "Hello everyone I haven't met yet and thank you Vessper for the heads-up about this." she shrugged 

"Well nice to meet you all I'm Levi Crown" almost everyone was already looking at me, otis and Kael were there and Zayne was too, I guess the Posiden clan had sent a serious healer for him.

there was also who I assumed to be Selene

I sat down on the couch since it was massive "So why is everyone in my room?" I asked to no one in particular

"We were invite by Vessper, w we can leave if you want" of course Otis spoke first "No I'm just curious if there was a reason to it" 

Knock Knock Knock

I walked to the door and Leon was there, he looked horrible, I opened the door "So what happen--" he cut me off abruptly "I Challenge you to a duel, Levi Crown" I sighed

"When and where" he popped his knuckles "No and in the Collosium" of course he would choose the place everyone could see it

everyone was looking at me expectingly "I accept, what are the terms" he began to walk towards the exit to the building "Knockout means victory or death"

I summoned my Gunblade from my crystal, there was still 28 minutes until my other sword was back.

"Well come on I guess, yall have something to watch I guess, and message every student you can I want this to be public" I told everyone as I left the room, the halls were quite of course I could still see people walking about but they just weren't speaking 'Hey Verix do you think I have strong enough memories now' he didn't respond immediately 'Probably'

I stood on one end of the arena, the sand under me was firm

the announcer started to state the rules "if you are knockedout you lose, if you are forced out of the arena you lose, Those are all rules imposed today"

"Are both fighters ready" I nodded, and he did too.

"3, 2, 1, Fight"

he had his sword ready as he dashed at me with a speed I was barely able to follow.

within seconds he was in front of me, but he dashed to the side, I expected him to go behind me so I raised my sword and quickly turned around.

He was trying to kill me, I would need to fight to kill him.

our blades briefly met before he jumped back to create more space, there was quite the crowd at this point.

i threw down a few Obsidan Blooms and made them Burrow into the sand "Your Tricks wont work on me Levi" I raised my gunblade to fire, he cut the bullet in half with ease

then he dashed at me, he missed all the blooms that he knew of, but I had planted one behind myself and then I took a few steps back

once he was withing range of it I said "SO you Know of obsidan BLOOM" his were caught for a few seconds, that was all the time I needed

I closed the distance and sent one at him, it connected with his blade and bloomed there attaching to it, I told the Other Blooms to dissipate so I could chain his sword the the ground.

i had only around 25% of my demonic energy left even after all the Blooms disapated.

i could chain him to the ground but that would leave me with no ability I could use.

he was still struggling to escape from the bloom as it dug into his legs "*sigh* give up Leon, I don't know what I did but I'm sorry" I raised my sword vertically, when a powerful surge of Lightning broke through a Bloom

His eyes were glazed over, I'm guessing he was working off of pure instinct.

I felt the hair on my arms Stand up as he brought up a hand sign.

this was one of his many many unique skills, Eternal Dragon Lightning, he created this from his pure rage towards the main villain during their first fight, so the fact he had it already showed we were ahead of scedual for his strength.

i looked up to the sky, I didn't need to worry about Leon beyond his spells since his feet were still bound, but this spell is cripiling if it lands, since it would go for my core to destroy it.

I heard a gasp from the crowd before I felt the pain, it had came from behind me.

my veins were on fire, everything slowly seized up and I fell to the ground.

Darkness slowly took over

"The Winner is Leon Voltreon rank 8"

Dream World

Verix stood above me "I belive we should be able to permanently seal Cyrus now"

I stood up "Can we wait a minute, I'm a little frustrated right now" Verix sighed, "Im sorry but no, we must do this now" I looked up at the Cacoon and there were significantly more cracks on it then last time.

"Ok Lets do this" I walked towards the Cacoon, veryx knealed down.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and tried to think of those I considered friends.

"TRY HARDER LEVI" Veryix yelled.

The worlds colors inverted as the cacoon shattered into a bunch of Purple Shards, they fell as if made of Reality.

At the bottom stood a man who looked exactly like me.