Trial Part 1

Iva had officially cut off my financial support. Well, mostly. She'd still pay for my tuition and new uniforms, but that was it. Everything else? On my own.

I stared at the meager amount of money I had left, frustration bubbling in my chest. If I was going to prepare for Vessper's attempted kidnapping next week, I needed both funds and a powerful artifact—neither of which I had.

Knock. Knock.

I let out a sigh and made my way to the door. When I opened it, Vessper stood there, her expression as sharp as ever.

"I was told you were hosting a movie night," she said, stepping inside without waiting for an invitation. Iva's work, no doubt. A nice little present to keep me distracted.

Before I knew it, more and more people started showing up—each one a little less familiar than the last.

By midnight, most of them had cleared out. We'd already watched three movies, and a few stragglers lingered to finish the fourth. Once it ended, I stood up and clapped my hands together.

"Alright, that's enough. Everyone out."

There were a few sighs and complaints, but they listened. Vessper, however, lingered. She walked over to me, arms crossed.

"Remember, we're going out tomorrow."

I nodded automatically. "Right."

I had no idea what she was talking about.

Once she left, I locked the door behind her and collapsed onto the couch. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my messages. My suspicions were right—Iva had gone through my phone while I wasn't paying attention.

The evidence was all there. My entire week was now booked with various appointments, meetings, and unnecessary events. Training? Out of the question. Making money? Impossible. I clenched my jaw.

Next time I see her, I'm going to murder her.

I fell asleep with that thought and woke up to my alarm.


The alarm clock lay in pieces, shattered by my reflexive strike. My hand, of course, was unharmed.

After getting dressed, I waited outside my door for Vessper. And waited. And waited.

Damn, she's taking forever. Probably choosing shoes or doing her makeup.

Just as I was about to text her, a notification popped up at the top of my screen.

Sorry, won't be able to come today. Got sick.

I had woken up early, actually put in effort to look decent, and she cancels last second?

Whatever. At least this gave me time to plan for the kidnapping.

I reentered my dorm and headed straight to the guest room. It needed to be converted into a proper planning space. I flipped the bedframe so it stood upright, dragged my table in from downstairs, and pulled out a blank sheet of paper.

I began writing down everything I knew about the upcoming kidnapping attempt.

Then, without warning—

A blinding light engulfed the room, and an unbearable pressure crushed me to the ground. My vision blurred as the air was forced from my lungs.

What the hell?

Was the world itself trying to stop me from interfering?

Through the haze, a deep voice resonated around me.

"Student Ranked 2 of the first years, Levi Crown. You are being detained for your actions yesterday."

A cold, binding force wrapped around my wrists and mouth. I struggled, but it was pointless. My vision slowly returned, revealing the one holding me.


The student council president.

We had barely spoken in the past three months, and yet here he was, carrying me like a sack of rice as he moved swiftly through the dorms.

He wasn't even at his top speed. He knew this was bullshit.

Students crowded the hallways, whispering amongst themselves. Some reporters were even lingering near the entrance, but none dared to approach. Vera ignored them all, his movements efficient and calculated.

We arrived at the student council courtroom in no time.

Inside, he finally set me down, locking eyes with me. His expression was unreadable as he delivered the accusation.

"Student Levi Crown, you are being accused of rape."

If my mouth wasn't bound, I'd be yelling right now. Instead, I shook my head violently.

"So, you're claiming innocence?" he asked.

I nodded.

He sighed. "Your trial will be held in one or two days. Until then, you must remain here. You will be provided food three times a day. If you wish to speak, you must wear this."

He held up a small green ring with a red jewel embedded in it. "It suppresses all energy flow."

Since he had finally released my hands, I scooted forward. He slipped the ring onto my pointer finger.

[User's Energy Has Been Stopped.]

At least my system still worked.

I clenched my jaw. "Who?"

Vera shook his head. "She preferred to remain anonymous."

What kind of nonsense—

"How would that even work?" I demanded. "She's accusing me of rape but wants to keep her identity hidden? That makes no sense."

He merely shrugged and walked toward the door.

With a loud thunk, the lock clicked into place.

I was alone.

Just like before. Just like with Cyrus.

A chuckle escaped me. What would he have done in my place?

I leaned back against the cold stone wall, my mind already racing through the possibilities. There was no way I was going to sit here and let this play out on its own.

No, I was getting out of here.