So Close, So Tired.

Ace was appalled.

And it was evident by the way he walked into Reyy's class, slamming a palm and a cellphone against his desk.

"Explain why you're saying nothing about this!" He gritted his teeth at the King.

Reyy's reply was a carefree look, he glanced at the cellphone, his brain recapturing the very final stance of Elvis before he was defeated.

"It's none of my business." Reyy admitted. "It's the hierarchy, a tussle for power. And he was fairly taken out of his position."

"You cold blooded bastard!" Ren grabbed his collar. "What if he was? He still is your family."

"So what? Elvis took responsibility to fend him for himself when he assumed the position of Jack." Reyy explained. "My eyes are blinded to whatever he does in this school, as long as it doesn't compromise the policies."

"Whatever you say!" Ren threw him off and turned to leave. "I'm gonna find out who did this and make him regret it."

"Michael Alastair."