Violet guided me to the spot where she was tracking Maple's scent. We returned to our original mission, savin Maple. I was right behind her, not bein able to use my own [Shadow Walk] to make sure we both were hard to see.
Luckily, there didn't seem to be many more soldiers around, probably only a few to raise the alarm if something happened, that almost happened when we were fighting against them. I looked around the streets, trying to pay attention to any sound, when suddenly Violet stopped and pointed at a big building, like a barn, with two soldiers with spears from the Sacred Army guarding the door.
The building was a big one, seemed to be some form of storage building, a barn that could use some repairs after the attack the village suffered. And seeing the guards standing there, and the fact that Violet was telling me that was our destiny, I knew that was where they kept the villagers.