A body on a bed

After Willow and his family left, Kiara turned towards me. I could notice the way her tail twitched and her ears were not calm she was still shaken up a bit from the tense situation that we experienced.

"At least we did not end with more dead bodies" She explained while placing her hand on her chest. "Now, excuse me, I need to take care of what is left of my family."

"Was Verona Milo's fiance?" I asked Kiara before she left.

"Yeah. I remember I saw her getting dragged upstairs the day of the attack and… since then we don't know a thing about her" She said.

That gave me a bad taste in my mouth.

"Hey, can you take Maple with you?" I asked her "I need to check on something and I don't want her to see it… is delicate"

She was confused but seemed to understand that was something she should not see. I thanked her and asked Maple to follow Kiara, I was going to return very soon.