"Let me go!" Mae yelled, trying to fight against the rope we tied around her body in the courtyard. Even when she told us that she was no longer part of the army, she was still not someone I or anyone in the castle would trust.
"She is still wearing the Sacred Army's coat of arms!" a vulpin yelled.
"I am not part of them anymore! They tried to kill me and captured my brother!" she complained.
"But we still cannot trust you"
"I saved your ass!" Mae's body fought once more against the rope, "Or what, are you going to do the same you did to those soldiers outside?" She looked directly at me, her eyes challenging me.
"Silence!" one of the vulpins hit her with the back of his hand.
She complained and her cheek got red. This was escalating more than I imagined.
"Hey-!" I tried to stop them.