A Steward’s Welcome

Rena's heart hammered as she followed Gareth through the wide corridors of Silverstrand's palace. Sunlight streamed through high, arched windows, gilding the tapestries that lined the walls. Courtiers and guards stepped aside, dipping respectful bows when they spotted her silver-white hair and the royal insignia on her gown. Yet every reminder of her newfound status only sharpened the anxious knot in her stomach.

She was on her way to a private council hall, where King Darius had agreed to grant Lord Severin an audience. Standing firm at the king's request, Rena had insisted on attending—even though part of her wanted to hide under bedcovers until the threat passed. That's not an option anymore, she told herself. I am a princess of Silverstrand—this is my fight, too.

Gareth led her to a set of ornate doors carved with crescent moons and lilies. Two guards pushed them open, revealing a chamber bathed in afternoon light. A long table of polished oak stood at the center, chairs arranged along each side. Tapestries on the walls depicted royal victories and solemn coronations, reminders of Silverstrand's storied past. In Rena's eyes, it was also a stage—one where she would soon face the kingdom's greatest schemer.

King Darius was already seated at the head of the table. Though upright in posture, his pallor betrayed his fragile health. Queen Maribel stood behind his chair, a hand resting gently on his shoulder. Their eyes flicked to Rena in silent encouragement as she entered.

Severin hadn't yet arrived, but several officials and advisors were present—Chancellor Eldorin, Lady Halene, and a few nobles whose loyalty to the crown was well known. Rena inhaled slowly, remembering her etiquette lessons from that morning. She curtsied with measured grace, then took a seat to the king's right, an unspoken signal of her standing as the newly acknowledged princess.

Footsteps echoed from the corridor. A servant stepped forward, announcing, "Lord Severin, Steward of Silverstrand," in a clear voice. The doors opened again.

Severin entered with a measured stride. Tall and lean, he wore a dark velvet tunic embroidered with discreet gold filigree. His eyes were hawk-like—calculating, taking in the room with a swift, cool glance. A subtle smile curved his lips as his gaze landed on Rena, though it did not reach his eyes.

"My King," he said smoothly, bowing with theatrical flourish. "I apologize for my late return to the capital. Urgent matters in the northern provinces demanded my attention." His tone suggested that every second of his time was precious—and that he answered to no one but himself.

King Darius inclined his head stiffly. "Welcome back, Severin." He gestured to an empty chair near the opposite end of the table. "We have… much to discuss."

Severin's gaze slid to Rena before he took his seat. "Indeed. I understand we have a remarkable development in the royal household." He folded his hands, lips twitching in a semblance of a smile. "May I congratulate Your Majesty on the… miraculous return of your daughter?"

A chill passed through the room. Rena lifted her chin, meeting Severin's stare. His voice dripped with courtesy, yet she sensed the undercurrent of skepticism—if not outright threat. She forced calm into her voice. "Thank you for your welcome, Lord Severin. I trust you've heard the kingdom is… relieved to have an heir once more."

"Relieved. Yes," he echoed, arching a brow. "It must feel like a dream come true—for everyone."

Queen Maribel's hand tightened on King Darius's shoulder. She spoke gently but firmly. "We stand by the confirmation of our daughter's identity. The ancient rites in the throne room proved her lineage beyond question."

"Of course," Severin said, nodding. "I would never dare contradict the king and queen." The faintest hint of mockery laced his voice. "Still, it is my duty as steward to ensure stability in the realm. A sudden revelation of a missing princess can stir confusion among the nobles. Some might ask for… further assurances."

King Darius's expression remained guarded, though the tension in his jaw betrayed his growing annoyance. "The formal announcement to the court and the public will be made soon. We trust there will be no confusion after that."

Severin spread his hands in a placating gesture. "But of course, Your Majesty. Though, as steward, I must advise caution. The kingdom's resources are already strained—there could be skeptics who question the timing of this revelation." His gaze flicked to Rena, something calculating behind his eyes. "Surely you understand, Princess, that we must proceed carefully."

Rena swallowed her nerves. She recalled Lady Halene's advice: If Severin challenges you, respond with grace. She straightened her shoulders. "I don't wish to burden the kingdom. My only goal is to serve it. If there are skeptics, I'm prepared to show them my dedication—through deeds, not just words."

Severin inclined his head, as though acknowledging a worthy opponent. "Admirable. I look forward to seeing these deeds. Perhaps a display of your healing gift that everyone whispers about?" He lifted a brow, feigning curiosity. "They say you can mend mortal wounds. Quite the talent… if it's genuine."

Before Rena could reply, King Darius's voice cut in, firm despite his fatigue. "You overstep, Severin. Our daughter's gifts are no parlor trick for your amusement. She will continue her studies at the palace, as we see fit."

A flicker of shadow crossed Severin's face—a sign he was testing the waters, only to meet resistance. "Forgive my bluntness, Your Majesty. I meant no disrespect. Yet the realm craves assurance. If Princess Rena can heal as the stories claim, surely it would be beneficial to all… or is there some reason not to demonstrate it more publicly?"

Rena's pulse spiked. It felt like Severin was baiting her, testing her willingness to serve—or to bow to his demands. She gathered her composure. "My healing is not a carnival spectacle. But I came to help Silverstrand in any way I can. If the king and queen deem it necessary, I will show what I can do." Her voice wavered only slightly, but she kept her gaze level with his. "However, I won't be coerced."

Severin's eyes gleamed with a predatory glint, though his smile remained thin and polite. "How refreshing. Well, I suppose we shall see what the coming days bring." He turned to the king and queen with a bow. "As ever, I serve the throne. I look forward to the official announcement of the princess's return—and to working closely with her."

King Darius pressed his lips into a tight line. "Yes. That will be all, Severin. Thank you for your… advice." He gave a pointed nod to the guards at the door, signaling the end of the audience.

Severin rose with measured grace, offered another elaborate bow, then exited the chamber. As soon as he disappeared through the doors, the tension in the room eased like a sudden release of breath. A few nobles exchanged uneasy glances, and Lady Halene shook her head in silent disapproval.

Queen Maribel stepped away from the king, moving to Rena's side. "You handled yourself bravely," she said quietly, resting a supportive hand on Rena's arm. "Severin is skilled at veiled threats."

Rena exhaled, pulse still racing. "He tries to sound polite, but… there's so much menace beneath his words."

King Darius cleared his throat, wincing slightly. "He's grown bold over the past year. My health has not helped matters. But your presence… has changed the game. He can no longer claim the crown is weak or without an heir."

"Still, he'll keep testing me," Rena murmured, recalling the piercing way Severin had asked for proof of her healing. "I won't give him an easy excuse to discredit me—or the throne."

Gareth, who had observed the meeting from a discreet position behind the king, stepped forward. "I'll step up security around the princess. Severin won't catch her alone."

King Darius nodded his approval, gratitude showing in his tired eyes. "Thank you. And, Rena… we don't expect you to confront him head-on. You have advisors. You have us." A shadow crossed his face as he took a slow breath. "Though my strength wanes, I will do what I can."

Rena's heart clenched with a rush of compassion for her father. He's fighting a war on two fronts—his health and a power-hungry steward. Swallowing hard, she grasped the king's hand gently, giving it a light squeeze. "We'll stand together."

A soft knock sounded, and a servant entered, bowing. "Your Majesty, the queen's physician requests a brief audience to discuss your latest treatments."

Queen Maribel glanced at King Darius, concern evident. "We'll continue this discussion later," she said to Rena, forcing a reassuring smile. She helped her husband stand, guiding him from the chamber. Several of the nobles followed, voices low and urgent.

Rena lingered, gaze flicking to Gareth and Lady Halene. The tension in the air felt thick enough to cut. Halene touched Rena's elbow gently. "You did well," she whispered. "Court politics are a dance, and Severin knows every step. But you held your own."

Gareth nodded. "He'll try to corner you again, maybe demand a public test of your healing power. Just remember: you're not alone."

Rena allowed a small, grateful smile. Despite the unease flooding her veins, she felt a kernel of pride. She had faced Lord Severin without backing down. She still had to learn the intricate rhythms of palace life, but if she could hold her ground now, perhaps she truly could protect her family—and the kingdom that welcomed her home.

Yet one question gnawed at her: How far would Severin go to claim the throne he so obviously craved? Rena suspected the answer might be darker than anyone dared admit. Still, she lifted her head, letting resolve steady her heartbeat. She had risked everything to come here. She would not cower before the steward's ambition. Step by step, she would prove her worth—to herself, to the court, and to every soul in Silverstrand who hoped the lost princess might be the light in a looming storm.