The clock ticks.

The wind is blowing quite coldly today. The rays of the sun produce tinges of deep orange and yellow along the water. As the cool breeze passes by the sea, and blows upon the land, a man, no- an old man turned young, young as an adolescent, was gazing at the sea, sitting on a bench, albeit on a different place, compared to where he used to go, since he was now back in his hometown.

Yi Zhi, now turned 14 somehow, from being a miserable old man that has accrued multiple skills throughout his lifetime, now somehow found himself in this absurd situation.

In fact, it took multiple tests and only god knows how many times he tried to deny himself of the situation before he could even begin to accept the fact that perhaps he's not living in an illusion after all.

"Why though… No matter how much I think about it, it still feels so unreal..."

Looking at his hand, that was not overlain with scars anymore, he struggled to process things in his mind.

"It's Sunday today, and tomorrow, I'll go back to school."

Familiar faces flashed by in his mind. One could perhaps think those faces could be associated with positive memories, however, in Yi Zhi's case, most of those faces are nothing but painful memories to him.

"I wonder, would I be able to hold back in beating up that bastard?"

There was one particular person in fact, during Yi Zhi's high school years, one person he abhorred so much, to the point he would give up everything to thoroughly destroy his life, one way or another, just to get back at what that person has done unto him.

"Shao Xie (少邪), just wait for me. If you land straight to the funerary, then it's not my problem anymore."

A terrifying threat could be heard, but no one heard it, even though he was in a public place.

Perhaps it was because the wind covered up his voice, or perhaps his voice was just too weak to be heard clearly.


Now, to begin with, why does Yi Zhi bear such strong animosity towards Shao Xie in the first place?

We'll have to go back to a time, when Yi Zhi was indeed a high schooler, one who didn't give a care at what happened in the world.

Yi Zhi was someone who could be considered an average student, far worse than average perhaps, if it were to be bluntly described, because in fact, he was one of the worst performing students in his batch.

But that didn't mean he was by no means a genius, he was in fact, quite smart, just that, he was extremely lazy and just wanted to have fun.

Back then, as an idiotic child, Yi Zhi had his fair share of hobbies that he couldn't share to anyone else. Just basically reading comics was his hobby as such, however, it seems that he might've been too quirky with it, and ended up being marked as 'the weird guy' in the class.

While such an event was disheartening, Yi Zhi didn't mind, as he was not particularly perceptive of people around him, and he just minds his own business in fact.

All the while this is happening, someone who could be considered as the most infamous student in his batch came along. Shao Xie.

Shao Xie was infamous for all the wrong reasons.

He groped women here and there, sexually harassed them, and this was so severe in fact, that he got into the guidance office more than just a few times.

It was only on an auspicious afternoon, where Shao Xie groped a woman's buttocks. And placed the blame on Shao Xie.

As a matter of fact, that woman was Shao Xie's longtime friend since 3rd grade.

The act was done so meticulously in fact, that no one was able to witness the act actually happening, and could only do nothing but watch as Yi Zhi gets the brunt of the accusation, eventually being marked as the 'sexual deviant' by his classmates, when all the while, it was a different person who had done the deed after all.

This unforgivable act done by Shao Xie led to Yi Zhi being outcasted, treated as an unremovable, disgusting filth in the corner of the room, which led to Yi Zhi being the victim of such spiteful bullying.

Of course, this led to the start of the darkest time of Yi Zhi's life.

More intricate details of this tale will be a story for another time.

But putting such murderous thoughts aside, like pouring cold water on a scalding hot metal, Yi Zhi calmed himself down.

'It has been so long, yet somehow, I still haven't found it in me to forgive them.'

'However, it does not mean that I am supposed to forgive and fully accept them. Yet, I should give them the chance to change, for I was once, given a chance to change.'

"In the end, it shall come into a full circle."

With such a remark, Yi Zhi finally stood up from his seat, the once radiant sunset gone, now slowly succumbing into the night.

As he looks back at the still remarkable city lights, he heads on home.



Morning arrives, and now it's Monday.

The students are called out on the open field for the flag ceremony, and Yi Zhi arrives just in time.

He arrives just in time to place his bag inside his classroom and line outside the open field.

Although it was such a long time in fact, such repeated movements have been ingrained in his body already after so long.

He moved like it was nothing out of the ordinary, putting his bag on his chair, and lining at the open field for the flag ceremony.

It was as if Yi Zhi has smoothly transitioned from being a fully grown adult pressed by other matters into a blossoming adolescent in high school.

After placing his bag inside his room, as he steps out to line up, he looks out his surroundings, feeling a good sense of nostalgia and sentimentality.

Indeed, it has been too long since he last visited his school. And now, he's back as a student again.

"Well, that's that, but how did this happen, really?"

Yi Zhi found himself somewhat bamboozled.

His hair, no, to be exact, strips of his hair had turned white, with a mix of light ashen grey.

He barely noticed this in fact, but ever since he has regressed in time, this process has been steadily progressing.

"Whatever, I'll have to deal with this later when I get home. Hopefully it isn't something harmful."

Indeed, there was nothing that could be done about it, one could only hope it isn't a sign of rapid aging.

As Yi Zhi stepped onto the field, he had a different aura about him.

All of his classmates, no, anyone who were at the very least acquainted with him, or even knew him could tell, that he's different now.

With such a spiteful timing, one of the people yelled out.


"Looks like the groper went to the salon, eh? Trying to further establish your identity as a sexual deviant, huh?! HAHAHAHA!"

With a demeaning laughter, the others followed suit, as if parrots.

As this is happening, the person who's on the receiving end of such insults only calmly held himself down while walking on the grass.

'Ahh, I missed this.'

'As expected, immature kids will always be immature.'

Yi Zhi thought so with a smile. However, despite this newly-found demeanor by his classmates, they used to think he is just the same old pushover.

Well, they were proven wrong.

Time changes everyone. Even someone who was once a pushover would become a fierce lion, given that they experience the right things.

This could be applied to Yi Zhi. After receiving such an insult, how could he just take it lying down?

He's not exactly really kind like the lord, who said "turn the other cheek" when being hit.

His extensive life experience taught him one thing.

'If you receive favors, you repay them a hundredfold. But if you receive animosity, repay it in kind, a thousandfold.'

"Seems like dogs can't wait for their day to come around, eh?"


"What? Didn't hear me well? If so, I will say it again, it looks like maggots are flying around today, even worse than dogs who've had their day."

An unprecedented remark came out of his mouth.


It is a peaceful day.

A peaceful day, indeed.

At least until I heard uncouth ramblings coming out of nowhere.

However, I ignored it, to say the least.

Because in the first place, it's none of my business.

When I saw the group of people huddling around this certain student, as if preparing to gang up on him, seeing his face struck me sudden with great familiarity and a sense of déjà vu.

His face shouldn't even be that remarkable for me, and yet, his grown-out hair from a buzz cut, with strips of his hair turning white somehow. And a face unladen with stress, like that of a child's, yet eyes that seem to gaze beyond the horizon and washed over with maturity, and an unfit physical stature, accompanied with a countenance of an innocent person, is now seemingly cursing like there's no tomorrow.

Truly an odd sight indeed.

Each class's students are lined up outside their rooms at the open field, and one could assume that his classroom and mine are in close proximity since his section is next to mine.

'It's so early in the morning and now it's been ruined just because of his cussing!'

'Why does he even cuss so much anyway, it's so unbecoming and uncouth!'

And yet, despite his curses, he somehow exudes an aura of nonchalance and confidence.

It's as if he's lived a long life, and has come back to relive it once more.

And as he glances around, looking for someone, we both make eye contact in that moment.

'We locked eyes, and yet…. why do I sense a great deal of grief and regret when his eyes met with mine?'

'Just... why is it that when you look at me that way, I don't feel any disgust yet I feel respite?'

'Who... really are you?'

Despite such questions running around in my mind, I can't bear to ask them to the boy, as I don't really know him yet.

Aside that, it feels like I'm trying way too hard to get close to him.

Hopefully, I will get to ask him someday.


With a scowl, one of Shao Xie's friends, or perhaps, one better way to term it would be 'underlings', lashed out against me as I made that brash remark.

"Hey motherfucker, you think you're hot shit now, huh?"

"Just because we've been 'kind' to you, now you're acting up? You really need a severe beating!"

One of them spoke up after the other did, producing an annoying cacophony of brats.

He started cracking his knuckles, as if to show dominance. With a gaze that's trying its hardest to seem terrifying, in the end, he just falls short, no, even more inferior compared to the gazes of those I met in my long life.

As I was once a businessman, I've done my fair share of signing contracts here and there, and there were some who bear the countenance of a sheep, yet a gaze that of a conniving wolf.

Such people were what I often encountered in the jungle-like world of business.

Yet this little pup is trying to assert his pathetic "dominance" against me.

'But… this is my second chance at life. I promised I'd take it slow, not dive quickly into a guttural beatdown.'

'So I should give them another chance. That's what I can do at the very least, since my life, which was full of sins and regrets miraculously gained a second chance.'

As I looked them up and down, a sigh escaped my lips.

I decided to say it after all.

"You've all done me a great deal of trouble. I admit that while the bullying was bad, it shaped who I am today."

With eyes calm as a lake, and a voice that seems to mysteriously carry a great deal of dignity and grace, accompanied with brevity that seems to convince just about anyone, Yi Zhi speaks calmly.

"Did this bitch eat the wrong kind of breakfast today?"

One of them retorted, but was cut off suddenly by Yi Zhi.

"While the things you did have left a large stain in my life, I will give you all a second chance."

This time, that calm demeanor was now mixed with a tinge of seriousness.

"That is why, if you all admit your wrongdoings in front of everyone, and promise to turn over a new leaf, I will not bother with you all, just as you won't bother with me as well."

It sounds like a laughable notion, but it's what Yi Zhi naturally intended.

To hope that they would all change, just like he perhaps did.

But, maybe, just maybe.

That hope would be in vain.

After all, that's what makes revenge so satisfying.

Of course, while Yi Zhi wished for the best to happen, at the same time, he can't help but think that a dog's medicine might just be a gruesome beating.

Well, that thought of his was not wrong.

With voices that could barely hold back their laughter, yells laced with disgust erupted amongst Shao Xie's group.

While this kind of commotion was certainly out of the ordinary, it didn't seem to bother the other students, so it worked well for them.

"Just you wait you fucker, later at 12:00. Behind the male bathroom. We duke it out. Let's see whether you can still talk shit afterwards."

A snicker sneaked out of their faces, but the tone in their voices say otherwise— they wanted this situation to happen so badly.

However, the other party doesn't seem to mind it at all.

The situation worked out pretty well for him.

With a face that seems to abnormally contort from the mess of rage and pleasure, he makes a smile, a smile he never thought he'd be able to make.

Yi Zhi was smiling well like a psychopath, and that innocent countenance of his was nowhere to be found.

'It seems it was a needless worry after all.'

'Bastards like him rarely change. In the end, a good beating is the greatest medicine for fuckers like these.'

Just when the situation finally seemed to die down, a punch flew through the air and went straight for Shao Xie's face, no— both his face, and his crotch.

The punch to the face was nothing but a feint, and the one to the crotch was the real deal.


The sound of a man's dignity can be heard shattering right in front of them, on the open field.

Shao Xie groaned in pain, not being able to let out a scream due to the immense pain, all the while gripping his precious family jewels.

"This fucker! We've been cutting you some slack and now you've gone overboard!"

Right after noticing their friend's pitiful plight, Shao Xie's goons teamed up and proceeded to gang up on Yi Zhi.

Some of them held Yi Zhi's arms to prevent him from running away, some of them were combining attacks to not give him any openings.

However, Yi Zhi only stood there and took the attacks like a tank.

The only way he could do this, is because of his body's disposition.

He could be considered quite a bulky guy, which is why he was able to take the blows, and employ a tactic that he's seen often in movies only.

"Flesh for bone."

After saying that, the two who threw strikes at Yi Zhi were now groveling on the ground.

While Yi Zhi managed to take the blows, he had to get off the people who held on to him.

With a headbutt to the back, as one of the goons holding onto Yi Zhi's hand gets flushed with pain as his face gets smacked by a head, his grip loosens.

As the grip loosened, Yi Zhi struck him on the sternum, hard enough so that he would be immobilized.

The other had their chin smacked so hard they were subjected to a severe concussion.

Such stunts cost Yi Zhi the chance to attack the other goons, but was a worth it sacrifice anyway.

Having beaten the two goons who held him back, only did Yi Zhi start doing his moves.

One has been struck in the solar plexus, while another had their zygomatic process crushed.

Now all of them, including Shao Xie's goons have been subjected to immense pain.

While all of them have been writhing on the ground in so much pain, it would be a lie to say that the ensuing chaos did not catch the eye of the teachers.

And now, the commotion has gotten too big. Too big for Yi Zhi to normally handle.



'What a day.'

Yi Zhi's 'first day' in school ended up in a disaster.