The next day, everyone at Gina's house, including Atherion and Camelia, left for Gina's cousin's house, which was located on the border between Eldrida and Valtoria.
Theon also joined them, showing his willingness to be part of the 'rebel' group.
The eight of them rode without rushing, taking their time on the journey.
When they reached the open area, Atherion asked Gina, "How did you escape from the Mage Tower?"
Gina laughed and said, "They didn't have enough evidence, so they easily let us go."
Atherion nodded and said, "So you left your house because that place was no longer safe for you all to gather."
"That's right," she confirmed.
Camelia, who had been listening, asked, "Why do you want to rebel against the Mage Tower?"
Gina turned to Camelia and replied to her with a smile, "Because we're not mages. People who aren't mages aren't that well regarded in this country. The law here favors mages."
"Oh, I see," Camelia said, lowering her head and thinking about it.
Just like in his previous world, there were many instances of discrimination like this. Political and wealthy people who could easily access good education, or secure jobs.
Gina glanced at Camelia, who was sitting in front of Atherion, then at Atherion himself.
'He's really changed,' thought Gina happily, seeing Atherion smiling slightly.
Before evening arrived, they reached Gina's cousin's house.
The house was situated on the side of a high cliff that bordered Eldrida and Valthoria, surrounded by vast grasslands.
Several dozen cows and sheep were grazing in the field, accompanied by shepherds and their dogs.
They were greeted by a middle-aged woman who was thin and agile. Her face resembled Gina's, but in the skinny version. Her name is Abaya. Several of her employees also welcomed them.
Abaya waved her hands as they approached.
"Ginaaaa!!" he shouted.
"Abayaaaaa!!" Gina shouted back with a big smile, spurring her horse toward Abaya.
After dismounting, the two women embraced and exchanged compliments.
Camelia, helped by Atherion, got down from her horse, and the two of them, along with the others, approached Abaya and Gina.
Abaya's employees immediately ran to take their horses to the stable.
Abaya, seeing Atherion and Camelia, greeted them happily.
"Wow, what a perfect couple. The man is very handsome, the lady is very beautiful like a fairy," she laughed.
Camelia, with a red face, greeted Abaya. Atherion just nodded at her.
"Haha, what a cute couple," said Abaya with a happy smile, "Come on, let's all go in. Please rest for a moment; we will immediately prepare dinner."
She invited all her guests to enter her spacious house. A vegetable garden could be seen on the side of the house, and flower plants grew abundantly in the front yard.
Behind the house, there were lush trees that shaded it from the hot sun.
Camelia was very happy to see where Abaya lived. The place was beautiful, peaceful, and cool.
They were treated to dinner with a great deal of food and wine. Everyone enjoyed the feast and joked with each other, including Camelia.
Only Atherion looked a little sullen.
He had noticed that Abaya's son, Heios, was always paying attention to Camelia. Especially when Heios chatted with her nearby.
At first, he didn't care, but over time he started to feel annoyed.
Camelia, who was always accompanied by Atherion wherever she went, noticed something had changed in his attitude.
"What is it, Atherion?" she asked.
Atherion simply answered, "Nothing," then drank his wine in one gulp.
Camelia could only remain silent, thinking that Atherion was a little angry with her.
As long as they stayed there, Heios always tried to approach and engage Camelia in conversation, even though Atherion never moved far from her side.
Atherion could only watch them silently, feeling more and more irritated.
A few mornings later, Camelia and Abaya's female employees were joking while helping them to harvest vegetables and fruit from Abaya's garden. Of course, Atherion was sitting under a tree, not far from Camelia
"Taste this, Camelia, it's really delicious," said an employee while handing her a strawberry.
Camelia laughed, "Okay." She immediately put the strawberry into her mouth.
The sweet and sour taste of the strawberry melted in her mouth and made her happy. "Thank you, Anne, it's very delicious. Really delicious," she said, laughing.
The other employees laughed at Camelia, saying she was as sweet and beautiful as a fairy.
Camelia's sparkling green eyes and cheerful laughter made Atherion smile while he watched her. But his heart hurt more and more.
The more he felt himself becoming attracted to the girl, the more afraid he became of losing her.
"Atherion, Atherion, taste this," said Camelia, who was kneeling in front of him, holding out a strawberry towards his mouth.
"It feels good. Completely different from my world. Everything here tastes amazing." she said, laughing.
Atherion opened his mouth and let Camelia feed him.
"It's delicious, right?" she asked with a sweet smile.
Atherion just nodded.
Camelia's smile widened and she ran back towards the employees who were still busy working.
Male employees started going back and forth, carrying baskets filled with vegetables and fruit that had been picked into the house.
Suddenly, Atherion stood up, with a strained face, looking towards the sky to the southeast direction.
Dozens of black dots appeared in the distance, and they quickly grew larger.
Camelia, seeing Atherion suddenly stand up, looked in the direction that Atherion was looking at.
"What are those?" she muttered.The other employees followed her gaze. Suddenly, they stood up, their full baskets spilling over as they started running in a panic, shouting, "Harpies!! Harpies!!!"
Camelia was stunned to see the chaos caused by the employees and asked in confusion, "What are Harpies?"
The employees did not answer and began to run into the house.
"H-hey! Wait!" Camelia screamed, but Atherion was already beside her and carrying her.
Holding Camelia in his arms, he ran towards the house and placed her next to Gina who had come out with the others when she heard the shouts of the employees in the vegetable.
"Please take care of her," he said to Gina.
Gina nodded.
Abaya, who was standing next to Gina, asked, "Why are there Harpies here? Usually they are on the border with Kingdom Nefaria…"
Atherion, who heard Abaya's suspicions, was silent.
After a while he said, "You guys stay here, I will face them myself."