The capital of Calonia was not far from the Valois Dukedom. The journey took about half an hour by horse-drawn carriage.
Houses and shops lined the stone-paved streets, and people walked along the road. The war with the Nefaria Kingdom did not have a significant impact throughout the Calonia Kingdom, and all of that was thanks to Atherion.
Women in beautiful dresses and men in elegant clothing filled the main street, entering or exiting shops to shop.
Children in luxurious clothes for their age walked politely beside their parents.
Soldiers in shiny silver armor, reflecting the sunlight, patrolled the streets. Some of them sat resting on benches in front of the fountain in the town square.
The area was an elite shopping district specifically intended for nobles to shop.
Mary accompanied Camelia and Atherion at Camelia's request, with the reason that for the upcoming dance party, she wanted Mary's help in choosing a dress for her.