Going to the ancient Israelites

In ancient Israel, a lively and bustling city could be seen. People were coming and going, and the markets, stalls, workshops, and city gates were filled with activity and commotion. Jerusalem, the capital of the Kingdom of Israel, was a beautiful and prosperous city under the rule of King David. The kingdom had reached the height of prosperity, and the people lived in peace and comfort.

Amidst this hustle and bustle, a calm and invisible figure walked through the streets. His clothes were worn with meticulous care and elegance; a braid extended to his waist and opened to the left. He wore a Greek-style outfit, including a headscarf that covered his head. A long cloak, adorned with a laurel crown pattern, hung from his shoulder and extended to his left arm. The cloak was designed with long, wide sleeves, adding a special elegance to his appearance. More cloaks could be seen behind him, tied around his waist. A necklace with a shining diamond hung around his neck, and beneath his cloaks, a long robe was hidden. Additionally, a wristband with a laurel crown design adorned his arm.

This person, Shikama Dōji, was invisible, and the people were unable to see him. He walked calmly and gracefully, as if detached from time and space. Thousands of years had passed since Shikama Dōji had left Scáthach, and many events had transpired in that time. From the moment he entered this city, he sensed the presence of many angels: Thrones, Cherubim, and even a few Seraphim. Perhaps Shikama Dōji himself was a Seraphim, but his authority was comparable to the archangels like Michael. Seraphim were a special group of angels who were a subset of the archangels. All Seraphim were archangels, but not all archangels were Seraphim.

It seemed that the Almighty God had granted Shikama Dōji immense authority. If he ascended to Heaven, he would hold the highest rank in the angelic hierarchy. This city, Jerusalem, was of great importance to Heaven, as many powerful angels protected it. Shikama Dōji walked quietly toward a secluded mansion. This mansion was near the palace, yet at the same time, distant from it. Many servants moved through the corridors, creating an atmosphere full of life and movement.

Shikama Dōji entered a beautiful garden and saw a young boy there. This boy had cream-colored skin and white hair, with a beautiful and captivating face. His eyes held a unique wisdom and radiance that seemed beyond his years. Shikama Dōji gazed at him and realized that this boy was Solomon. Yes, Solomon—but in his childhood, before God granted him wisdom and turned him into His puppet. A puppet with no freedom, yet even in childhood, he possessed a charisma and charm that naturally drew people toward him. He was the one destined to be the intermediary between Israel and God.

Shikama Dōji looked up at the sky, as if seeing an invisible presence. This presence was not the angels, but God Himself, personally watching Solomon. It seemed that Solomon was of great importance to Him. However, the fact that God did not interfere suggested that He had no objections to Shikama Dōji's future plans. In response, Shikama Dōji merely smirked and created an invisible barrier around the area—one that concealed it from reality. In Israel, the legend of Shikama Dōji was known as that of one of God's angels, holding a special place in Judaism. He was even depicted in the Torah as a very unique angel.

Shikama Dōji deactivated his invisibility and stepped toward Solomon. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Solomon turned his head and saw Shikama Dōji looking at him with a gentle smile. Solomon gazed at him with curiosity and caution. He had never seen this person in the palace before, but his intuition told him that this individual was extremely powerful.

"Who are you?" Solomon's voice was quiet and filled with silence. He stared at Shikama Dōji, awaiting an answer. Suddenly, three pairs of wings appeared behind Shikama Dōji, and Solomon received his answer. He was an angel. Judging by his wings, he was likely a Seraphim—or perhaps even an archangel. Shikama Dōji's sacred feathers gently fell to the ground, adding a breathtaking beauty to the scene. But another question formed in Solomon's mind: What was such a high-ranking angel doing here?

"My name is Shikama Dōji. God has given me the mission to teach you. From now on, call me Master." Shikama Dōji spoke these words in a voice both beautiful and majestic—a voice that made Solomon's eyes narrow unconsciously, drawing him into deep thought.