'The Great King, Heinz Obsidian and...?'

The herald's voice rang through the ballroom, clear and authoritative.

"Introducing the arrival of the great King of Concordia Kingdom—"

Florian barely registered the words. His focus was elsewhere, scanning the room, searching for any sign of the stranger who had disappeared just moments before. A strange unease curled in his stomach, an instinctive feeling that something was off.

'I have to find Lucius or Lancelot… or maybe talk to Heinz.'

Before he could act, the guests began moving forward to greet the king, and Florian was swept along with them.

The herald continued, his voice ringing through the grand hall.

"…King Heinz Obsidian. Accompanying him is the lovely Princess Scarlett Opulenti from the Prospera Dominion!"

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd, followed by murmurs of intrigue. As the massive double doors swung open, Heinz and Scarlett stepped into view.

'Oh, wow.'