'Rebuilding Relationships'

"What's wrong? Why are you both so quiet now?"

That's what Florian wanted to ask the two dukes—Alexandrius and Alaric—who had spent the better part of the evening running their mouths with reckless abandon. He wasn't the biggest fan of Heinz, but if there was one rule in this world that he refused to break, it was this:

Never talk shit about the king at his own party.

The once-lively atmosphere of the ball now teetered on the edge of collapse. Laughter had faded into hushed tension, the elegant waltz had come to an awkward halt, and the air, once buzzing with conversation, now felt thick—like a storm was brewing just beneath the gilded chandeliers.

All because these two fools had refused to hold their tongues.

Even the other ducal houses had fallen silent.

Florian could feel the shift, but more importantly, so could the citizens of Concordia. After all, they were the only ones who could sense magic.

Unlike him.