Glendon was a good brother and participating in Gil's mess was a part of being a good brother. Which currently involved him inside of a low, shaky tunnel of rabble and mess.
"Boyyo! You made this?" Glendon managed to croak out.
"Aye! It's a spooky room of spirits based on bones I have found. A real life story of death, and just as scary."
"Spooky, sure, not sure about scary."
All around Glen were bones, many organized and shaped. It was both alarming and unnerving. What, in the Gods will, was he supposed to do about it? If others saw, they might turn on the family.
It was horrifying. Not blasphemy, but… well… but what Glen? He did not have an answer. It was his question! He needed to destroy the room without discouraging the boy… there was no chance her mother knew. She would have known what to say.
He had an idea, but it was cut short when a skeleton of a wolf burst out of the soil and snapped teeth at him, Glen cried out and fell. Glen's Golem responded and doubled, then quadrupled in size. It curled over them, morphing and growing as the entire cave collapsed.