Limited time

AN: C'mon readers, more Powerstones. 


On the way to the hospital, Tony's mind continued working overtime and then there was that pain. Despite that, he pulled out his tablet and hacked into the hospital's database. It was like a piece of cake for someone who hacked into the Pentagon and Hydra's network to hack into a weak secured network.

He found the neurology department and managed to schedule an appointment for the same day with the chief neurologist, Dr. Evelyn Harrington. This was the only way to skip the long wait and the red tape that usually comes with a 16-year-old trying to get medical help without their parent's permission. Tony marked the appointment as urgent but kept the description simple, just mentioning headaches, dizziness, and feeling unwell. Besides that, he ordered Hermes to do a background check on the doctor and find anything that he could use to make a deal in case she asked for parental consent.

It didn't take too long for the AI to pull out the data. 

'Now this is some nice shit,' He thought reading the data.

The cab pulled up to Massachusetts General Hospital, and Tony paid before stepping out, trying to appear composed. He adjusted his jacket and walked quickly into the lobby.

At the front desk, the receptionist glanced up from her computer.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked, eyeing him curiously.

"Yep, Stark. Should be under 'Anthony Stark.'"

The receptionist typed in his name. After a moment, her expression shifted to one of surprise. "Dr. Harrington will see you in ten minutes. Please take a seat."

"Thanks," Tony replied, moving to the waiting area. He sat down, tapping his fingers nervously against the armrest. His head still throbbed, and the buzz of activity in the waiting area made it worse.

Minutes later, a nurse called his name. He followed her to a consultation room, where Dr. Harrington was already reviewing his file.

She looked up as he entered. "Anthony Edward Stark?"

"That's me," he said, forcing a casual tone.

Dr. Harrington was in her late forties, blonde and she was wearing a glass. "I see here that you've been experiencing headaches and dizziness. How long have these symptoms been occurring?"

Tony leaned back, choosing his words carefully. "It started a few days ago. The pain wasn't too bad at first, but now it's pretty intense. Like something's pressing against my skull. It's been hard to concentrate." He didn't mention anything about the sudden burst of clarity in his mind. That wasn't something he wanted anyone investigating.

Dr. Harrington took note of his description, her expression neutral but attentive. "Have you had any other symptoms, like nausea, trouble seeing, or trouble speaking?"

"No," Tony said quickly. "Just the pain. And sometimes I get a little dizzy. Oh, I might have passed out twice three days ago." He left out the parts about his mind moving a million miles a minute and his ability to process information in ways he couldn't explain. That was something he could barely understand himself.

Dr. Harrington nodded thoughtfully. "Alright. We'll do a basic neurological exam, and based on the results, we can determine if imaging tests are necessary."

Tony agreed, trying to relax as she tested his reflexes and coordination. As she did, his mind kept racing, ticking off calculations and designs in the background. But he kept his face neutral.

When the physical tests were complete, Dr. Harrington stepped back, evaluating her findings. "Your reflexes and coordination are normal, which is a good sign. However, the pain and dizziness you're describing still require further tests. I'd like to schedule an MRI and possibly a CT scan to rule out any structural issues. You need to call your parents or guardian to obtain consent for the procedure. We will not proceed without it. Understand, Mr. Stark?"

Tony pulled out his tab. Hermes has already found out her weakness. 'Oh, boy. This one is on the next level. But... Fuck him.'

"How about we forget about parent consent? You can sign the documents instead and in return..." He placed the tab on the table and slid it over to her. "The proof of your husband fucking the head nurse behind your back or the two kids and another wife he's hiding in California."

Dr. Harrington's eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed with anger. She picked up the tablet, examining the photos. "I knew it. But, how did you...?"

"Doesn't matter. A favor for a favor, deal?" He smiled, extending his hand.

"Fine," she growled. "But the second the tests are done, you will give me those files. I'm going to tear that bastard apart."

"Cool down. I don't want you to get angry and mess up my tests. I promise you that you'll get the files once the tests are done. I can even give you the details of his hidden bank accounts and stocks. So, do your job, find out what's in my head and you are rich and you can do whatever you want with your husband. Deal?"

Dr. Harrington stared at him. She was torn between her outrage and the prospect of gaining wealth and revenge. "Deal," she agreed, shaking his hand.


Tony lay on the slide bed, watching the ceiling of the MRI machine as its rhythmic hum filled his ears. It took some time but the doctor managed to get him a rush order on an MRI. Then there was another scan. The procedure didn't take long, and after it was done, he was escorted back to the consultation room.

The doc returned to the consultation room and her expression was telling it all. The results weren't good. She set the folder, containing the results, down on the desk and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Mr. Stark, the results are back," she began with a grim look. "The scans show a mass in your brain. A tumor. It's located deep within the frontal lobe, near critical areas controlling cognitive functions."

Tony kept his face calm. "How bad is it?"

Dr. Harrington paused for a moment as she rechecked the files. "The tumor can't be removed with surgery. It's in a spot where operating could cause severe harm to important areas of your brain. We can try radiation and chemotherapy, but because of its size and location, these treatments would probably only slow it down, not get rid of it completely."

"Early stage?" He asked.

"Yes. Even though it's small at the moment, we believe it will keep growing. As it grows, it will put more pressure on your brain, leading to serious problems with your thinking and memory. Over time, you'll lose the ability to speak and control your movements. Mr. Stark, I'm sorry to tell you this, but..."

Before she could finish, Tony interrupted. "So, I'm going to die, right? How long do I have left?"

"With constant treatment and medicine. Maybe 5 to 6 years," she explained. "But that's just an estimate. Some people with this condition survive for years. I know it sounds impossible, but there are stories of patients who were told they had two years to live and they made it for 10 or 20. Everyone's case is different. There's always hope, Mr. Stark."

"Yeah. Hope." Tony didn't bother to argue. "Thank you, doc." He opened his tab and forwarded the information to her phone. "As promised, here's everything I have. I'll leave the rest of it up to you. Have fun and thanks again."

The doctor checked her phone. The files were there, and her husband was completely exposed. But she could care less about him. Right now, she was focused on Tony.

"Mr. Stark." She stepped toward him. "Are you alright?" Even she was surprised to see a young boy being so calm after receiving news like that. Anyone would freak out.

"No worries, Doc. It's just... You know, it was only a matter of time before my brain would kill me." He let out a small laugh. "But, I have enough time to do what I want. Thank you."

"Sigh!" She quickly scribbled a prescription for the pain and the dizziness. "If the pain or dizziness gets worse, come back immediately. Also, call me anytime if you need anything." She handed him the slip of paper. "And it's not my place to intervene with your personal life, but it's better if you inform anyone close and start the treatment as soon as possible."

"Yeah, will do. Thanks, Doc." Tony left the room and headed to the pharmacy. The pain had eased up, but it was still there. He needed some painkillers to deal with the rest of the day.

After getting the prescription filled, he went to a nearby restaurant and decided to grab some burgers and coke before heading home. He felt tired and a little overwhelmed by the news. Just when he thought he had a new life, death came knocking on his door. He knows the events that might happen in this reality. That tumor is going to become an Infinity Gem and Reed's Maker version with open up his brain while keeping him conscious and he will rip it out, killing him. But he wasn't that desperate.

Still, his hands trembled slightly as he ate his lunch. The food tasted bland, and his stomach was a knotted mess. Still, he forced himself to finish it. His body needed the energy.

Tony pulled out his phone, debating whether or not to tell anyone about his diagnosis. But he decided to put it back in his pocket. 'Alright. Gotta kill Reed before he can become the Maker and kill me. I'm not too familiar with this storyline, so, gotta act fast.' He paid for his food and headed back to his dorm. As soon as he got there, he closed the door and locked it. He didn't want any interruptions.

He sat at his desk, staring at the array of monitors in front of him. The dull hum of his dorm room's air conditioning was the only sound, underscoring the tension in his mind. He wasn't new to danger or death, it was practically a constant in every universe and he had already experienced it one before. But this wasn't some enemy he could outthink or outmaneuver; this was inside him. A tumor that might turn into an Infinity Gem if this really was the mishmash universe he feared.

Tony clenched his fists, forcing the tremors in his hands to still. He couldn't afford weakness now. The stakes were too high.

"Hermes," he called out, and his tablet lit up with a soft chime. "Find everything you can on Reed Richards. I want his current whereabouts, his research projects, associates—everything."

"Affirmative," Hermes responded in a neutral tone. Within moments, lines of data began scrolling across the screen.

"Also, cross-reference this with any anomalies or unexplainable incidents... superhuman incidents, advanced tech sightings, anything out of place."

Hermes processed the command, compiling a report. Tony scanned it, his sharp mind cataloging every detail. Reed Richards existed in this world, a prodigy working on cutting-edge physics and dimensional theories at Empire State University. But only theories, so far. There was no indication he'd ever succeeded in making a device that could break through dimensions.

'But if it's true, then I can't let him get that far. I need to take him out.' Tony's jaw tightened.


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