After a mysterious and unexplainable event, a group of modern individuals is transported to an untamed land in an unfamiliar era—South America before its rise. Isolated and cut off from their previous world, they are thrust into an environment rich in potential but rife with challenges.
With way back home and the internet, they must use their ingenuity and knowledge of technology to transform the barren landscape into a thriving civilization. From building industries to advancing agriculture and crafting essential tools, every step forward brings them closer to forging a new life. Yet, the road to progress is fraught with conflicts—scarce resources, cultural clashes, and the burden of leadership push their unity and resolve to the brink.
As the settlers work to unlock South America’s vast potential, they face an existential question: are they shaping a better future or merely surviving the past? Their journey is a testament to resilience, innovation, and the unyielding human spirit, as they strive to build not just a home but a legacy.
Rise of South America is an epic saga of transformation, hope, and the triumph of humanity against the odds.
I know its weird that the aurthor is the one giving the star but hey what can I do to boost the novel itself... [img=strong][img=strong][img=strong][img=strong][img=strong]