Mistakes Happens

/The Day Of The Trip/

" Knock- knock, wakie-wakie, kiddo it's time to go, are you up yet? "

She knocks once more, but there was no response, feeling slightly frustrated, she then enters finster's room.

Her draw fell to floor as she sees a sleeping finster all snuggled up in bed unaware that she is in his room and also at the fact that he could miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to make his dream of going outerspace a reality. Frustrated and disappointed Serena shouts, " Finster! finster! wake up."

Finster jumps up, looking all sleepy and drowsy, he then rubs his eyes and asked,

"wh-who is it? Miss serena is that you,

what-what time is it."

Serena stands straight up with her hands on her hips and said in anger.

"Why aren't you getting up? Don't you know that your late, the ships about the leave without us, if we don't get there on time."

His eyes widen when he heard what she said, he then jumps up out of his bed immediately and starts putting some clothes on, he then starts to gather his things, then hastingly pack only necessities for his trip.

" Oh my gosh, I'm going to be late, no,no,no,no,no,no, this can't be -" Finster then throws his self on the floor and said

" Just my luck this has to be a dream, just when my wish was finally about to come through, I almost messed it up and missed my shot at proving to the whole team that I am capable of been apart of the team, I am so uncool right now."

"Hey kid stop the yapping and hurry up, let's go, move it, move it, move it."

Finster placed a pause on packing his belongings and turned to the side, smiles then say, " your treating me like I'm apart of the team already." And smiled again.

"Why did you stop packing, unless you decided that you no longer wanna go- "

" No,no,no,no, I wanna go-" finster then smiles

" You know that has always been my dream to fly to outerspace."

"Then let's go fullfil that wish, and make it a reality."

/ Five minutes later/

Both Serena and Finster ran out of breath from running so fast to catch up to the team.

" Wait, did we really miss the ship, did they really leave us all alone ... on . earth ."

I then hold my head and say

" This is not where I dreamt of been in this point in time."

I then cover my face out of shame.

"Stop been so dramatic, your such a drama queen, ha!"

" Wait, shh! I think I heard something, hold on, who are they?- " Said Finster

"Wait its-" - Serena

" It's the whole team" finster squeals *eek ; oh my god, oh my god! I thought we were late, it seems like we were early after all, see I didn't even mess up, I was punctual and on time" I said then smiled happily, and could you imagine to my shock when I found out -

Lieutenant Paul shouts " where the h*ll were you two, we were were waiting so long for you guys, we should have left you guys you know, your lucky that our spaceship needed maintenance, because we would have left both of you, by now we could have been-"

He then points to the right, out to no where.

"Out there by now." He said in the end.

Alex proceeds to calmly explain the situation, " okay so listen we found out while in the ship-" imagine my surprise "that the spaceship's-" when I found out that the whole "engine broke down, but thank Pete that everything is now okay, and we can take off soon" team almost left us, I'm so sad. *Sniff

" And lieutenant if you guys would have gone without us, all of us as a team would be in trouble, so don't forget that." Serena Said confidently.


" Is that true?" Finster asked serena

" I think so, I don't know" she replied

"Yeah what she said" Finster says out loud

Lieutenant Paul starts to glare at us

" Ugh, I feel so sorry for whomever dates him, to look him in the face everyday much less- bleh, and I would never want to see him when he is angry." I said to myself, I then felt a shiver down my spine. *Brrr

" Hey Serena is it? What is my position in here?" Arrogant Paul asked

" Lieutenant ... sir" Serena said then salutes

" And what is your title again? I seem to have forgotten." Lieutenant Paul Proclaimed

Serena talks under her breath

" Nothing "

"What did you say I could quite catch that, could you please repeat that for me louder and let EVERYONE hear."

He said with a grin on his face

" You ba- " I was about to say you b*st*rd but miss serena stopped me. " It's okay" she said softly, I could hear the hurt and the embarrassment in her voice, and for the first time in a long time I felt a pain in my chest without knowing why .... why do I feel hurt when seeing miss serena been so humiliated for my stupid, stupid mistake.

" I am-"

" I am nothing " said Finster

Pauls smile dropped " What?" He said in confusion.

" I said I am nothing, I should be the one that you humiliate, because it is my fault, I am the reason why were so late, and I am also the reason why we hadn't left earlier."

I then knealed down and crawled to his feet

" Finster don't do that -" A Sad Serena said

" No,no,no let him be-" Lieutenant Paul says

" It's okay miss serena you don't deserve to be humiliated for some stupid think I did, I am sorry that you had to went through that without valid reasoning." I said with tears in my eyes.

" Okay then since you want to take her place, you know that someone has to be punished for today's delay, so do you intend to receive her punishment?"

" Yes I am"

" Okay fine, when we come back from our trip outerspace, just know that along with your daily chorus you will be tasked, with cleaning me and the entire teams uniforms and rooms and last but not least, it's now your duty to clean this room, and be careful not the break any equipment.

Because if you do break, ruin or destroy anything, just know that you will be fired and thrown in prison for six months to a year for your crime, do you still want to take on her punishment?"

" Yes I am sure."

Lieutenant, he's just a kid and the only "bad" thing he really did was not make it on time for the stupid trip, that he didn't even miss. Serena said upset and agitated.

Stupid, stupid, did you just say it's a stupid trip, don't you remember what can happened to us, if we don't go on this trip or even worst if we went without both of you? If you forgot let me jog your memory a little bit, we get paid to risk our lives for the sake of "research" outerspace.

We are been paid to deliver hours of footage of our journey and new discoveries, and we have to "have" these "new discoveries" after "every trip" which is weekly and remember, just remember that we also have a deadline that we "have" to meet or we have to risk surfering the consequences of our incompetence.

His punishment is nothing compared to what we would be facing if we had left you guys here or if you guys didn't get to come along with the rest of us, this is just an example that I am setting for the other kids."


Serena whispers

"Get up, why did you do that? That was unnecessary and uncalled for, I know how to handle him, we have been working together for years everything was okay, manageable and I had everything undercontrol, and now you have gone and let him give you chores along side your regular chores and your always complaining about doing too much chores and also about the fact that you want to fly a spaceship, so how are you going to fly a spaceship if you have chores to do hmm?

" I just couldn't stand by and watch him disrespect or humiliate you like that, I think too highly of you to watch this man disrespect you like that."

" That's the norm here your going to see that more frequently in this team, I am used to it by now."

" Did you see how I made a good example out of him, ha!ha!ha!ha!ha! so if anyone of you kids think you can mess around with my position in this place then you have made a natural enemy out of me in that instance, so thread very lightly."

Daniel Ford said under his breath

" Your such a a loser"

Alicia Telis whispered

" Old fart"

"Wait guys did hear something, cause think, I heard two little mousey run by here. What about you kids did you hear anything."


Lieutenant Paul shouts, ANSWER ME I ASKED YOU KIDS A QUESTION, I asked if you guys heard the toe little mousey that just ran here?"

" No sir." We all replied

" Oh that's what I thought."

" Why are you so mean, their kids, did you that you were one a kid like them, let them be." Serena Stated.

" Hey everyone the spaceship is fixed, all of you follow to room number seven that's where your ship is." Commander Stuart announced

Lieutenant Paul walks over to serena and whispers

Becareful how you talk to me cause I won't take that lightly the next, I might actually do something about that little mouth of yours next time.

Lieutenant Paul took a glance at me and smiled then he glared at me and walked away.

" Come on people, Let's go! " Lieutenant Paul shouted