
[ In the cockpit ]

The Captain hears multiple loud footsteps in the near distance coming towards his way rapidly, " What the hell is that?" He says in confusion.

He then bends over in his chair and pushed a button then the floor opened up beneath his foot and in the floor in a safe box, he has collections of all types of guns, but then picked up two sh*t g*ns, and throw one into the pilot's lap.

He then quickly spins around in his chair, and pointed it towards the entrance, waiting for whatever it is to come through because he intents to shoot it as soon as it steps through the door.

But suddenly instead of sitting he decided it would be best to stand up, walk over to the left corner of the cockpit, and hide behind the wall, he then whispers to himself, " I wonder if it's valuable, wow I will no doubt be winning big this time around, today must be my lucky day."

Then he turned his head to the worried and shaken up pilot that is looking back at him, and says, "Focus, and keep your eyes on the wheel, this will be over soon." He then put his sh*t g*n up to his face, close his right eye, but keeping the left eye open ofcource, then he unclutches the trigger safety, places his finger on the trigger, smile and .....

A member from the team shouts, "Captain! Captain! " Not listening carefully the captain kept his finger on the trigger.

Growing impatient captain Ross whispers,

" Why are they taking so long, and why are they so quiet now, that is weird."

" Wait stan stop!" Seeing a red dot on the wall, knowing there's a shooter on the other side, and with stan still walking, chad had no choice but to stop him. So he ran and jump onto stan's back, which made them both fall to the floor.

Then the captain pulled the trigger, BANG! A bullet flew into the ship, from being startled by the loud bang into the floor. He then took a peak to see what was that noise, he had just heard and lo' and behold it was just members of his team.

He sees two members on his team lying on top of each other, and three more helping them up off the floor and now he understands who were all that noise.

After seeing that it was just the team, he threw his weapon away, feeling guilty he quickly went and assisted the others in picking the two injured men off the floor, and into the corner of the cockpit area.

The captain then pulls one of the guys to the side and asked, " Why were all of you guys running?"

" It's because we heard this very loud red bell, so we assumed that we were needed." Dominic says cohesively.

He then pushed him onto the wall and demands an answer, " Where is Alex, Serena, Tim, and The Kids-" He says in anger " And most of all where is your Lieutenant? I need answers, NOW!"

Feeling intimidated Dominic was struggling to respond, "Ca-Ca-Captain, Lieutenant Paul, Sir Alex, Miss serena, and Tim are suppose to be right behind us, they should be coming any minute now."

He then see's Alex, Tim and Lieutenant Paul making there way over to them, he then puts dominic down from off the wall, smile and says, while fixing his uniform," It's okay, they are here now, you can go back to your friends."

Poor Dominic was so scared that his legs gave out and he fell to his knees and fainted, seeing this his two friends ran to pick him up and they carried him to cockpit area and placed him alongside stan and chad.

Almost out of breath, Alex mustered up enough energy to say, "Captain is everything okay up here? The whole place went dark back there and there was this red light that was making this loud sound, so we ran to you as quickly as possible."

The captain ignored him and went straight for lieutenant Paul, " Captain" Tim says out loud, but in fear.

The already depressed lieutenant is still unaware of what's going on, and is leaning onto his friend Alex's shoulder for support.

The Captain then pushed both tim and alex away from the lieutenant, he quickly catch him before he falls to the ground. Then he slapped him in the face infront all of his subordinate, shaked him, he held him up, then shouts in his face, " Your Fired!"

He then throw him onto the floor.

He instantly woke up, looked up and looks around him seeing his subordinates staring at him and his captain looking down at him on the floor in disgust.

He then went on his knees and held his face remembering that he was hit, and apologized, " I am sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" The captain asked in disappointment, he then picked him up by the collar, shaked him again and shouted in his face, " Tell me why! Why are you apologizing!?! "

Ashamed he held his head down and said,

" I was distracted and the team couldn't rely on me as their leader, instead I was the one relying on them. Because I made my personal life affect me while on the job. Which sent the team into a panic."

Around this time serena was making her way onto the scene, as she approaches the scene she realizes that something doesn't seem too right.

The Captain then lets go of him once more and asked, " Do you think you deserve your job and your title?"

With his head still down, tears starts to fill up his eyes, he didn't respond out of shame and something weird happened, tears started to fill up the captain's eyes as well.

" Answer me, I asked if you think that you still deserve to work here?"

Serena interrupted and said, " Captain if your firing him you would have to fire me too."

" And me too." Both Alex and Tim says.

And the others that are in the cockpit area said the same, " Meet too."

Only The Pilot Said, " Please don't fire me too Captain, I beg you I need the money to feed my family."

The Captain then wiped his eyes, and said

"I wasn't talking to any of you guys, now butt out of this."

In shocked as to who defended lieutenant paul he had to ask everyone, " Why are you fools defending him? Don't you guys hate him, I know that he is always giving you guys a hard time, you all share the same problem, I can help solve that problem for all of you guys right here and now."

" It is actually simple we are a team, and we always stick together no matter what." Alex says while standing beside lieutenant paul.

Feeling defeated the captain say, " Okay, but just this once, don't you ever make a mistake like that again, Lieutenant " The lieutenant then holds his head up.

The Captain turned to Serena and said, " I'm intrigued, why did you defend this jerk, he has always been the meanest to you more than anyone else, but you have never reported him, instead you defend him and still to this day, why?"

" Conflict will always arise no matter where you go, no matter who you work with, you cannot escape it in this lifetime, and besides we are two different people with two different minds, I see his indifference as a challenge that I must overcome one day."

The captain was so impressed with her response he had nothing else to say, so he just nodded his head and walked away, then she smiled.