Wizengamot 3: conclusion and guardianship

While the trial was on temporary break, Albus Dumbledore was locked in a holding facility as he was the one being tried. They took the wand from him as procedure before the trial started so he was currently unarmed. 

He was very angry that his plans are being derailed and that he is currently without his Elder wand. Little did he know, he would not be able to obtain it again.


Flashback a few hours ago

Little did anyone know, while this was going on, Harry ordered the Bones elf to take back the invisibility cloak from Dumbledore's office. As the object was a family heirloom and magically and legally owned by Harry, the elf could simply take it back as magic allowed. The elf quickly sneaked into Hogwarts and simply took the cloak and returned it to Harry. 

Normally elves cannot simply take objects like this from somebody but the cloak was both legally and magically Harry's. And since his assumption that it would have been in the headmaster's office was correct, it was fairly easy to have an elf take it.

And the elf could simply waltz into Hogwarts considering Dumbledore did not have the wards block them. Harry thought it was quite stupid and arrogant of wizards to not even consider the elves and assume them beneath witches and wizards. So not many people truly have wards against elves. Generally, Hogwarts would have been warded against even them but Dumbledore has repeatedly altered the wards to allow several things in like his pet Death Eater and other illegal tracking wards for Harry. His actions not only allowed dark artifacts but also disabled the anti-bullying wards that prevent offensive spells being targeted at fellow students.

After obtaining the cloak, Harry sneaked into the ministry, to follow Madam Bones to the trial room. He didn't really need to go in so he was tailing from a decent distance to avoid being detected. The cloak after all was quite powerful but he wanted to be on the safe side.

Harry stayed by the entrance to watch the proceedings from there. There was only one reason for him to be there at this time. He waited for Dumbledore to surrender the Elder Wand while he was being questioned. 

Since Dumbledore thought he could get away with it, he voluntarily surrendered the wand, not thinking anything of it. 

This was Harry's target. After the wand was given to an auror temporarily, Harry waited for an opportune moment. His moment came when they were talking about the kidnapping. Since most of the members were currently agitated, Harry reckons they were all too distracted to notice him, stealing the wand using his TK. He did it as slow as he could to avoid quick movements and only made them when everyone was chaotic.

After much suspense, the wand was safely in his hands and he had quietly gone out and Jumped back home.

While this meant he had obtained the Elder wand, he did not necessarily think he was it's master just yet. But for some reason, it felt natural to him. 

After much pondering, he realized that the wand changed its allegiance after he took the wand without anyone knowing. After all, some of the transfers of the wand throughout history were from thefts as well. Like when Gellert Grindewald stole the wand from Gregorovitch at dead of night. While he did not stun Dumbledore like Grindewald did, he was the main mastermind of the trial. It shouldn't be enough but he thought maybe his being a descendant of the Peverell's had something to do with it.

End Flashback


Remus Lupin was in the middle of his temporary job when he received a letter from the ministry. He opened the letter and after reading it, he was confused, surprised, angry and sad at the same time. 

The letter told him that he was to make his way to the ministry for the court proceeding of Albus Dumbledore. He was not called as a witness but only called in for the Potter will. 

He was Friends with James, Lily, Sirius and Peter and after all that's happened, he wanted to get away from it all. But he thought to himself, why now? How is it that the will is only being read today?

He asked Dumbledore a few times over the years to see James son but he was always denied and was told it was not safe. 

He also tried to search for him a few times in secret but the Blood wards were preventing him.

He did not immediately understand the implications of the will not being read before. So he immediately dropped everything he was doing, advised his temporary employer he was called to the ministry and then left.

Several people were surprised as well that the Potter will was only now being read. People like Minerva McGonagall and Filius Flitwick were all heading towards the ministry at haste. They knew something was wrong. McGonagall left Sprout temporarily in charge.

Though Snape was indeed apprehended as he was a known to carry the mark and was mentioned in the trial earlier, he was still brought to the ministry for the will even if he was in cuffs. 

Since Frank and Alice Longbottom were in a coma, it fell on Augusta to represent them. Neville was also called upon despite being still a child. Since Pandora Lovegood was still alive, she was also called.

After a couple of hours, they were all outside the trial room waiting for the trial to resume.


Several minutes later, the Potter will was read. It was then to the surprise of the Wizengamot, that there were several candidates for young Harry to go to, at the event of the Potters deaths.

So it was then concluded beyond doubt that Dumbledore had indeed kidnapped the boy and disregarded the Potters will.

Those mentioned by the will were then handed over with the monetary inheritance so for Remus who was considerably poorer than the rest of those mentioned due to his werewolf situation, this was a huge help. It significantly ensured Remus would no longer struggle financially due to the British laws that discriminate against other creatures.

After the monetary inheritance, they also stayed for a bit to understand the situation of Dumbledore's manipulations. This also resulted in them thinking in their minds of resigning from being a member of the Order.

After more deliberation, Albus Dumbledore was found guilty of all charges. He was then stripped of all titles apart from being headmaster of Hogwarts. Though the position would temporarily fall unto Minerva while he was serving his sentence. 

But because of his connections, Dumbledore had somehow reduced his sentence to merely 6 years imprisonment by calling in several favors and burning those bridges as well. He made sure he would be back at Hogwarts for Potter's first year. 

Even if he burned quite a few bridges by calling in said favors, he knew his position as headmaster was more important for 'the greater good'. 

He could not however, do anything about the boy's living situation no matter what he tried. He wasn't the magical guardian in the first place and he could no longer pretend as such due to all this coming out. He could not make the boy stay with the Dursleys either so he cannot expect the boy to grow up shy and malleable. He needed him to grow up abused and alone so he can easily influence him. But getting away from the horrible muggles essentially derailed that plan.

But for the time being, Dumbledore would have to endure the next 6 years in prison while reformulating his plans. He was also put on a probation after his sentence for his headmaster position. It meant he would not be able to abuse his position too much and will have to be more cunning with his rule breaking and manipulations.

Andrew, not content with the punishments, at least tried and had successfully gotten a restraining order for Dumbledore. This meant that anytime the headmaster would need to interact with Harry, he would need another adult present, preferably his guardian, solicitor or at minimum, his head of house. Dumbledore also cannot speak with him if the topic is outside his schooling. He can only talk to Harry as the headmaster and nothing else.

As for Harry's guardianship, there was a long list for possible candidates but as Sirius was now considered free of all charges, once he recovers enough, Harry would go to him. A representative will re-read the will to Sirius as he was no longer there to hear the will. He will also be notified that he will obtain Harry's guardianship. 

While Sirius is recovering, Harry was allowed to stay with the Bones for the time being. This was also good for Harry since he would be able to learn some of the British wizarding world's culture to catch up and continue his lessons with Susan. Some lessons include what it means to be Heir and later on Lord or Lady of an Ancient and Noble House, etiquette, dancing etc. 

While Harry didn't need all of that just yet, he had gotten enough to know his own rights to protect himself. It also gave Harry enough to survive those boring high class of society parties if he ever chose to join. 

Andrew went to report all this to Harry and was rather annoyed that Dumbledore got off easy but the restraining order was at least a pretty important victory. 

Harry didn't want to follow the original Harry character's path of having frequent talks with Dumbledore and being grilled for information so this restraining order would be important.

Andrew also told Harry that Remus expressed the willingness to be part of his life but will get his act together first. According to his conversation with Remus, there was a huge amount of discrimination towards his affliction and makes it near impossible to thrive in the British wizarding community. So his meeting with the boy will have to wait, possibly the same time as Sirius. 

Harry and Andrew was rather upset about how absurd their legal system was that Dumbledore was able to get off light but for now there was nothing more they could do.

With temporary peaceful years ahead, Harry would utilize this to learn and experiment more with his gifts and magic.


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