-Time skip-
1 Year after moving in with Sirius and Remus, Harry has properly settled in.
The house was now properly cleaned. Most of the dark artifacts were moved into a secure room to be looked at by a curse breaker eventually. The only exception was the locket Kreacher was holding onto.
Without Sirius and Remus knowing, Harry had talked to Kreacher about it and told the house-elf that he would help him destroy it eventually but told him that it was dangerous to keep around closely so he had the house-elf hide it securely and made sure it was not in direct contact with anyone of them, including the elf himself.
Kreacher had locked it in a hidden cabinet at the farthest room and placed several wards to ensure no one would be able to get it. Since the locket was no longer in direct and constant contact with the house-elf, he started recovering his sanity and started slowly being nice to them.
The house-elf eventually relented and accepted to move Walburga Black's annoying painting to a room not being used.
Over the months, Harry had still attended some of the private classes with Susan Bones so he was now somewhat properly knowledgeable of wizarding customs and social norms. At least the more common and important ones.
Harry also regularly visited Luna so Sirius occasionally teased him about it. But Harry didn't really mind that much.
He was also introduced to Andromeda and her family as she was accepted back into the house of Black.
Meeting Nymphadora was interesting since Harry used his Focus to record her using her Metamorphagus abilities. After months of study, Harry realized he could somewhat emulate this ability by manually moving magicules the same way Tonks did her thing.
At this point in time, with the horcrux gone, his scar slowly healed and no longer visible. This also somehow affected his eyesight which started to improve and with the help of certain potions, eventually got fixed.
"Wotcher Harry!"
"Hey Dora!" Harry was allowed to call her that since he was family. Most people Nymphadora would prefer to be called Tonks.
"Did you get it yet?" Dora asked. Harry had been open with her regarding his attempts at copying the hair changes.
"Check this out!" Harry then changes his hair style to a long one similar to his Triwizard tournament look. Then he proceeded to shorten it to a mohawk before starting to change the color.
"Brilliant! With this at least, you can get around without getting mobbed yeah?"
"Probably. I mean if I met people I actually know, they might recognize me. But for the general public, I can probably pass off as a different person."
Harry could only change his hair for now. One of Harry's accidental magic events was his hair growing back overnight after being cut by the Dursleys. This gave Harry the confidence that he can somewhat alter his hair. This meant he could now change his hairstyle and color including length. He no longer needed to worry about the Potter trademark birds nest hair.
Just then a voice was heard from the stairs. Two sets of footsteps were heard coming down.
"Blimey Pup! Did you just-- Are you a Metamorphagus as well?" Sirius asked.
Sirius and Remus thought Harry was a partial Metamorphagus since he could change his hair and Harry just laughed at it and didn't correct them.
Since Harry used to be an Asian in his last life, he had a preference of Japanese and Korean hairstyles. Hence most days, he looked somewhat like an anime character with layered hairstyle. It also worked on his favor since he needed to be in a disguise if he wanted to go out.
He then changed the style and color to that of young Cloud Strife minus the ponytail from that flashback scene in Final Fantasy VII Remake.
"I think I'll go out like this when I want to see Luna or walk around Diagon Alley or something. Sure it still attracts attention, but most people probably wouldn't immediately think Boy-who-lived."
"A little strange. But I like it!" Sirius chuckled.
"It helps that most would look for a black messy hair then they generally look for Harry." Remus Added.
"I'll go visit Luna for a bit!" Harry then went to the fireplace and Floo-traveled to the Lovegoods.
Harry regularly visited Luna at their house to hang out. Since Xeno and Pandora were usually busy during weekdays, Harry kept Luna company.
"Hello Luna!" Harry greeted as he went through the fireplace at the Lovegood house.
"Hello Harry! What happened with your hair." She replied with a smile.
"I learned how to change my hair from Dora. I can't change my face but the hair seems to be possible."
"It's nice! I really like it!"
"Really? Or are you just saying that because you're also blonde? Harry smirked.
"Of course not. Well.. Maybe a little bit." She giggled. "But it does cover a bit of your facial features so it's a good disguise."
"Yup! So maybe we can walk around Diagon Alley sometime without getting too much attention."
They both then proceeded to sit down and start drawing. This was a hobby they both enjoy sometimes. Luna loves painting or sketching magical creatures while Harry would sketch different things.
Today he was making a few clothing designs. If witches and wizards wore robes and ancient looking clothing, he wanted to make his own fashion based on Games or Movies.
He started drawing a few sketches of clothing based on Star Wars Jedi outfits, Sith, and other civilian robes and tunics.
One particular sketch he was doing was from the old game he remembered, Star Wars Force Unleashed. This one was one of Starkiller's concept art costumes.
He wanted to try making an actual Lightsaber some day but that was still far in the future when he had the resources. For now, he can only settle for the outfits.
For the past few months, he'd been regularly checking out muggle cinema's or video rental stores and so far, he has yet to see a single Star Wars reference. Even mentioning it randomly, and people don't seem to know what it is. He concluded that a lot of the entertainment he had on his previous life, did not exist here or have not yet been made.
"That's a very unique looking design. Are you going to make those clothes?" Luna asked after looking at his sketches.
"Most likely. I want to make my own clothing style since I'm not particularly fond of what most wizards wear. I won't mind it if I'm the only one who thinks these look nice. I'll still wear them."
"Can you make some for me too?" Luna was rather interested in them. They were very unusual and different yet somehow appealing to her. She never really cared if they were seen as wearing eccentric clothing anyway. A trait the Lovegoods seem to share.
"Sure. I can make a few sketches then you can pick which ones you like and we can get them made to try out."
A few days later, Harry came back with a few sets of clothing and they both spent the day trying out different ones. Most made them look like they would fit in Coruscant or Naboo. Harry had them made from muggle tailors custom made but he copied most general clothing charms onto them like for cleanliness or resizing.
Luna truly enjoyed the new clothing since they were very unique.
"Oh Merlin! What are you two wearing? Those look interesting!" Pandora exclaimed after seeing the clothes.
"Just some designs I was trying out. they're not common or even similar to most robes witches and wizards wear, but I like it this way. These are just some of the first few ones I had tailor made." Harry replied.
He then handed his sketch book to Pandora so she can browse more of his sketches. There she found several female clothing designs that even she would consider wearing.
For the Lovegoods, clothing being odd or eccentric was never a problem. They preferred their own thing and were perfectly fine with it. Some designs were simplistic like Princess Leia from 'A New Hope' and some were more complex like the designs for Queen Amidalla.
They were enjoying mixing and matching the accessories as well when Xenophilius silently came in and joined in on looking through the designs.
In the end, even both parents were requesting Harry for some of the designs and giving him their measurements.
Hours later, after getting home, when Harry told Sirius about what happened, even he got curious and also got enticed. Though he leaned towards Sith themed clothing.
"Pup, why don't you hire a few tailors and seamstresses? These designs look amazing! Who knows, maybe you'll keep on designing your own clothing line that we can eventually launch it as a business? If not, maybe at least have your own team for your own personal apparel?"
"That's actually a good idea Padfoot! I mean, I was originally just making stuff I want to wear but I don't really see myself stopping anytime soon with these. Also, I'm still growing up so I would need to have new ones made after a while anyway." Harry feeling optimistic about this idea.
"And considering your fame, I'm pretty sure you could start your own trends." Sirius laughed.
'I used to enjoy occasional Cosplay in my previous life. I guess some things you still can't help but miss.' He thought to himself.
And so, Sirius helped Harry hire some muggle-born that were having a hard time staying in the British wizarding world.
Harry had also started on learning basic spells with wandless magic. He can so far do simple stuff like lumos, scourgify, and mostly household magic that housewives tend to learn. Harry was thinking about practical use of spells than combat ability. After all, at worse case scenario, he can use TK to defend himself or attack enemies. That combined with Magic Null, he can survive at least. So he focused on the convenience of magic.
He also started learning Transfiguration after bugging Sirius to show him how a few times while recording them with his Focus. He had Sirius do it a couple of times with different objects and sizes so he had comparison. Wandless transfiguration was still too complex for him so he resigned himself to doing it with the elder wand in secret.
He also learned more about his Magic Null ability. He could put the Magic nullification based on a target. He can target a person, creature or if needed, a location by targeting the floor. And it worked like some kind of bubble barrier. For inanimate objects like the floor or object, it leaves a bubble around the target. At first he thought it was only a bubble and everything in it will have nullified magic. But over time he learned that he can also force the bubble to act as a literal barrier or thin layer where the inside still has magic and nothing can go in or out. The null bubble acts like the bubble head charm where there's still air inside. In this case, his magic null can prevent any magic going in or out of said bubble.
Eventually he learned how to alter the shape of the barrier to copy the shape of the target. Like if, say the target is a cup, he can alter the barrier to copy the cup's shape and if he chooses, he can have the magic null be a thin layer around the cup but the inside of the cup still has magic or complete no magic inside.
He got this idea when he wanted to try and make a shield out of the magic null. If he simply covered himself with a normal barrier, it would mean he would be removing his access to magic. If he was a magical creature, he would probably die. So he wanted a way to make an outer layer of nullification which kept magic inside and magic from entering from the outside. As a result, his magic null became more effective and flexible.
It was like a more flexible and malleable version of the Thief's downfall from Gringotts. If anyone cast spells towards him, as long as his barrier is up, the spells would theoretically dissipate and he would not be harmed.
But he needs to test this out first before being sure. He decided to call this application of the magic null as Null Shield.
Null shield would have the protection he needed when in combat while the normal magic null would eliminate any and all magic inside the bubble.
He could now, in theory, keep a millimeter thin barrier on top of his skin to prevent any harmful magic yet keep his internal body functioning with magic and only have his hand and mouth as an outlet for his magic. Theoretically, he is shielded from any and all magic from touching him yet the mouth is open for potions and his inside palm is unprotected so he can perform his own magic outwards.
The best comparison would be having a personal forcefield or kind of like green lantern's glow.
Once Harry gets used to this ability, he assumes he can pretend to remove someone's magic like Aang does from Avatar the last airbender. That's what gave him the idea of removing the threat of a magical being by removing their powers. In this case, he would permanently put a barrier around said witch or wizard that would prevent them from casting magic. But he made sure to experiment on which null he would use on them. Creatures would probably be given Null Shield while wizards would be depending on threat level. Though for Voldy, he decided maybe applying the normal magic null would be enough so nothing goes in or out and everything inside loses magic completely. This meant that a homonculus body like voldy after the triwiz cup would break down due to lack of magic.
The downside of this is that the target with Null shield would be totally immune to any kind of magic but that would be fine considering they would have to start living as a muggle. It would be the best punishment he could give pureblood bigots.
Harry also started using his TK more and more in secret as well so he would get stronger with it. He also regularly practiced several objects floating around him in controlled directions to train for accuracy and finesse as well. His current TK level was similar to when the main characters of the movie Chronicle learned to use TK to form a protective invisible shield around them. Like when the characters played around with forks and tried stabbing each other yet unable to make actual damage.
The upside of this is a physical protective TK shield that can probably stop bullets. Downside is that he needs to will it to protect him. In other words, the TK shield isn't a passive ability but an active one.
And finally, his Jump points are increasing as he regularly takes videos of locations he wants to turn into Jump points.
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