After a long while analyzing the soul fragment they got from Harry, the unspeakables were finally able to get a breakthrough and use it to trace other soul fragments. It took them this long to find a way to trace the others.
It was time for them to start properly hunting the other horcrux.
The ritual they created to divine the other horcrux locations was not very accurate but they gave out the general locations.
And because of how complex the ritual was and the magic requirements, they could only try and divine one horcrux then they would need to prepare to charge up an entire years worth of magic rituals again before trying for another one.
After all, the ritual scried through the entirety of Britain.
When Sirius mentioned this to Harry since he was technically connected to all this, Harry decided it was time to tell Sirius about Regulus. It would be better to give the horcrux to them so they would skip a years worth on this one.
"Padfoot, I think you need to talk to Kreacher."
"Sure, what about pup?" Sirius asked.
"I think you should hear from him Regulus last order."
Sirius was sad hearing Regulus name but decided to trust Harry.
"Master Called?"
"Yes. As Lord of House Black, I command you to tell me about your last order from my brother Regulus."
Kreacher then seemed sad and rather hurt.
"Master Regulus ordered Kreacher to take the locket and destroy it. But Kreacher cannot destroy the locket. Kreacher has failed Master Regulus."
"What locket? Tell me everything." Sirius was alarmed but listened.
After a few minutes, Sirius was in tears.
"Oh Reggie, why didn't you come to me...."
Sirius was really sad but at the same time, he was thankful in the knowledge that his brother tried to do what was right in his last moments.
He then ordered Kreacher to give him the locket and brought it to Amelia.
Sirius then relayed the story to Amelia and they then had Harry make a short visit to the Ministry's Department of Mysteries and have him throw the locket through the veil.
They did not know how much the prophecy would actually affect the destruction of horcruxes but just to make sure, they had Harry do the deed itself. Kreacher was insistent on watching so they brought him with them.
Before Harry threw the locket, he whispered in Parseltongue.
Harry said it quietly and just enough so the locket would hear it and no one else then he threw it to the veil as it opened.
Shortly after throwing the locket though, they saw a shade that came out of the locket and screamed the moment it touched the veil. They all knew, they had succeeded in one horcrux was actually destroyed.
When the unspeakables did the ritual to trace the next one, the location they got was Diagon Alley. So they decided to plan on making several raids over the course of the year.
Harry planned to give them a hint later on in a form a side comment about the possibility of it being in Gringotts vaults but he decided he'll do that next year to give it a bit of time to avoid suspicion.
Meanwhile, Kreacher was so overwhelmed and relieved that his former master's last order was completed. Sirius and Harry went home and gave Kreacher some time to come into terms and didn't bother him for the rest of the day.
Potter Manor and house elves
Harry decided to visit the Potter Manor one afternoon. He knew of its existence after the inheritance ritual but put it off for a while.
"I Harry James Potter, Heir of the Ancient and Noble house of Potter, call forth the head house elf of Potter Manor!" He exclaimed.
"Young Master Harry?" The house elf asked. "Master Harry has returned!"
"Hello. Are you the head house elf? Can I ask your name?"
"Yes Master Harry! Sebsy is head house elf!"
"Nice to meet you Sebsy. Can you tell me how many house elves do I have?"
"Of course sir. House Potter has 20 remaining. House Potter used to have more but they be died already." The elf said sadly. "House elves need be bonding to wizard master. Since previous masters died, we be barely surviving on Potter Manor house magic."
Harry then realized that if he did not claim the manor and the elves, they would have all died. So if he followed Dumbledore's original plan, all the Potter house elves would have died out since he was never told of his inheritance and properties. After all, Dumbledore never really intended Harry to survive. So he never bothered arranging for education beyond basics to fight Voldermort.
Harry then decided to formally claim the Manor, and all the house elves. He then asked the head house elf how to make changes on the wards. He added his friends and family to the accepted entry book and added Dumbledore, and the rest of the Order to the banned entry list.
"Sebsy, I want you and how ever many elves you need to sneak into Hogwarts to take back all the belongings of House Potter that may be in Hogwarts if any."
It was a long shot since Harry wasn't sure but after a few moments, the elves indeed came back with several items from Hogwarts, specifically, the headmasters private quarters. Some of them included rare and long lost books on several different disciplines and family magic. The most noticeable was apparently the pensive. As it turns out, the headmaster somehow got hold of several objects from the Potters. Since they were not from the vault, Harry assumed Dumbledore somehow obtained these from scamming the previous Potters.
After securing all of them, Harry had them locked in one of the vaults in Potter Manor. For the heck of it, he ordered the elves to make sure the Manor and all other properties of the House Potter are properly maintained. He decided to read some of the books later on so he only took the books on Family magics.
He decided he would properly look into all the other properties later with Sirius. He remembered the rest only vaguely but he knew he would need to visit Gringotts again later to be sure and properly assess which ones if any are available as a location for the Cauldron.
"Hey Sirius, can we go to Gringotts today?" Harry asked.
"Sure Pup! Thinking of anything interesting are you?" Sirius replied with a mysterious glint in his eye. "I know that look after all. James had that look when he was thinking of plans for a prank."
"I'm not thinking of any pranks at the moment." Harry responded with a chuckle. "I'm thinking of checking the Potter assets and see if we owned a vast area of land for my future plans or if not, maybe buy it."
"I thought I heard from James long ago that the Potters did have quite a few so there shouldn't be any problems there. Can you tell me what your plans are?"
"Not too much yet but it's going to be my first secret base of sorts."
Sirius chuckled as he thought it would be like their old Shrieking Shack.
"Alright, but why'd you say vast area of land if its just going to be a secret base?"
"For future expansion of course! It's going to be a long term project of mine. I also want to commission goblins to put all sorts of wards and protections to the area so we can use it as an emergency safe house if need be."
Harry didn't want to tell him everything yet but he decided to start on making Cauldrons from Horizon's world.
After an hour talking with goblins, Harry and Sirius got portkeys and visited one of the land properties which was an Unplottable island between the UK and Denmark in the middle of the North Sea. It was an Island as big as Isle of Man so it was fairly big.
He didn't really know what it was for and why Potters owned this island but it suited his needs either way.
Sirius thought it was a bit too far and large for a secret base but Harry convinced him to go along with it.
Naturally Harry had recorded a relatively hidden area with his Focus and saved it as a Jump point.
Meanwhile since the whole island was Unplottable, they didn't need to worry about wards for now. Sirius bought a few wizard tents for now and set them up in the middle of the island. He figured if Harry wanted to build structures later on, the tent would serve as the initial base.
Since Harry had the portable portkey to the island, Sirius didn't think too much on it and simply let Harry do his thing.
'Maybe the kid wanted a big area to fly around with on a broom.' Sirius thought to himself.
For the next few months, Harry strived to focus on transfiguration. He started making micro chips and motherboards then continued to transfigure rocks to all sorts of parts using blueprints he could look at with his Focus. Slowly but surely, Harry eventually made all the parts for a small machine printer(kind of like a 3d printer but can use a wide variety of materials from Horizon's world), powered by very efficient solar panels.
He continued making machine printers and while he was transfiguring more parts, the machine printers were also making more and more parts.
As if he was building a computer, he would start transfiguring rocks to microchips, resistors, and all sorts of materials then slowly assemble it into a motherboard. Then make more parts until he created a cooling fan, RAM, video card etc. until the whole Desktop tower was completed.
He would create all sorts of parts needed to make his machine printers, and those printers would print more parts to make more printers and so on.
Harry always did this in secret so no one knew what he was doing. Unfortunately, this also made his project several times longer to complete.
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