
Jamal adjusted the strap of his backpack on his shoulder as he walked into a Hotel shortly after he arrived in Blue York.

He made sure the Hotel wasn't too far away from the university since he was sure Dawn wouldn't be living so far away from school.

He hardly noticed the luxury around him as his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of meeting Dawn.

He checked with a brief exchange of words, the hotel receptionist's polite smile lost on him. The bellboy offered to help with his backpack, but Jamal politely declined, wanting the solitude as he made his way to his room.

The moment he walked into the modern, spacious room, he dropped his bag by the bed and his phone on the nightstand before sinking onto the plush mattress with a heavy sigh.

For years, he'd clung to the memories of her— the shy smile she'd give him when they FaceTimed, the way her laugh had sounded like music to his ears. He had stayed away from other girls and saved himself emotionally and physically, hoping their reunion would be worth the wait.

Now he couldn't wait to see her. To tell her how much he had missed her and all that had happened in the last fifteen years. He couldn't wait to show her the pictures of Lucy's wedding and those of his mother's wedding. He couldn't wait to tell her all about Lucy's triplets and his two younger sisters.

Meeting her here was going to be a fresh start, a chance to see Dawn again and pick up the pieces of the friendship they once had and develop it into something more.

But one thing bothered him. What if she didn't remember him? What if she had forgotten all about him and their friendship? What was he going to do then?

Jamal sighed deeply as he leaned back; the exhaustion from his trip began to seep into his bones. He closed his eyes, letting the tension ease. Just as he began to drift off, his phone buzzed on the nightstand. He picked it up, groaning when he saw his grandfather's name flashing on the screen.

"You're calling because Stefan reported to you, right?" Jamal answered, sitting up straight.

"Where are you, Jamal?" his grandfather asked, his voice devoid of the usual amusement it carried.

"In Blue York," Jamal replied cautiously. "I came to see Dawn. She's starting college here. Is something wrong?"

A heavy sigh came through the line, followed by a long pause. Jamal's heart began to race. Something wasn't right.

"Have you… seen the news about Dawn?" his grandfather asked finally, his voice breaking slightly.

"What news?" Jamal's heart skipped a beat. "Did something happen?" He asked as his stomach twisted. He was scared that history was about to repeat itself.

Although he had only been eight years old then, he still remembered how he had felt when he arrived at Westend with his grandfather to see Dawn, only to be told that he couldn't see Dawn because she was hurt and receiving treatment.

He had not fully understood the extent of what happened that time, but as time passed and he grew older, he had realized that Dawn had been involved in an accident that took both her mother's life and that of her grandparents, and her stepfather had prohibited the Hanks and anyone connected to them from seeing or reaching out to Dawn, including him. Her stepfather had gone as far as getting a restraining order against them.

There was another pause before his grandfather spoke again. "Maybe you should check it out first… before going to see her."

Jamal's frown deepened, "What is the news about?"

His grandfather sighed, wishing he could spare him the heartache that he was about to experience, "You should see it for yourself. Mari already sent it to you."

The call ended abruptly before Jamal could ask any more questions, leaving him staring at his phone in confusion.

His chest felt tight as he unlocked the screen, scrolling through his messages until he saw one from his cousin, Mari. She'd sent him a link with no accompanying text.

Jamal's heart stopped when he clicked on it.

The headline screamed at him in bold letters: [Multiple Sex Tapes of Genevieve Harris Leak Online On Her Birthday]

Genevieve. Dawn. His Dawn.

He couldn't bring himself to watch the videos embedded in the article, but the accompanying screenshots were enough to drive him crazy.

They were intimate, explicit— proof of things he wished he could unsee. His chest heaved as he flung his phone onto the bed, but not before he saw a comment referring to her as an insatiable bitch.

Jamal's heart raced as he buried his face in his hands.

All those years, he'd stayed away from the temptation of other girls. He had waited, dreamed, and hoped to reunite with her and make good his promise to marry her… only to find out that the girl he loved had given herself away to people who didn't care about her. Men who didn't respect or deserve her.

A sharp pain settled in his chest, anger and heartbreak battling for dominance. He was angry at the bastard who released the tapes, and he was heartbroken because it seemed he had waited in vain and didn't know this version of Dawn—this person called Genevieve.

His phone buzzed again, the sound grating against his frayed nerves. He reached for it reluctantly, receiving the call when he saw Mari's name on the screen.

"Jam?" Mari's voice was soft, cautious. "I noticed you viewed my message. Are you okay?

He swallowed hard, his throat tight. "I'm not," he admitted, since he tried never to lie to those who were important to him, and Mari was one of them.

"My heart… it's broken," he admitted, his voice cracking.

"I know," Mari said gently. "I'm so sorry this happened. But… I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you. Maybe she doesn't even remember you."

"It doesn't matter. None of it matters. I was a fool to have waited all these years…"

"Don't beat yourself over this, Jam. You did nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong with waiting for love. You did an admirable thing," Mari said softly.

"What did I get in return for being so admirable? What was I thinking staying faithful to someone who I haven't spoken to in fifteen years?"

Mari was silent for a moment, then she took a deep breath. "I can't tell you how to feel or what to do, Jam. But whatever you decide, make sure it's what's best for you."

He sighed deeply and nodded, though she couldn't see him. "Thanks, Mari."

After they hung up, Jamal couldn't bear to stay in the room any longer. He grabbed his phone and wallet and walked out of the room.

He needed a distraction. Maybe a drink, he thought as he got into a cab and headed for the nearest club close to the hotel.