Everything is quiet.
And then it was not.
I could hear the sounds of cooking, the voices of some angry people, and sounds of life in general.
I opened my eyes, expecting to wake up on the road, bleeding profusely, feeling immense pain.
Perhaps on some hospital area, but that was not the case.
I was in my room, lying on my bed. There was no pain of any sort.
Is that just a dream?
It was a really realistic dream if so. I could still remember the texture of the shopping bag that I was holding, the hazy city lights, and the coldness of the night.
I recall standing by the crossing, waiting for the traffic lights to turn red despite the empty road.
And then...
And then...
A car appeared out of nowhere. I remember facing it before everything turned white and then black.
Everything was so fast that if it had been real life, I would probably be horribly injured.
Taking a step back from my thoughts, I reached for my phone under the pillow and....
It's nowhere to be found. Which should have been impossible since I have a habit of putting it under my pillow.
I searched around the bed and I still couldn't find anything.
I began to realize the other oddities of this situation.
The bed covers were not the color I remembered it was.
There are a stack of brightly colored books on the table.
The walls are in a slightly different shade.
And there is flip phone next to the books.
A flip phone?
I headed to the table to check that phone out.
It was a familiar object.
My old phone from a long time ago.
There were also schoolbooks and a calendar next to it. A calendar for year 200X.
I took a second look, suspecting my eyes had fooled me.
Isn't it the year 201X?
I checked the date in my phone and it showed the same date.
5th November 200X.
Is this another dream? A dream in a dream?
I gave myself a pinch.
It hurts.
Unconvinced, I slapped my face hard.
I nearly collapsed from that slap.
Raising the flip phone at eye height, I began examining the thing.
It's a phone from the 'L' brand and it really seemed to be my old phone.
It has all my songs that I remember being obsessed with.
It has messges from people that I haven't talked to in a long time.
What is this absurd situation? I traveled back in time like that fantasy sageuk* drama?
Feeling a peculiar sense of suffocation, I opened the window of my room, and I saw a scenery that was so familiar yet different from the year 201X.
It feels uncanny.
Familiar but uncanny, like something I would see in a dream.
I watched the skies while my brain got consumed by thoughts.
I had gone back in time to when I was 15 years old.
What was it like when I was 15?
I remember hating school and doing a lot of acting.
I can't remember much else.
My life has been involved with acting for a long time. Especially in these years.
When I was this age, I received fairly a lot of offers to appear briefly in dramas as the younger version of particularly crucial characters, even a few female leads.
The offers gradually began to reduce as I grew up.
It's something that happened to a lot of child actors and I wasn't an exception.
I had a hard time establishing myself as something else than a child actress and finding roles due to my mediocre quality.
Mediocre looks and mediocre acting.
Things got even worse when I got let go by my agency, 'Agency N'.
Although that agency was barely helpful for my career, my situation changed for the worse. It became something comparable to finding a needle in the ocean from finding a needle in a haystack.
In the end, I just have to settle with getting minor and extra roles to continue acting.
I always loved acting. It always felt like something that I should do, and I wanted to keep pursuing acting, but it's getting more difficult.
I went from audition to audition, but the roles that I received could be counted by one hand.
Even if I got accepted, some projects just didn't get aired and I could still be replaced in the last minute.
"Ha-na!! Go down and eat your dinner!!."
A loud voice interrupted my musings.
Is that my mom?
Her voice brought me a wave of comfort.
She has always told me to chase my dreams and to do what I want.
What is the good of that? I did everything I wanted to, but it lead me nowhere...
Think about something else, like...I don't know, this whole situation with the time travel?
The idea that I managed to somehow time travel is still weighing on my brain. I can't think of a reason why it happened to me. I probably got into a car accident, but I did nothing to warrant time travel.
That day, I was just doing what I usually do, there was nothing out of the ordinary.
"Ha-na!!!! Dinner!!!!"
I wanted to think more about this strange phenomenon, but my mom has always had something about eating dinner in time.
I'll have to think about it later.
"Yeah!!! I'm going downstairs!!".