I didn't feel it when I was acting, but now when I finally had time to relax, I just feel exhausted.
Everything was tied up quite neatly, I said goodbye to the crew and Jang Hye-jin seonbae-nim and went back home with my mom.
"Since when are you interested in politics Ha-na?"
"I don't know, I'm just suddenly interested."
"Usually at this time, you would watching some drama. I remember that you are watching that melo...what's it called?"
"Uhhh, um..."
The TV screen flashed and showed an ad of some snack.
"Ahh, that ad again, they're really trying to sell it aren't they?"
"Yeah, it's expensive and unhealthy, really something with no benefit."
That was close.
There is only one scene left for me to film.
Unless they decide to add another episode, today should have been the shoot for my last scene.
This morning, we received news that Tae-hyeon is now recuperating from an attack.
It wasn't on the news yet.
It was so out of the blue that I was quite surprised by it.
From what ai heard, in the previous shoot, someone attacked Tae-hyeon when he was alone.
Thus, depending on Tae-hyeon's recovery my supposed last scene is delayed or even cancelled entirely.
Oh well....I guess there is nothing I could do about it.
Good thing it was only the last scene.
Now that I think of it, didn't I see someone suspicious?
The red figure flashed in my eyes.
Still, I couldn't be sure if that's the culprit.
This whole thing makes me think though.
Did the culprit attack Sobg Tae-hyeon because of himself, or is it because of his father?
It's been a quiet few days.
No news
No info
No nothing about Song Tae-hyeon.
At least until couple of officers, one young one older, went to our house to ask for our testimonials.
It was quite fast.
"I'm really sorry to disturb both of you today. As both of you may have heard already there was a case concerning actor Song Tae-hyeon."
"We are here to ask about both of your experiences that day, so feel free to mention anything important."
My mom spoke, "Oh yes, I hope he's alright. We would try to help as much as we can."
"Alright, can you please explain what happened that day in a chronological order?"
My mom gave them a simple rundown of events.
I pitched some words whenever she forgot something.
"Did any of you see anything weird that day?"
"No, I thought everything is just as normal."
"Well, I saw a suspicious extra and reported it to FD Kim. It seemed nothing had happened so I thought it was the end of it."
"Yes, FD Kim mentioned that to me. A guy in a red hoodie wasn't it?"
"What exactly made you feel suspicious," For the first time the older officer spoke up.
He looked like a familiar figure, as if I had seen him in those police reality shows.
"I can't say what exactly. I think he's just suspicious. He kind of looks really gloomy and it made me a bit uncomfortable. It might be my overreaction, but I thought it's better to state my concerns."
"I see, do you remember anything other than his clothes?"
"I can't remember anything in particular, he sort of hid his face with the hood too."
"Alright, that's okay."
"Is there something odd with Song Tae-hyeon that day?"
"Song Tae-hyeon? He seemed like usual to me."
"You two don't seem close, unlike in the drama."
They have stopped focusing on my mom.
"Well, you can't be close with everyone you meet, but acting is play pretend. Song Tae-hyeon and me has always been a bit awkward, but it's fine as long as we both work well together."
"I heard it's worse than that though, some people said you two seemed to be quite tense on set."
I glanced at his name tag.
Detective Kim Young-soo
"Well, since both of you seem to already know. I'll just tell you the truth."
"Song Tae-hyeon just gave me an attitude for no reason since the beginning."
"He would stare at me gloomily and behave in a way that could not be mistaken as friendliness. Maybe he has his own reasons to not like me, so I just stayed away."
It's better to tell an omitted truth than lie.
"I see."
"However, since we are a couple of sorts in the show, I tried to conceal it so it won't disrupt the drama. I guess I just did it subconsciously earlier since I've been doing it for so long."
I pasted a slightly downcast look in my face.
"I mean, everyone tries to be nice in the surface, but sometimes you can feel their dislike you know. It doesn't feel good, but you have to deal with it."
"Ha-na, you never told me this?"
"Sorry eomma, I just didn't want to worry you, besides no one ever said anything bad to me directly, so it's still okay."
Seeing the mother-daughter moment, Detective Kim's harsh gaze softened slightly.
Well, I hope they wouldn't bother us anymore.
Standing in front of an urn.
Nails digging into his palm.
Blood dripping on the floor.