'Spring Breeze' finished airing the main episodes in the summer. I remember reading some jokes about how the breeze is over and the blaze is taking over since the drama turned chaotic for a bit.
It was a bright but hot day and our setting for today is the fields near Yeon-gyeong's house.
I could already feel some sweat forming on my forehead.
Aftet getting my makeup and wardobe done, I was just standing by.
I saw Tae-hyeon covered in thick makeup, hiding scars that aren't hidden by clothes.
But even all that couldn't hide how he was in a bad condition.
He looked pale and breathless, as if the slightest bit of wind would just blow him away.
He is sitting on a chair, a couple of crutches next to him.
He was in a worse condition compared to what I expected.
I wouldn't force myself to still act if I still have a hard time walking, to each of their own perhaps.
He noticed my look and I gave him a nod.
He looked away first, his face blank.
We have our issues but after all it's better to just end it cleanly and not make unnecessary enemies.
Tae-hyeon did not make a fuss either.
"Ha-na-ya. Fighting!"
"Yes, I will."
I moved to the marked area.
"Everyone one your positions!"
"Camera and sound set! Action!"
I immersed myself in the role of Yeon-gyeong for maybe the last time.
It was summer and Yeon-gyeong is practicing as usual.
The intervals between the sounds of the drawn bow and arrows hitting the target is amazingly regular.
Yeon-gyeong is focused, one her eyes is squinted, there are few beads of sweat rolling from her forehead.
As Yeon-gyeong planned to pluck the arrows from the target, she heard a familiar voice, "Yeon-gyeong-ah!"
It was Ki-beom.
Yeon-gyeong's face bloomed like the spring.
She ran towards him, "Ki-beom-ah!"
Her arms opened wide, aiming for a hug that is well received by Ki-beom.
I better not put too much weight on this kid, what if he completely crashed down.
"I missed you."
Ki-beom went on a family trip.
"It was just a few days."
"Still, I missed you."
Their eyes looked like the glittering stars, filled with happiness and love.
In the beautiful summer field, Yeon-gyeong dragged Ki-beom away.
The camera zoomed out until the two was barely seen.
Tae-hyeon collapsed immediately as his manager brought the chair over.
He was out breath and somehow looked even paler despite all the makeup.
The loving and warm atmosphere was gone. There remained only a plain sense of perfunctoriness.
I went to review my footage.
Everything seemed fine in general. They might film a bit more just in case.
I got my makeup touched up and clothes tidied.
We went for a more takes and then it's finally done.
I couldn't keep my happiness contained, it's great that it is done.
"Song Tae-hyeon do you remember your attacker's face?"
"No, it happened so quickly."
"I see, do you remember anything else? Like his height or his clothes?"
"He was pretty much my height, probably a bit taller. He was wearing red."
"Then I shall pass on as part of them!"
This foreign movie is really a classic.
It's always good to watch even in 201X
I am now a regular customer at the disk rental shop.
The owner even gave me some discounts.
"Hana-ya, I thought you cured your drama addiction, turns out you just switched to movies."
"Yeah that's true," I replied with a smile.
"At least you can learn other languages while watching foreign movies. Those dramas on the other hand...Tsk..Tsk.."
I chuckled.
"Yeah, I'm trying to learn english after all."
"Ohhh, are you going to choose that for university?"
"I'm not sure..."
"Don't worry too much about it, you still have time."
It's crazy that I am an adult and I still don't know what to do with my life. How are kids supposed to be able to do this?
They are asked to make such an important decision early on.
It's weird isn't it?
'Spring Breeze' ended up nicely.
Everyone seemed to gain a certain amount of fame, even me.
I already I few role offers already, although most of them feel like Yeon-gyeong version 2.
I rejected all of them, none of it really interested me and I really have to focus on my studies since I wasn't planning to become an full-time actress this time around.
Soo-hyeon was shocked by how much I am studying, I guess it might feel like a tiny betrayal among bad students.
In the end she begrudgingly studied as well, muttering about how she wouldn't flunk alone.
You know, it's good influence for her. After all she had a few financial problems later on.
The student fell down instantly, blood seeping on the ground.
"You! It's really you!"
The other two students went for an attack, but the culprit had a weapon and didn't care about his own wellbeing in the least.
Soon the two were also lying on the ground.