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Minjae drove straight to the hospital where her sister was admitted, it was her father's hospital___ the same hospital where her parent were confirmed dead. She drove with full speed, without regards for anyone or anything in her way.

Upon arriving to the hospital, Minjae drove into the vip section will reckless speed and parked there. As she just sat in the car emotionless, she sighed, her fingers clutched the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white, then slowly rested her forehead on the wheel, as she inhaled and exhaled deeply

"...the reason for the crash is because the break failed, but by the look of things it didnt just happened due to the car malfunctioning.... Some one had tampared with it... Intentionally." she recalled the mechanic telling her about the cause of the car crash, the weight of the mechanic word, echoed in her mind.

Minjae was greeted by the top tier doctor in the hospital, Who led her straight to her sisters room while her guard followed behind___ensuring she was secured, as she is now the only surviving child of the Choi family.

When she got to the private room, she stoped at the room door step, as she spotted her niece, Lee Min ah___Choi Min sol's 16 years old daughter from her previous husband.

The young girl was sitting beside her mother, sobbing. "Mina" Minjae called as Min ah turned, her face hardend with a glare, and then back to her mother. Then Minjae walked to her and grabed her hand, immediately she pushed her hand away and stands up facing her aunty___the Choi family had tall gene in them, as the young girl was almost reaching the height of Minjae Who is also very tall.

"isnt this what you wish for? Now my mother is here, im sure you are very happy about it" the girl snearled glaring fiercly at Minjae, mean while Minjae did not even flinch and was not ready for any arguement as she turned to the guards at the door step and said "take her home" she said in the most calmest tone as one of the men walked in and held her as the girl started struggling

"let go!" she yelled hitting the man

Then Minjae held her hand from hitting him further and next thing, she landed a slap right across Min ah's face, as the young girl stiffen with her eyes opened wide, while tears dropped out.

The doctors present stiffend,started by the scene in front of them and the intense atmosphere which it has now created in the room.

"Your mum is'nt dead, mine are," she said coldly "stop making a scene, get a grip and go home" she said

Min ah sobbed inwardly, just then the other guard walked in and they both took her away while she just followed quietly without resistance,

Minjae turned to the doctor, her expression unchanged, without saying a word the doctors bowed and exited,

"Jung shin." she called the other guard that just stood few steps away from the door__ he was her personal guard.

"when the lawyer arrives, let him in." she instructed as he just bowed, then she walked to the door and closed it.

Minjae turned back to her sister and walked slowly to her bedside, as she just watched her in silence,___all this while she had refused to see her sister, this was her first time seeing her sister, in this state.

She gazed blankly at her sister, her eyes taking in all the tiny details, the scar on her neck and hand, her puffy eyes, her dry lips, and the many wires that were connected to her body. Minjae's expression didnt shake at the sight, but her taught were already shattered at this point, just then the room door opened as an elderly man with a briefcase walked in___the family lawyer.

The lawyer and Minjae sat by Min sol bedside, both facing each other. Minjae began, 

"you refused bringing about the will left by my father, the reasons, best known to you." she said

"your sister is suppose to be present, when i read the will" he explaimed

"Just as i taught" she smirked "well, as you can see now, my sister is right here" she added as the lawyer nodded, then he took out a file from his brief case. He began reading the will aloud while she listened intentively,

"your father left all his companies to your sister Min sol except one, which is Orange Corp State, known as OCE FIRM"

"Never heard of it, what is that?" she asked

"its an old company, that was created by your grand father, Theres little to no information about the company, as it seemed to have been abandoned a long time ago, however, you can Check it out, this is the location" he said handing her a small card.

Minjae studied the card, reading the detail

"My father promised he wont let me have any of his company, so, on his quest to fulfill that, he gave me the company he inherited from his father and abandoned, how merciful of him, although im a bit confused___ how exactly did he expect me to revive a dead company" she smirked "He is indeed a man of his word dont you think?" She asked, her gaze now at the lawyer Who nodded awkwardly.

"although he left you some of his asset," the lawyer said as he gave her a paper "two hotel's, one in jeju island, and the other in busan, and an estate here in seoul" he explained as she just nodded while she just read the writing's on the paper.

"Choi estate" she read out as he nodded, then she turned to him

" So, what is going to happen to Min sol share now__Choi Coorp, and the others" she asked slipping the card and the paper in her purse.

"While she is still in coma, and her daughter is underage, you, as her direct family and legal Guardian would have to manager them for the time being" he explains as she just nodded, not suprised at all.

The lawyer continued as he streched a small flash drive to her "you father left this for you," he said "its a video tape that he wants you to have, he also left another for your sister, but Since she is in this state, i will have to wait for her to wake up but..." he hesistated "if she doesn't, then i will hand it to you" as he stated the possibility of her not waking up, Minjae shoulder slumped as she turned her gaze to her sister beside her.

Just then the lawyer stood to leave but then turned back to her, "a piece of advice," he said as she turned to him.

"you can make it Big with the firm your father left you, you can revive it, especially now that you will become the CEO of CHNs company. You can prove everyone wrong and make your family proud, Keep their name alive, the fate of Choi dynasty lies in your palm. I have worked with your family for ages starting with your grand father, i know your grand father to be a very wise man,and i know he saw something in you and that is why he named you the next heir, and i too want to believe he made no mistake" he said "just be strong" he added and then went off.

After he left, the room fell silent. Minjae just stared into empty space, suddenly she chuckled then she turned back to her sister

"Unni did you hear that? He said the fate of our family lies in my palm," she laughed again, "father must be throwing fit wherever he is now. For a while i doubted that father is dead, but i think i just confirmed it now__ he should have burst out from the ground by now, just to avoid the present situation, but he cant" she said "cuz hes dead" she added

Her smile slowly faded as she mentioned the word 'dead'.

"mum and dad..." she paused "are both....dead?" she slightly gasped as if trying to process the reality that she had been avoiding. Tears began to form in her eyes

"And you?...." tears rolled down her eyes, "i only said words i didnt mean... How could you guys take it so seriously?" she asked, her voice shaking, as she contuniously wipe off the tears that kept escaping her already dewy eyes.

"Yes i wanted the company, but not like this. Not now, not this way. I only asked for one company....Just one. And now im loaded with eight companies, all at once, and what now? The fate of the whole family?" she began sobbing

"please just come back..." her voice shaked helplessly as she cried painfully gripping her sisters hand "mum.... Dad..."

While she cried her voice faintly came out from the room, jung shin Who was standing by the door, having overheard her pain, quietly turned and left, exhaling deeply as he walked away.

Unni is a Korean term used by a younger female to refer to her older sister.