
The girl wept, asking Paul for forgiveness. She knew she had been an accomplice to the crimes, forced into actions that had stained her hands. Paul, sensing her sincerity, understood that she was also a victim. He was willing to forgive her, but he saw this as an opportunity to gather information.

Paul accepted the girl's apology and asked to speak with her in private. She agreed, and they left together. Others watched as they disappeared into the encroaching darkness, the tall grass swallowing them whole.

Walking beside Paul, who hovered slightly above the ground, the rising moon cast an ethereal glow over them. After a few minutes, Paul finally said, "I think this place is far enough."

The girl nodded. Paul spoke gently, "Can you tell me everything?"

Her eyes filled with sadness, and she began to speak. "My name is Juna. When I was a child, bandits took me."

Juna's voice trembled, but she continued, "On my twelfth birthday, I discovered I had a gift—a unique ability to search. I was overjoyed at first, but the bandits found out and exploited it."

"They made me find people with rare abilities. Once I located them, the bandits would plan attacks to capture these people. Soon, they returned with more captives, who they sold into slavery," she said, pausing to wipe away her tears.

"I've been their prisoner for years. If I disobeyed, they'd hurt me or starve me. My ability has caused so much suffering. Then one day, I saw you. In my vision, you and your people were living peacefully in a village. I longed for that life, and for a moment, I smiled. But my joy was short-lived. The master saw my expression and demanded to know what I had seen. I had no choice but to tell him." Juna's voice cracked as she knelt before Paul, pleading for forgiveness.

Paul felt her pain. He took her hand, gently helping her to her feet. His voice was calm and reassuring. "You did what you had to do to survive, Juna. I don't blame you. My people have sacrificed for their beliefs, and now you are safe. They will never hurt you again. Go, start your new life in the city."

With Paul's comforting words, Juna wept as if his forgiveness had cleansed her soul. They stayed there for a while, as Paul asked her for more information about the crocodile dragon.

He learned his hunch was correct—the bandits and the crocodile dragon were not connected. It was only by chance that the bandits exploited the dragon's attack to abduct the villagers and his parents. He also learned, to his dismay, that Juna could only track people, not monsters.

As the night deepened, Paul and Juna decided to make their way back to the group, talking along the way. Juna expressed her amazement that despite Paul's missing limbs, he was still strong.

She also asked about his ability to fly until they reached the camp. Paul then warmly introduced her to the rest of the group, who welcomed her with open arms. They all gathered for a meal and engaging conversation that lasted well into the night, finally retiring to bed after hours of lively discussion and getting to know each other.

When morning came, the group set out on their journey toward the City of Paran, using the wagons and horses that once belonged to the bandits to ease their travel. The road ahead was long and winding, stretching out before them with miles to go before they would reach the city. 

Chris, the high-ranking adventurer among them, took the lead, his face set with determination. He was committed to ensuring that all the captives they had rescued would be able to return home or reintegrate into normal life. The faces of those they had saved, filled with hope and relief, fueled his resolve. Paul and the rest of his group had agreed to accompany Chris.

As they traveled, the group discussed their plans. Chris spoke of the City of Paran, a bustling hub of trade and culture, where the guild headquarters stood. He was eager to report the successful outcome of their hard-fought battle. The thought of sharing the victory filled him with pride; one less criminal group to terrorize the city meant safety and peace for countless people. 

The five companions traveled together in the same wagon. As they reintroduced themselves, they found common ground and recognized their potential as a team. They shared a goal of exploring the world and gaining new experiences. They also discovered they had a similar fate: all were orphaned. This realization drew them even closer, and they began to see each other as brothers, united by their shared experiences and love for adventure.

Eijay, Rhyz, and Jeyel first met at a local orphanage in a country devastated by a catastrophic flood a decade ago. The disaster had wiped out many villages, but the three of them had survived. Despite coming from different villages, they formed an unbreakable bond and became inseparable. To support themselves, they honed their skills to become licensed hunters, working together to meet their daily needs.

In contrast, high in the mountains, Zaell lived alone in a small cabin after the passing of his beloved grandmother two years ago. Since then, he has faced the challenges of survival while traveling through various regions of the world. Despite the hardships, Zaell managed to make a modest living.

After sharing their stories, they agreed to stay together as a group, calling one another brothers. They then planned their activities for when they arrived in the city. Paul expressed his desire to tour the city and, as soon as possible, obtain a hunter's license. Similarly, Zaell needed to renew his license.

"Once I have my hunter's license, I'd like all of you to join me on a hunting expedition," Paul said, hinting at an adventure.

In response, the group nodded enthusiastically. They were excited about the idea of hunting and eager to learn more about it.

"After getting my license, I need to consult the guild to gather information on a certain monster—something I learned about from my father. I can assure you, it's going to be a tough challenge," Paul said, his expression growing serious as he spoke about the monster.

"Can you give us a clue? What exactly are we up against?" Jeyel asked, his curiosity evident.

"In my hometown, I fought an entity that not only took away my ability to walk but also destroyed my entire village," Paul revealed, his eyes glowing an eerie green. The group felt the gravity of the situation as they saw the subtle aura around their friend.

"Paul, hold on a second. Before all that, you need new prosthetic limbs. Also, it won't be easy to wield a bow with just one arm," Zaell pointed out, concerned.

Paul reassured them, "No need to worry. We can visit my friend. She has the skills to craft me a new prosthetic arm and legs." He omitted details about his friend's expertise.

"I can craft a prosthetic limbs for you. I've never mentioned this before, but I'm actually an inventor," Rhyz said, revealing his skill for creating innovative solutions.

"Wow! Really? Thank you so much, Bro Rhyz. I'm excited to see what you come up with. Your offer has me absolutely thrilled!" Paul expressed his gratitude, eagerly anticipating Rhyz's work.

"I'll need to know your size so I can craft it perfectly for you, and I'll also need some funds for materials once we reach town," Rhyz said, his voice trailing off as he settled into a makeshift bed of blankets and cushions. "But for now, I could really use some rest. I was on guard duty last night and had to keep watch to make sure nothing sneaked up on us."

The sun was bright, and the wind was chilly, making it a perfect moment for a brief respite. As Rhyz lay down, his breathing gradually slowed, and he began to drift into a well-deserved slumber. With that, he closed his eyes, letting the rhythmic motion of the moving wagon lull him to sleep.

Paul was thrilled when he heard the news about Rhyz's offer to craft him a new set of prosthetics. He eagerly anticipated that the outcome would be as impressive as the prosthetic Dellie had created for him, which had already exceeded his expectations. The thought of having such skillful support from his new companions filled him with gratitude. 

Paul was deeply appreciative of how his new family had consistently proven themselves to be dependable and supportive. Their unwavering commitment to each other and their shared adventures had forged a bond that Paul valued greatly. As he thought about the future, he felt a renewed sense of hope and excitement, knowing he could rely on his friends as he faced the challenges ahead.