WAKE UP! Part 2

Esquimo sits there in silence, not having the answers either. Cordayl stands to his feet, "Esquimo, I need you to take me to the Youtound Kingdom." he demands.

"What for?" Esquimo ask.

"Maybe returning there might jog my memory and give me the answers I need," Cordayl responds

Esquimo understands and stands up also. "Alright, let me fetch the horses."

"No need, I'll run," Cordayl replies.

"Well, I'm not. Just meet me out front. I'll be there soon."

Stepping outside, Cordayl sees Esquimo's son standing across the yard sitting under a tree, sharpening his weapon. Abram sees Cordayl and stares back at him with a hate that can be felt miles away.

Cordayl ignores it and Esquimo pulls up beside him on his horse. "Let's go," Esquimo says, and Cordayl doesn't need to hear anything more as he takes off running in stride with Esquimo.

As they travel to the Kingdom, Cordayl is breathing hard as he is out of shape after so many months of inactivity, but that doesn't stop him from taking in the scenery of the land as he travels to their destination.

The thing is though, the further they get away from Esquimo's estate, the less there is to look at. All there is is debris, broken rocks, and bigger broken

rocks. Besides that, the whole area seems to be flat and level.

Esquimo finally brings his horse to a stop, and Cordayl stops and throws his hands on top of his head, trying to catch his breath. "You run pretty well for a lad that's been asleep for 7 months." Esquimo comments.

"Thanks." Cordayl replies, his breathing starting to regulate. Looking around and observing the open area that seems to stretch on for miles in all directions, Cordayl realizes they must be here.

"This is it?" Cordayl ask.

"Yup," Esquimo answers. "Where we're standing now is about where the old town bell used to be, give or take a block or two. But the bell stood exactly in the middle of the kingdom."

Cordayl is speechless as he stands in the middle of what used to be a kingdom, now lying as flat and empty as a desert. He walks forward a few steps. With his back now to Esquimo, he closes his eyes and tries his hardest to remember what happened that day, but it's no use, all he can see is darkness.

"That day, I was riding back from a fishing trip with Abram. The sun was starting to set, and you know when it does, the sky gets all colorful as if the creator got bored and wanted to paint a picture. It was beautiful. But then it got dark. I looked up to see the color out of the sky sucked away by the black hole you created, eating everything around it. I could hear nothing, but from where I was standing, I could feel the vibrations from even the mountains that you began to uproot. Never in my life had I seen such a sight of power. And you don't even remember it." Esquimo tells Cordayl.

"But it didn't last long, maybe 7-10minutes at most. Then suddenly it was like the darkness, swallowed itself. There was this enormous explosion of sound and power that swept across the whole country. As the rocks and rubble finished raining down, I saw something tiny fall from the sky. I sent Abram home and went to investigate. As I neared your location though, a hate started to fill my heart, as I sped through my wasted homeland. Nothing remained, not even the front gates that stood tall for over a thousand years. Not the Palace I retired from, not the market I traded at, not even the school I received my education from. I questioned if I was on a drug or under an illusion because all of it was gone. As if it were never there. The only thing that was left in my destroyed home was you, and I planned to shove my weapon into your chest until my hand broke. But as I got closer, my heart dropped. I saw your hair and hoped to the heavens you weren't you. But of course you were. With a gash the length of a dog's tail across your forehead. Now that I think about it, that's probably what is responsible for the amnesia. Anyway, after that-"

"Esquimo I'm sorry." Cordayl cuts him off.

"For what, lad?" Esquimo ask.

"This." Cordayl answers. "I keep trying, and trying, and trying, to remember what consumed my being to make me do this, but I can't. I see nothing. It's dark inside. And I feel terrible." A tear escapes from Cordayl's closed eyes and he quickly wipes it away.

"It's fine, lad. I know you-"

Cordayl interrupts him again. "That's the problem! You know, but I don't. And I don't believe that is the reason why. I need to know why. I need answers!"

"Why? Besides me, there isn't anyone alive who knows what really happened to you on that day. The world doesn't even know if you are still alive. You can't undo any of this. But what you can do is leave and start a new life. I know you deserve that." Esquimo tells him.

"But what good would that do? Living in a world full of strangers with the biggest one being myself?" Cordayl responds. "Why did I do this?"

Esquimo walks up and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Laddie, I can help you. I know of a woman with amazing abilities beyond understanding. If we can reach her, you might have a chance at regaining your memory and finding your answers."

"Cool," Cordayl says before taking a deep breath. "Give me her name and point in a direction," Cordayl tells Esquimo.

"Did I say I can help? I meant I will help," Esquimo corrects himself.

"No it's fine Esquimo, I know old men don't like to travel much in their later years," Cordayl tries to politely decline.

"Lad, you call me old again, and I'll cut you. Besides you're going to need some assistance on this trip. Once the world learns you're still alive, you'll instantly become a wanted man. You need someone like me, a natural socializer, and master of disguise to get you around under the radar. Plus I owe you one, probably two," Esquimo responds.

"If you say so. Alright lets go!" Cordayl says taking off at full speed.

"Wait, lad!" Esquimo shouts stopping Cordayl in his tracks. "Wrong way," Esquimo shouts, spurring his horse and then riding off in the other direction. Cordayl makes a straight face, then races to catch up.

The moon is out when they get back to Esquimo's estate, Esquimo hops off of his horse telling Cordayl he will be back in a few minutes. Cordayl says okay and walks around the yard. Approaching the tree he saw Abram at earlier, Cordayl puts his hand on the old tree and can still feel its strength.

Then Cordayl hears a voice "Move your head." Although he questions it, his body reacts anyway, and he finds an axe exactly where his head was a second prior.

Looking at the weapon, a stunned Cordayl turns his gaze towards the direction of who threw it and sees Abram armored up and angry.

Confused, Cordayl opens his mouth to say something, but Abram beats him to it.

"I care not that you are my father's guest. You are a monster and deserve to die a death worse than the ones you have caused," Abram says advancing cautiously towards Cordayl.

Cordayl starts walking backward trying to keep distance between Abram and himself as he tries to persuade Abram to stop his attack. "Yo, I know what I did, but you have to understand, I don't remember anything about any of it."

"And because of that, you are innocent?" Abram lunges at Cordayl. Cordayl avoids the attack and his fear and heartbeat increase.

"I'm not saying I'm innocent but I might not be completely guilty," Cordayl responds.

"I don't care! Innocent lives were lost and it was because of you. I will avenge them even if it cost me my life!" Abram boldly states, charging at Cordayl. Cordayl sees this angry man with a sword and instantly starts running away.

Cordayl is running around the yard, dodging slashes and strikes as best as he can. Then a voice in his head asks him "Why are you running from this chump?"

Cordayl is confused but responds internally as he keeps avoiding the attacks from Abram. "Who's voice is this?"

"It's yours!" the voice responds. "I'm the you that isn't a complete pussy. I'm the you that is telling you to stop running and check this little man in his daddy's armor. Stop running!" the voice yells.

"Shut up!" Cordayl responds out loud.

"No, you shut up!" Abram responds angrily.

Cordayl is still being chased around the yard as Esquimo returns. Standing at the front door, Esquimo is speechless as he watches Abram chase Cordayl around the yard.

Cordayl trips over a thick root, and while trying to keep his balance, Abram catches up to him. With a strong sweep of his sword, he knocks Cordayl off of his feet and sends him flying into the base of the old tree, shaking every branch the tree has grown.

Esquimo watches in fear as he waits to see how Cordayl responds. Esquimo feels the atmosphere change and grips his sword in anticipation.

Cordayl stands up and brushes himself off. A vein pops onto his head and now his aura is different. Dropping his broken sword and pulling out a short axe, Abram approaches again in confidence. "That was just a taste, Diablo. Now prepare for death," Abram shouts, as he dives in and attacks Cordayl with a barrage of slashes.

Cordayl doesn't move a muscle and takes the full fury of the attack head-on. As Abram tires, his panting becoming audible, Cordayl stands there, locks barely hiding the anger in his eyes.

Exhausted, Abram tries one last swing, and Cordayl catches the blade in his hand. Then he squeezes the metal and it bends in his hand like play-doh.

Pushing Abram away from him, Abram looks at Cordayl and freezes in fear as he gets a look at Cordayl's eyes through the shadows. Abram's whole body trembles at just one stare from him.

Now the tables are turned, as a pissed-off Cordayl approaches Abram, who is now the one back peddling in fear. Esquimo quickly jumps in, begging Cordayl to forgive his son for his stupidity.

Cordayl calms down and returns to his normal mood, walking away and heading into the house.

Abram snaps at Esquimo "My stupidity father!? You're aiding and abetting the biggest killer in history and I'm the stupid one!?"

"Watch your tone, boy. Do you not realize I just saved your life?" Esquimo scolds his son.

"What about their lives? You lost friends just as I did. Your home was destroyed. A home you swore to protect and yet you are here feeding and riding around with the man responsible."

Cordayl walks out of the house wearing a new shirt. "I'm ready when you are," Cordayl shouts as he stands by Esquimo's horse.

"Is that my shirt?" Abram ask.

Esquimo returns his attention to his son "Abram, you wouldn't understand."

"I don't want to understand! I don't care! As I see it, you are a traitor" Abram tells his father. Looking past his father, Abram shouts to Cordayl. "Hear me now Diablo, the next time we meet will be the last time we meet. I promise you that!"

"And if you get in my way, I will destroy you too," Abram tells his father, venom in his eyes and tone. Then he runs away, whistling for his horse. Jumping on his steed, Abram rides away in anger.

Esquimo's eyes water some, but he quickly dismisses his feelings and returns to his horse. Esquimo hands Cordayl a jacket before jumping onto his steed.

"I'm good," Cordayl responds.

"It's more for you to hide your hair than for the weather Lad," Esquimo explains.

"Let's ride." He tells Cordayl who just nods and follows along Esquimo's horse as they race off.

"Why did he keep calling me Diablo?" Cordayl ask, jogging alongside Esquimo.