A Piss Line Between Love&Hate Part 1

A group of guards are battling against a pack of giant vicious wolves.

"Please escape through the forest. We will hold them here!" A guard shouts to the two royal siblings behind him.

The girl grabs her brother's arm. "This would be over if you jumped in," She tells him.

"Nonsense. If they can't defeat a pack of wild animals, they are unfit to call themselves guardians. We will do as he instructed and wait for them to return," The brother responds. Turning around, he grabs his sister's hand and runs to distance them from the battle.

Now sprinting through the forest, the brother's eyes jet to the left as he notices the dogs are on their heels already. "Utterly useless,"

The brother rolls his eyes as he straightens his hands like a knife. A rigid aura surrounds them as he prepares for combat.

A dog dives out to take his head off, and he quickly cuts it in half. Another sprints out to take a chomp out of his sister, and without breaking stride, he severs the creature's head off.

With the coast clear, the siblings slow down to catch their breath and realize they have run towards a cliff. Peering off the cliff's edge, the brother sheathes his weapon and prepares to climb down, but the sister refuses.

"Stop being a baby. It's either this or turn into dog food."

"No. If you don't subject yourself to protect a guard, I most certainly won't subject myself to rock climbing," the sister responds with her nose in the air.

"Fine," the brother sighs, "get on my back, and I will do all the climbing." The brother compromises.

"Not gonna happen. Your nasty back sweat will not ruin this garment." She replies.

The brother grows frustrated, but before he can cuss his sister out, a loud gunshot rings through the forest. Turning their attention towards the noise, the brother straightens his hands again as he prepares to handle whatever threat comes their way.

Seeing a giant tree trunk crashing through the forest and rolling straight towards them, the brother calms his nerves and swings his sword hands, unleashing a clean split of the wood, avoiding a head-on collision.

He smiles at his precision, as he sticks his leg out to slow the piece of bark that still rolls toward him.

The cut only helped him avoid a direct hit, though, as the trunk continued to roll straight toward his sister. The sister freezes, seeing the gigantic mass of bark rolling towards her.

Unable to move out of the way, the wood knocks her off of the cliff and sends her screaming towards a messy death.

The brother instinctively jumps off the cliff to catch his sister. Making it to her in time, the brother grabs her and spins around to cut up the remaining pieces of the tree that threaten to crush them upon landing.

With the air slashes doing their job, the brother tenses up and braces right before his back slams into the hard forest floor.

The sister winces upon impact but quickly shakes it off as she checks on her brother.

He weakly opens his eyes and smiles, knowing she is alright, before falling unconscious on the ground.

The sun is setting, and the sister knows they must find shelter soon. Using all her strength, she picks her brother up and drags him through the forest.

A group of bandits rummage through the battlefield, taking anything that looks valuable off of the dead guardians of the royal siblings. One of the bigger guys walks up to a guy with a mask on.

"Want us to run ahead and grab the brats, boss?" He asks.

"No rush. The problem is the brother. Those hands of his will cut down half of y'all before I can subdue him. But a spoiled spat like him having to survive in the forest and care for his sister will be nice and worn down when we catch up to them. Let's collect this extra loot first, then we'll go grab the big bounty," the boss coyly states.

Cordayl and Esquimo are roasting their s'mores when Cordayl perks up hearing a rustling in the woods.

"What is it, lad?" Esquimo asks, only worrying about his dessert.

"It's a girl." Cordayl states, "Looks like she's carrying someone too. And she's coming right towards us." Cordayl answers in a tired tone.

"Hope they like s'mores." Esquimo smiles as he pulls his marshmallow away from the flames.

Coming through the bushes, the girl smiles when she sees the campers but is paralyzed with fear when she notices whose campsite she has entered.

"Relax,". Cordayl says, sensing her fear. "Everything you hear from the news isn't true."

The girl hesitates, but she lets out the breath she had been holding and finally speaks, "My brother and I were being chased by creatures, and he ended up injured. Do you think you can assist us?"

"We're not doctors. Not sure what help we would be," Cordayl tells her.

"True, but maybe, you could escort us home then? I'm sure someone of your notoriety can easily manage a task so simple. Plus, I can pay you upon our return."

"Of course, we can assist you! Who would we be to leave the royal siblings of Yawron to fend for themselves in this dangerous forest?" Esquimo says, jumping at the sound of money.

Cordayl bends down to whisper, "Esquimo, no, they can be going in the complete opposite direction."

"They are going in the opposite direction, but let's not forget that we are eating s'mores for dinner right now," Esquimo reminds him. "Besides, you seem to be a magnet for royalty right now. It doesn't hurt to have some friends in high places."

Rolling his eyes, Cordayl straightens up. "We'll help you get home. First, let me grab him and set him down."

Cordayl moves to grab the brother, but suddenly, the brother's sharpened hand points at him.

"I'm confused. Is he sleeping or not?" Cordayl asks, scratching his head.

"I swear he was unconscious," The sister responds, just as confused.

"He most definitely is," Esquimo answers, looking up to see the brother's eyes closed. "How admirable," Esquimo chuckles.

"Sure is," Cordayl says, swatting away the weak flailing hand and taking the brother away from the sister. "Hope you like s'mores," Cordayl chuckles, getting a playful nudge from Esquimo.

The brother awakens a couple hours later when the moon is high in the sky. Sitting up, he feels his body ache in pain as he remembers the fall he sustained earlier.

Looking up, he sees his sister with a s'mores in her hand, happily chatting it up with the Diablo. His jaw drops, and he painfully hops to his feet. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Ohh, you're awake!" The sister says, seeing her brother. "Cordayl and Esquimo here have agreed to escort us home. All you have to do is relax and-"

"No such thing will happen. What do I look like walking into my home, escorted by the foulest human on the planet?" The brother scoffs.

"Funny coming from the guy who just walked over here holding his ribs the whole time. Like it or not, you are in no condition to fight right now, and we need all the help we can get," the sister states.

"Oh, I can fight. Do you want to verify that, Diablo?" the brother challenges, straightening his hand.

"You are being very rude to the people helping us, and I demand you to stand down and watch your tongue. I'm Sorry, Cordayl. He gets angry when he's hungry," the sister apologizes.

"That makes two of us," Cordayl's stomach growls as he stares at the brother.

"Let's get some sleep. We have an early day tomorrow," Esquimo reminds them from under his blanket

"Good idea!" The sister agrees, dragging her bag next to Cordayl's.

Cordayl looks up to see the brother seething in anger, "Cordayl? A stupid name," he mutters, as he stomps away to go back to sleep.

As everyone settles into their sleeping bags, Cordayl gets that feeling that tells him he has to go to the bathroom. Getting up, he walks away from the campsite to find a nice spot to piss at.

Finding a good spot, Cordayl starts to piss and is surprised when the twin sister pops up on him out of nowhere. "Hi!" She says excitedly.

Startled, Cordayl jumps around, trying to avoid an unfavorable situation with his johnson out. "Yo what the hell are you doing here?!"

"I saw you walking away, and I got worried that a bear or something might attack you," the twin says.

"That's sweet of you and all, but I just needed to go to the bathroom. So it would be much appreciated if you don't mind walking back to the campground so I can finish," Cordayl says, trying to shoo her away so he can finish in peace.

"Jeez, alright. I was just worried about you, is all," the twin says, with a little animosity.

Cordayl, still holding in his piss, lets out a sigh. "Look I appreciate the concern, but trust me, I am more than capable of taking care of myself. Just go back to sleep, and I'll see you in the morning."

The twin smiles, thinking Cordayl is warming up to her. "Okay, Cordayl. Just give me a goodnight kiss, and I'll be on my way," She says, puckering up.

"What! No! I am still trying to piss," Cordayl tells her.

"So what? Just turn your head to the side," She says, trying to kiss him.

"Yo chill!" Cordayl says. Jumping around, trying to avoid her as he can no longer hold it in.

"Just one kiss. A peck. And I'll go back to sleep," The relentless twin tells him.

"Yo, you're crazy!" Cordayl tells her, continuing to avoid her. Concluding his urination, Cordayl pulls his pants up. When he looks up, the twin kisses him on the lips and gets a nice steamy make out, inches from a stream of piss.

As the two depart, the twin is love-struck, while Cordayl looks at her and thinks, "WTF?"

"You're a good kisser," The twin says, regathering herself.

"Uhm, thank you," Cordayl slowly accepts the compliment.

Then Cordayl is hit with a massive aura slice, sending him flying through the woodlands and out into a conveniently open space. He catches himself and skids to a halt.

Flexing his jaw around, Cordayl clenches it next, as he is upset at the random sneak attack.

Suddenly, a tree approaches Cordayl at alarming speeds. Cordayl, already pissed off, holds up two fingers. Splitting the tree in half.

Cordayl and the brother stare at each other, anger in their gazes. "I knew trusting you was foolish. But that's okay. I'll let my fist be the last kiss you ever receive," The twin states.

"Whatever. I'm sure I'll still get paid even with you having a few more broken bones." Cordayl says in unison with the voice.

The brother smirks, and rushes in to clash with Cordayl.