Never Meet Your Heroes Part 2

The energy the hero is harvesting in his fist starts to shine as its power peaks.

Looking up at his target, the hero smirks, "Farewell, Diablo." Then, he rips through the air like a laser toward Cordayl. "Speed of Power!"

The impact and speed of the punch send the hero crashing through the construction site.

He destroys and uplifts the machinery and metal beams, sending them flying and rolling out of the area.

The dust settles, and the hero's smirk vanishes as he realizes Cordayl has caught the punch. Before the punch could land, Cordayl stepped aside and grabbed the hero's fist as the punch was thrown.

"You dragged me a lot further than I estimated." Cordayl applauds him.

The hero's hand is smoking and slightly injured, but not as much as his ego. That was one of his most powerful attacks, and The Diablo caught it like a baseball.

Cordayl turns his head to see the leveled construction site. "Not bad. Not nearly enough, but not bad."

The hero rips his hand free and grimaces as he rushes in to resume his attack on Cordayl.

Cordayl dodges most of the hits, but this only makes the hero angrier as his punches come faster and more ferocious.

As the barrage of fists is raining down on Cordayl, Cordayl realizes he is playing defense.

The superhero is not letting up one bit. Each hit gets stronger and stronger as they land and start to tear through Cordayl's guard.

"He's a momentum fighter." Cordayl hears Esquimo's voice remind him. "The more hits he lands, the more hits he wants to land."

"So stop letting him hit you." The voice yells.

"Shut up. It's part of the plan." Cordayl says, continuing to allow the hero to get his licks off as he dodges or counters the punches with one of his own.

Cordayl finally goes on the offensive, sweeping low and kicking the hero's leg out from under him. The superhero stumbles and barely has time to put a hand up to shield his face from getting cracked in half.

Cordayl bounces around on his toes before slithering in low to attack. The superhero defends well, and the two exchange fisticuffs in a beautiful display of power.

The two match a punch, and the impact separates both of them.

Skidding to a stop, the superhero finds himself breathing hard. Wiping his mouth, he notices his lip is busted.

He goes to wipe the blood off and realizes that his hand is swollen, making his anger silently rocket.

He knows who he is fighting, but he doesn't care. No one should be able to even lay a finger on the strongest hero on earth. Looking up, he grits his teeth as he notices Cordayl laughing.

Cordayl gracefully lands on his feet a distance away. Looking down at his fist, He notices the steam coming off of his hand from the impact and smirks.

Clutching his fist, he finds himself laughing. Deciding to fight for real now, Cordayl ties his hair back.

"This fight is promising." the voice gets excited.

"Hell yeah it is," Cordayl responds as he takes off running at the hero. The hero happily meets him in the middle, and the two start throwing hands again.

With one fighting in anger and the other fighting in bliss, the fight is full of passion as the two do everything they can to walk away victorious.

The two are even locked into a staring contest as they catch their breath.

"It's time I ended this, " the hero announces, standing tall, as his aura erupts in the scene.

"You took the words out of my mouth," Cordayl says in unison with the voice as his dark aura starts to spill menacingly onto the ground.

"You think you can beat me? The greatest hero on the planet!" the superhero's hubris flashes.

"Greatest is a stretch. Definitely the most popular, though." Cordayl retorts. "And yeah, I confirmed my intel long ago. I just haven't enjoyed a fight in so long that I was willing to keep going as long as you could."

"So you were toying with me?" The hero sarcastically responds.

"Predators don't play with food," Cordayl says, a hint of menace in his tone. "You were just tougher than I expected. It's won my respect."

"And you've won a good death. I have one move that I haven't shown anyone yet." The hero says, smirking.

"You won't get to use it," Cordayl says before disappearing.

The hero's eyes grow in shock as he loses all sense of Cordayl. Then, as sudden as a blink, the hero sees a fist inches away from his nose.

The hero over-avoids the attack, dodging in a rather clumsy way, as he squares up with Cordayl.

Cordayl smiles. "That's so crazy." he chuckles.

"And what's so damn funny!" The hero yells.

"You. You are scared of getting hit in the face. What kind of warrior are you?" Cordayl asks before charging in super quick to land another hit.

The superhero is the one on defense now. Dodging and ducking with fright from all of Cordayl's attacks. The hero tries to brave up and throw punches of his own, but even Cordayl's counterstrikes are causing him to break out in goosebumps.

Cordayl is getting cocky now, "I thought Esquimo was just speculating your little fear at first. But I can see the fear in your eyes as we fight now." Cordayl and the voice laugh in unison.

"Look at you," Cordayl clowns him as he continues swinging away, "You're so worried about me landing a clean punch on your face that you're not even paying attention to your surroundings anymore."

The superhero trips over a piece of wreckage. As he falls, he sees Cordayl's foot descending upon him, and his natural instinct is to cover his face.

Cordayl smirks, and lets his heavy foot land upon the hero's abdomen the second his back touches the ground, creating a giant crater in the earth.

The superhero gasps as he feels the air leave his body, but he still has his forearms over his face.

Cordayl's smirk turns into a grimace as now he looks down on the superhero as he would a coward. Cordayl gets on top of him to ground and pound the scary superhero.

While laying hit after hit into the hero's forearms, he tells him a story.

"When I was a young man," Cordayl says over a rhythmic drumming of fists, "I used to be scared to get hit in the face. I was considered handsome in my tribe and prided myself on that.

"My father noticed this and asked me which one would I rather have. A million women or a million battle scars? As the strongest warrior's son, I instantly replied a million battle scars. He smiled, then he threw a punch so sharp it cut me right across my cheek.

"The hit was so fast that I didn't feel it at first. He saw my eyes water and asked me if I wanted to be a warrior. I just nodded my head yes. Then, the same eye that dropped a tear, he put his fist through.

"I lost teeth and value in good looks that day. And it was one of the greatest things my father ever taught me." Cordayl says, finally breaking through both of the superhero's forearms.

Cordayl looks down at the superhero, seeing the fear in his eyes as the hero knows tries to prepare for the beating.

"You will hate me more than ever, but after today, you will also thank me," Cordayl tells him.

Then he starts pounding his face in. The hits don't carry as much power as when he tried to break through his guard, but they are heavy enough to shake the TV screen.

Cordayl finally stops hitting the superhero, whose face is puffed up and bloody.

Cordayl looks up into the sky, a blank look on his face, as it starts to rain. Cordayl gets off of the hero's abdomen and stands up.

Activating his gravity, he reverses it until enough water is gathered for him to wash the blood off of his hands.

Walking back to the hero, he kicks him over and rips off his cape.

Using it as a hoody, he walks away from the scene, leaving the superhero unconscious in the rain.