Now face to face with the leader again, the two glare at each other while the rest of the warriors chant in anticipation of the first exchange of blows.
The unit leader takes a deep breath to calm his nerves, and when he opens his eyes, he sees Cordayl's cold gaze staring right through him, and he knows this fight will be a good one.
Cordayl ties his hair back to respect the Troyell warrior and strikes his stance.
The chanting stops and thats when Cordayl attacks.
The two go at it for a few minutes, just sizing each other up, but then Cordayl is hit with a combo that wakes him up.
Cordayl gets a little angrier and now decides that he isn't playing anymore and starts to embarrass the leader in their hand to hand bout. Cordayl delivers a vicious combo and then knocks him out with a kick that sends him flying into his animal.
The warriors watch their defeated leader fail to get up, and they all stare at Cordayl in amazement. But that awe passes quickly as two more warriors charge at Cordayl to avenge their fallen comrade.
Cordayl was expecting this response and engages them in mortal combat. As Cordayl knocks out one warrior, he dodges another attack and realizes that the whole unit is now involved in the fight.
Fighting harder and harder, Cordayl can hear the voice's joy as he shouts his support. "Come one, come all! I'll fight the whole tribe!" And Cordayl hates that he agrees.
Warriors jump into battle only to get knocked back out.
One warrior, getting up slowly, feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see his leader back on his feet. He tells the soldier to call for backup as he re-enters the fight.
Returning to the battle, the leader sees Cordayl manhandling his unit and decides to turn the tide. Channeling all his energy, he transforms into a hulked-out version of himself and stomps back onto the battlefield for a rematch.
As he walks back out, the leader tries to walk up to Cordayl for intimidation points, but about 20 feet away, he starts feeling it harder and harder to pick each foot up and put it in front of the other.
He doesn't know where this change in pressure is coming from. All he can see is Cordayl's eyes watching as he gets close.
The mountain starts to crack under the pressure. The leader stands in front of Cordayl, and it's taking all his might to stand on his feet, but the moment he feels the weight disappear, he throws a deadly punch at Cordayl, which is sure to kill anything it comes in contact with.
The punch misses because Cordayl isn't in front of him. Cordayl is behind him and grabbing the bulky warrior by his britches, he tosses the leader clean out of the picture.
The warriors drop their jaws in unison, as their leader drops in the background. But this upsets them even more as they all transform and attack Cordayl together.
Cordayl smiles as he rushes back into battle with the tribesmen. As he is hitting these brutes with some massive punches that instantly send them falling and flying with a single punch.
He can't help but remember the past when he used to train with his father.
A young Cordayl faces several classmates simultaneously, defending and counterattacking the whole group. He is left huffing and puffing when he is the last one standing.
His father watches as Cordayl helps up his classmates, and they all stand across from Cordayl and salute him. Cordayl stands up straight, the same way his father stands.
His father orders an older group of boys to replace the younger ones. Sitting down, he orders them to resume the fight.
Cordayl is intimidated, as he has never faced any opponents of this size, let alone this many, but then he feels his father behind him.
"Where did this fear come from? Are you scared because they are bigger than you? Size doesn't mean anything. Muscle and bone will break before a heart does." Cordon says, smiling at his young prince.
Cordon orders the boys to attack and do not go easy. The young men get ready to attack, but Cordayl's confidence has returned, and he rushes at them to attack first.
The group of warriors all get up groggily, tired of this boy who continues to control and dominate them. They decided to just capture him for now, and they all dive in to dog pile him.
Right before they make contact, Cordayl turns the gravity up by twenty, sending the warriors slamming face-first into the rock. Then Cordayl jumps into the air and starts to ascend.
Cordayl comes crashing back into the battlefield, Terraforming the terrain upon his return. The weight of the attack is too much, as the mountain cliff they were fighting on breaks off, taking all the warriors with it.
The backup troops feel the quake of the landing and speed up to quickly assist their comrades, and when they arrive, they see the destroyed landscape.
Looking over the edge, they see the unconscious bodies of their friends and family sprinkled upon the rocks below. The warriors are in awe as they scan the landscape for the one responsible.
Cordayl lands quietly behind them, a dark aura spilling out. The reinforcements feel the hostility and jump around to see Cordayl staring at them. "Just in time. I still got some steam to blow off," Cordayl smirks as he walks towards them.
The Troyell warriors grimace and roar as they charge, but some of them feel the danger of this young man as Cordayl calmly charges in to continue the fight.
The fight is long, hard-fought, and amazing, but when the dust clears, twenty warriors have been defeated, and sixteen more are needed to capture Cordayl, who is tied up and suspended in the air by each of his limbs, held by the tribal warriors.
As the uninjured Troyell warriors gather the survivors and the wounded, the rest of the squadron cautiously escorts Cordayl back to their village to be handled and dealt with by the king.
Cordayl is calm now, having finally been detained long enough to push his anger back down. Entering their village, Cordayl is amazed at the simple but large city of the Troyell from his low vantage point.
Cordayl is carried through the town and eventually ends up dropped, face first, in front of the king of the village.
The warriors explain the chaos this one boy has brought upon them and demand he be either executed or enslaved.
The girl Cordayl met first bursts through the buffed-up soldiers, bows before the king, and explains the situation completely. At the conclusion of her dialogue, the camp is silent as an empty bathroom.
The king stands up and begins to walk to Cordayl. The earth wobbles with each step the man takes.
"Well, a flattened skull isn't the death I pictured for us, but at least you went down fighting." The voice comments disappointed.
Instead, the king speaks to the village with a booming tone and lifts Cordayl by his containments like a chicken. The village is still stunned and silent, but they all take a knee and show their respects to Cordayl.
Cordayl, still hanging from the king's hand, asks the girl what just happened. She explains to him that instead of death, he will now be celebrated for his show of strength by defeating twenty of their warriors. She tells him that they are now preparing to throw him a banquet as a reward for his might.
Cordayl smiles, "That's wassup. I haven't eaten in a couple days."