
The appointed time arrived, and the mountain entrance opened, allowing people in. This time, there was no need for them to get any entry token or permission slip; the Yu Clan seemed bold and fearless, unlike what many were expecting from them.

Of course, no one knew that the reason for this was the fight that took place the night before. With the Yu Clan displaying its power, none of the vulture powers of the Empire dared to stand out by causing problems during this event.

Although they were still confused and refused to accept that the Yu Clan had so quietly exterminated so many powerful cultivators, the fact was that none of those who went to the Yu Mountain returned. Until they could fully understand what happened, no one was willing to become an explanation for the others. There was no do-over in life.

With all bad-intentioned people quiet, the selection process started peacefully. Whether spies who previously left the clan would seize this opportunity to return was unknown, but since Yu Yan gave no instructions about this, Hei Ying and Lu Sheng continued the process without minding.

A wide open space was created for all to spectate while in the middle were two tables. One of the tables had a Black Guard sitting behind it with Lu Sheng fully armored by the side and the other table had a Red Maiden with Hei Ying by the side.

"The Black Guards take in males and females between the ages of ten and fifteen, but the Red Maidens only take in females," a Yu Clan disciple stood between both tables announcing loudly over and over again.

The registration process continued until the sun was almost directly above them before everyone was fully registered.

Hei Ying watched the crowd and shook her head subtly at them. Surely, greed was unquenchable. Many powers still sent their people to register for the two squads. At this point, it was well known that these two squads directly served Yu Yan and were as close to the clan core as one could get.

She did nothing to stop them though. After seeing the Bond of Fate, Hei Ying was shocked and impressed by Yu Yan's means. There was no loophole with which one could take advantage of Fate. Making an oath on that treasure made betrayal impossible even after retirement and even in death.

After the selection ended, a loud gong resounded, silencing the crowd.

"All who registered for the Black Guards, step forward" The Black Guards at the table rose and announced.

"All who applied to the Red Maidens, step forward" Number 6 likewise rose and announced, her melodious voice echoing through the crowd and making them feel an Illusory sensation of comfort.

The spectators took a few steps back while the applicants stepped forward toward their respective applications.

Hei Ying took a small step forward and a large screen of darkness formed in the open space. The darkness swirled within itself slowly forming a door made of darkness. The door opened slowly to reveal the space behind it; it was just a door leading nowhere, and it seemed pointless going through it.

As if sensing their confusion, Hei Ying spoke up.

"Going through this door will allow me to sense your bone age, all those who are older or younger than the required age this is your last chance to save yourselves some embarrassment"

There was some hesitation among the crowd, but eventually, a few trickled out.

"The rest of you, form a line and go through the door one by one" Hei Ying ordered.

There was chaos at first but with the hawkeye of the lady who could form door fringes out of darkness fixed on them, everyone mellowed and calmly formed a long line.

As the line started to move, Hei Ying closed her eyes to fully influence the door. She wasn't using a treasure but her bare senses so she had to focus. Unfortunately back home, while she learned all kinds of Immortal techniques, most of them were related to fighting. She could only alter the technique the Yu Clan had to make this crude door.

As the line moved a few who tried to sneak in despite being older found themselves unable to pass the door and got pushed out of the line by others behind them.

Thanks to the Black Robed Guard standing by the door, they were helpless to retaliate. Whatever the Red Maidens had in beauty and appeal, the Black-Robed Guards equaled in intimidation.

Their robes directly covered their armor, and the oversized hoods covered their heads, hiding their faces in shadows. The worst part is there was no mask, so one could barely see a face but could clearly make out those observant eyes.

The militaristic discipline Yu Yan had taught them and was continuing to refine at every opportunity was starting to display its effect after so long. The training of the Black Guards was hellish. They worked by a rota that ensured every member went through training for a week every single month.

Of course, Yu Yan had plants to make it two months in a year but they were still too few for now.

This phase lasted considerably shorter than the last since they only had to walk through a door and not necessarily slowly.

With everyone through, Lu Sheng took count.

There were forty-eight applicants for the Black Robe Guards and twenty-one for the Red Maidens.

"The test for the Black Robes Guards will commence first and will last two hours. There will be only three phases: a questioning phase, a physical test phase, and a mental test phase. To qualify, you have to pass all three phases. Mediocrity is not accepted among the Black Robes." Lu Sheng announced.

A few Red Maidens directed the applicants of the Red Maidens to a booth where they sat in wait while the Black Robe Guards test commenced.

The first phase was the questioning phase. This time, a Red Maiden had to oversee the test as only their Cultivation Technique was suitable for it, even Hei Ying could not mimic this feature. Unfortunately, she could not change her cultivation technique since she had to cultivate what Yu Yan cultivated.

The Red Maiden Number Six stood gracefully straight in front of the line of Black Guard Applicants. Her beauty was unmatched even with the veil covering half her face up to her upper lip. On her forehead was the Number '6' imprinted. Yu Yan utilized water from the Chaos Spring to heal the initial scar and changed it into a beautiful rune.

Unfortunately, this rune had no quality since he was not a runemaster.

A gentle pulsating radiated from Number Six covering four feet around her.

The first person in the line stepped forward, attracted first by her beautiful lips and then by the gentle air around her. As she stared at this beautiful woman before her, she didn't realize when her mind drifted off into an illusion that left her in a half-conscious state.

Hei Ying knew that most of the girls who applied for the Black Robes were moved by an inferiority complex. They saw beautiful Red Maidens and assumed beauty was a criterion. Fortunately, nothing was set in stone. During the course of their training trial, she could take any female from Lu Sheng who she thought was suitable.

In the same way, she could send any female she felt was more suited to be a Black Guard his way.

While all Eleven slaves Mei Hua Lin initially got Yu Yan were beautiful, it was the effect of the Chaos Spring mixed with their cultivation technique that made their beauty so unmatched. This was why they could stand beside Hei Ying and still stand out.

The Black Robe Guards were all handsome too, but they only got the benefit of the Chaos Spring amplification. Their own Cultivation Technique made them instead more sturdy and level-headed.

"What's your name?" Number 6 started.

"Ji Yue"

"How old are you?"


"Have you in the past or do you now have any relationship with any member of the Yu Clan?"


With that last answer, Number 6 retracted her aure and Ji Yue could sense the world around her again. Eyes slightly panicked by what just happened and how she had no control over her words, she followed the direction of a Black Guard in a daze as she was led away, and the process continued.