Her last line

Mila's world wasn't actually falling apart because her world was Ken, and he was expecting a baby with a hot-looking brunette who belonged on the runway. So yes, Mila's world was fine.

It was her- she was lost. Afraid, confused, and shattered.

"Please let me speak to Ken," Mila staggered forward to the security guard, one leg of her Crocs rolled to the side. "He wants to talk to me."

The security guard sighed. "Look, Mila, you were just fired. I think you should leave before it gets worse," the man said, pity laced in his voice as he watched the young woman he'd known to be good since she started working.

"Mila, no offense, but I can't lose my job. Pick what is left and move on."

Mila dropped her hands to her side. "What's left? Ken is everything I have. I don't know anyone here... I don't have anyone."

The security guard sighed, a flash of pity passing through his eyes as his heart reached out to the young girl. If he didn't have three kids in middle school and a housewife, he'd have risked his job to help Mila, but he couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Mila. Maybe you can return home. I'm sure your family will accept you."

Mila stared at the man for a few seconds, then turned away. Walking back to her stuff, she packed it up and left the hotel quietly.

The security guard heaved a sigh of relief. He was glad the girl took everything in good spirit and had finally left. It was a loss for the hotel to lose such a dedicated worker like Mila, but life happens, the man thought to himself as he resumed his job for the day.

Mila lifted her handbag to her chest. Reaching the road, she saw a blue car drive past her at speed, and she sighed.

"I wish to be a queen just for one day. Maybe if I were an heiress, Ken wouldn't fall for Stephanie," the girl spoke aloud to herself, causing people around her to move away, thinking she'd lost it. But Mila didn't mind. She rubbed her palm over her face, trying to wipe away her tears.

Getting onto the bus, soon Mila was on her way home. She reached the entrance and saw a commotion by her door, with her roommate holding the landlord's hair.

"Zoe!" Mila shouted, running toward her roommate, who had no business fighting with the landlord when they hadn't paid their debt.

Mila got in between them, trying to separate the fight while other neighbors stood by their doors, phones out and flashlights on, they were having a feast.

"Zoe, please stop," Mila begged, but her roommate was already out of it. She was ready to make the landlord bald.

After a few minutes, the fight ended, leaving Mila with bruises on her face and a ripped shirt.

"If you don't leave my house, I'm going to throw your things out," the landlord threatened, his voice ringing above the apartment roof.

Mila stepped forward with her hands raised. "Please, we can talk about this. I'm—"

"I was going to leave already!" Zoe spat, walking inside to drag out her boxes, her clothes flying into the air.

Mila gasped, running after Zoe. "What are you doing? You're acting on impulse. Please stop."

"I'm not," Zoe remarked with a sneer. "He thinks sleeping with him just for one night is going to be daily? He wasn't even that good in bed! An eight-second man? I'd rather live in the streets!"

Mila knew she'd already gotten her fair share of shocks for the day. But Zoe was sleeping with the landlord? That's on another level. What was wrong with everyone?! She screamed in her head.

"You dirty slut!" the landlord fired back. "You were as dry as rocks near a fire. I had to sweat to make you wet," the man insulted.

Mila raised her hand tiredly. "Please stop," she pleaded softly, but the duo wouldn't stop hurling curses at each other.

"Mila, pack your things. Go and live with Ken. I'm leaving. This man is foolish, and his house is cursed," Zoe scowled as she dragged her bags in anger, not even turning to pick up the clothes that fell.

"Your friend is gone. Leave my house before evening, or I'll be forced to push you out," the landlord said, pointing a finger in Mila's face before stomping off.

Mila turned and watched as the neighbors went back into their rooms, locking their doors. Mila slowly pushed her door open. The room was almost empty. The only things that belonged to Mila were her shoes, clothes, and a few utensils. She hadn't bought much because she invested in Ken's house.

One day, it was going to be their house together, she'd thought, but now another woman was going to use everything she'd bought.

Mila closed the door and sat on the ground, folding her legs. She didn't know where she was going from here. She didn't know anyone at all. Ken had introduced Zoe to her, and because they worked in the same department, he suggested they live together. Everyone Mila knew in the big city of San-Destro was through Ken.

"What do I do?" Mila asked herself, raising her fingernails to her lips. She picked up her phone and dialed a number. Others had the police as their emergency, but in the whole world, this was the only person Mila could run to when she felt like dying.

It used to be Ken, but now he wasn't going to be there, for now. The phone rang once, and the person picked up.

"Lacie," Mila held her phone tightly to her ear, her tears spilling over. "I'm scared..."

The young woman's voice over the phone sounded worried. "Mila, what is it? Talk to me. Where are you? What about Ken?"

"Ken—" Mila's voice cracked, her whole body trembling. "He has a girlfriend, and they're expecting a baby together... Lacie, I was fired, and now I've been evicted from my house. What do I do? I'm just—"

"Ken, that bast- Shh, shh," the woman named Lacie bit her lips from cursing. "Come home, Mila. Go to the train station now. Do you have any money with you? Should I send you some? You know what? I'll pay- just come home."

Mila pushed her head against the wall and sighed. "I can't... I can't come home," she said, tears streaming down her face and touching her chest.

"Why? Is it because of me?" Lacie asked worriedly. "I told you, don't worry about me. I can talk to Mom and Dad. Just come. What do you want to do right now? You have nobody."

Mila's hands trembled. She could hear her sister breathing heavily. Lacie was trying not to cry.

"We are cursed," Mila said finally. "Our family- we don't have the good luck others were born with."

Lacie didn't argue on the other end of the call. Her silent sobs could be heard as she listened to her sister. The two sisters cried on the phone until their eyes became swollen, with no more tears to shed.

Lacie cleared her throat. "I have a friend, Ashley. I'll call her right now. She owed me a favor when I was in the city. So just stay where you're safe. I'm sure Ashley will help you with something. Okay?"

Mila nodded. "Okay."

"And your nails? Are they bleeding? I hope you didn't chew them in front of Ken- that stupid fuck!" Lacie cursed.

Mila raised her fingers and exhaled. She didn't want to worry her sister. Though she knew it was a big joke because she'd just made her cry, she didn't want to add more, so she replied;

"I didn't chew them. I'm fine. Just call your friend, please."

"Sure," Lacie replied and dropped the call.

With newfound strength, Mila packed her things in the faded brown box, dragging it out of the room. She turned back to look at the room one more time before leaving.

After an hour, her phone rang, it was Lacie.

"Mila, I called my friend. She said there's a job audition tonight for a sales representative. If you're picked, you'll be given accommodation." Lacie paused. "Let me know if Ashley is hooking you up to sleep with a random man, okay? She swore it's a decent job, but if you get there and it's not get your ass back home, you hear me?"

Mila chuckled softly. She loved how protective her sister was.

"I need an answer. Did you hear me, Mila Penguin Little Koala Dennis the III?"

Mila threw her head back and laughed out loud. "Yes, I heard you, Mother Raven."

"Good. She said you take a bus and stop at... Wait, was it Montclair Road? It's the new hotel opposite the station."

Mila nodded. "Montclair." For some reason, the name sounded familiar, but she didn't have the luxury to stay back and think. She needed a place for the night and, hopefully, a job.