"We are launching today, 1942 Heritage du Cœur." A man with green hair, dressed in a white blazer announced, excitement laced in his voice. "The best...yet from the Montclair vine is being released today. I just had a taste and I can say, elixir really exist but in wine,"
The crowd chuckled at the light-hearted joke, some taking a picture and a selfie. Others were live on their Instagram, leaving comments and making vlogs.
Mila stood beside other girls that were dressed just like her, she didn't know exactly what her job was but so far nobody had ogled or made advances at her. Everyone had their attention on the green-haired man. He looked like he was still young because of his choice of tight pants, but Mila could see through all that. The man should be in his late thirties. She jerked when the microphone made a high pitching sound and the man's voice rang out.
"We are not just launching this precious wine from cloud nine, we are also going to officially open the Montclair Club. And here with us today.....music please," the man snapped his fingers, and as if it was rehearsed the Dj made an uplifting musical intro that hyped the people up.
Mila watched in awe as girls screamed and boys hailed. Everyone looked very happy in their world. She wanted to be happy for them too, but Ken.
Ken and Stephanie were having a baby, and here she was trying to make money to rent a house before she could fight for love.
"The Villiani family is in the building!!" The host pointed upstairs where the light was died. It was the VIP lounge, that had few persons sitting there.
"We also have Dr Beckfrist, you know what it takes to bring a doctor to a club?" The host asked, grinning cheek to cheek. "A 1942 Heritage du Cœur is the only correct answer."
The bottle the man raised was a classic, elegant bordeaux shaped bottle with a slightly curved body and a long slender neck.
Mila watched as the crowd went bunkers, she didn't know exactly why. Was it because of the wine, but they were yet to have a taste or was it because of the Beck- name that was mentioned. Mila twitched her lips, the name sounded familiar. It was the second time in one night, maybe her mind was just too messy and she thinks she's heard it all before. Ken and Stephanie. Mila sighed tiredly.
"And...lastly, the one who made today possible for you and I. Graced us with not just life in a bottle but also his presence. The Chairman and Owner of The Club," The green-haired man brought his hand over to his lips but his voice could be heard loudly. "Even rumors of being the next owner of the Montclair Conglomerate. We all know him, if you don't know him then you aren't living tch," he tsked.
"We have the only Zyran....Ciro....Of the Great Montclair Dynasty. "
Mila thought there was an earthquake, she wanted to hide under a table but it was just the loud screams of everyone in the room. Why? Was this person some sort of healer or seer. She didn't know and right now she didn't care. These people really have their lives figured, Mila couldn't help but judge. She'd never understood the concept of going to a club, wasting the few aurdia she has just to dance, drink and listen to loud music with the room smelling like sweat. Then again, Mila couldn't understand life in the city generally.
"Now, we are selling the first five hundred packs of Heritage du Cœur. It's limited, and to make it even better we have angels look at them," the host pointed, "We'll have them take a taste and you'll see the beauty. A swan with a wine...is paradise on earth."
Mila noticed the ladies beside her moving over to different positions. Each table had a lot of boxes of wines, with one bottle open in front of them.
"Let's see the swan who sells the highest wine," the host pointed out, "And each bottle cost for three hundred thousand aurdia. Begin!"
Mila watched as other girls quickly dived into their own wine, some took it elegantly while others rushed it. She has zero tolerance to alcohol, the first time Lacie tried to teach her how to drink Mila had passed out and had no memories of what she had done. She couldn't take it now, a place she didn't know anyone.
"One Swan isn't drinking boooooooo....she's a swine!" A voice from the crowd targeted Mila and others joined. Soon the crowd boo'ed at her.
Ashley rushed into the place, with a deep frown on her face. "Lacie's sister! What are you doing? If the crowd doesn't like you, they won't buy your drinks and if they don't...no job for you."
"But I-" Mila whispered trying to explain to the girl.
Ashley didn't wait to listen, she picked up a glass and shoved it to Mila's hand causingthe garnet-red wine to spill on Mila's hands. "No buts...it's just a drink. Think of it as Shirley temple but with little lemon or whatever!! Now drink!"
Mila's hand trembled until the rim of the glass touched her lips, then she took a sip from the glass. The aroma was akin ripe fruit, maybe plum and a little cinnamon. Mila didn't quite know about wine, so she had no idea.
Mila felt a burning sensation in her throat and chest. Feeling a ticklish itch in her throat, Mila coughed and this caused more wine to spill on her dress.
"No money...no job," Mila muttered, she closed her eyes tightly and downed the first glass of wine. It churned her inside, but it also made her feel warm from the cold she'd been feeling since she left the rain. Grabbing the bottle, Mila poured another glass for herself.
Ashley nodded with a smile, "Good, now go ahead and continue. Just like that."
Far from the stage, inside the VIP lounge. A young woman that appeared to be same age as Mila with her hair dyed cherry red with her upper body resting on the rail sighed,
"They're really going for the drunk swan theme again this year," she sucked her teeth, "Zyran can do better, you should advice him Rome,"
Roman Beckfrist smiled, "Or you could sing for us,"
Rosita scoffed, then walked over to the couch and slumped. Picking up a glass of wine she sipped it slowly, "I don't see pretty boys tonight, I'm bored." She whined.
"Here's not a playpen, you can go outside and dance with sand if you wish to."
Rosita threw a killer glare at the young man that just spoke. "Your only saving grace is we came out from same womb, bozo."
"You two still argue all the time?" Roman chuckled, pouring more wine into his glass. "Lucas you should treat her like your younger sister, don't you think?"
Lucas chuckled, "Younger? She has slept with almost all the men in my agency."
Rosita kicked her brother with force and scowled. "Maybe if you weren't so stupid. Zy and Rome won't push you away from them. Did you know Zyran met with Rome today at his hospital?"
Lucas narrowed his brows, "Rome is it true?" He asked seriously. "Did you two meet without me?"
Roman cleared his throat, "Uhm, you can ask Zy."
The trio turned to look at Zyran who had a brown cigarette to his lips. With his body reclined on the couch, his brown hair looked wet and scattered on his face, but his gaze was somewhere else. Each time he puffed a smoke, his blue eyes darkened like he was annoyed by someone or something.
"What is he staring at seriously?" Lucas followed Zyran's eyes and it stopped at the crowd. "Wait a minute, something fun is happening down there."
Rosita stood up, "Is she-?"
"Drowning herself in the precious Heritage du Cœur?" Lucas completed, "That's what it looks like. The goldfish has tasted more than water tonight." He said clearly amused.
Rosita gasped, pointing at the girl. "Isn't she tiny and cute? I want her as my pet. I'll pay more for her to be given another bottle." She turned to the side and a young man stepped forward. "Get her four more bottles of the wine, I'm paying two million aurdia for it.".
"Rosie!" Her brother exclaimed, "Are you trying to get her killed? The girl looks like she can't handle an extra bottle."
Rosita rubbed her tongue over her teeth and smiled, "And that's what makes it even more fun. The girl looks so innocent, I wonder what she'll do when she is highly intoxicated. And from my experience she looks like a virgin...what better way to lose that crap than in a club with an Unknown man," the young girl fished out a small box and took a cigarette.
"I'm doing humanity a favour," she grinned, lighting it up.
Lucas turned to his friends, "You two need to stop her or Rosita is going to kill the swan,"
"Rosie," Roman interfered with a soft voice, "The girl is already struggling to handle one bottle. Maybe you should find another person to play with....and why does she look familiar?" Beckfrist arched his brows.
Rosita stepped away from the railings and walked to Roman, "Is she one of your lollipop? Pretty boy doctor?"
Roman sighed, rubbing his brows. He turned to Zyran. "You need to get the girl away from there or Rosie won't stop until she's passed out."
Zyran didn't move his eyes, he puffed another smoke and picked up his own wine glass. "Let the Swan drink," was all he said.