Zyran was expecting a lot of things from the girl. He already had a glimpse of what she was about to say, and it would be things like asking for more money, else she'll run to the reporters, or begging for an inside story. Or even asking for help. Blackmail, stalker sent by any member of his family or opposition.
Anything, anything but pregnancy! What? And there was a problem. Zyran couldn't refute it. Why, he had clearly fucked himself over. First was being too greedy, sleeping with a virgin and not using any protection.
Three words to describe Zyran at the moment? He was fucked! But he didn't let it show. He'd never give people reason to feast on him; he wasn't born weak. That was a lesson he learned from his father.
Never show weakness. Never act cornered. Never stay trapped. Never not be a man! Never!
Rather than acting surprised, he arched his brows and smirked.