Fear of Flight

Mila's jaw literally dropped when she entered the car; it was different from any car she had ever entered. Before, when Zyran sent her back with a car, it was just a normal car.

This? This wasn't normal. This could pass as someone's living room. The young girl admired the inside of the car; the seats looked super comfortable with a calm blue lighting that made it look different from others. And the calm, soft scent of the car, like snow and ice melting on the skin.

It was an expensive smell. Definitely the scent of very long money.

Afraid that she would maybe break something in such an expensive car, Mila sat on the edge of the chair, holding her bag tightly.

The next to enter the car was Grandpa Alvaro through the other door. The man forced himself not to smile when he saw Mila's position in the car. She had cornered herself to one side like she was being kidnapped.