Lion Heart Potion

Damark was observing everything with the eyes of Arvin, this truly was an otherworldly experience where you just experience the memory of someone else, and feel it like its real. Every hand movement, leg movement and every touch felt almost real. There was also an interesting think, that throughout the battle event Damark was experiencing that he was learning something. Like he felt that he was learning all the moves and all the tricks that one could pull up while fighting. Maybe this was one of the powers of the Bounder where the learning of the character was passed down to the user like data transfering.

Right now, Arvin was going back to his home with Alex. They were talking about their experience and learnings they learnt while fighting with their friends.

Alex looked over to Arvin smilely, "You were so cool today! You defeated one of the strongest youngster in our village."

Arvin replied blushingly, "You flatter me, it's just my luck that my instincts kicked in!"

Alex couldn't help but admire his friend,

"Hey! When will you come play again?"

Arvin replied, "Maybe a few days later, the king had asked for tailored clothes a few days back, and today we delivered it to the Imperial Palace. Now we need to tailor clothes for selling in the village market to at least earn a living."

Alex said, "But what happened to the money you got from selling it to the King?"

Arvin twisted his face and said agressively, "The king is a real Tyrant!! First of all, he paid us so less for the clothes, then he charges so much Tax from us just because we are able to sell products in the market!"

"This is the reason, I want to become the king, at the very least, I can decrease the tax and enforce more on production!"

Alex wasn't sure as to what he should say, so he just shook his head.

Arvin now was a bit angered, so he started speaking in loud voice!

"And, you know what!!!!"



Suddenly, the vision of Damark faded from Arvin's eyes.

It was just for a brief moment but sudenly when he blinked back, he saw that he was seeing the blue sky?


From his vision he was flapping his wings..

"Wings?.... Am I a bird ?"

He saw that now the bird was circling and was looking down.

When Damark concentrated a bit to what was down. He saw two boys walking in the alley, one with fair skin colour and black hair wearing a green coloured shirt and the other in torquoise coloured shirt, black haired and somewhat fairer skin than the other. The boy in torquoise shirt was speaking loudly.

Now the bird flew a bit down and only now could Damark see that it was Alex in the green coloured shirt. So he figured it out, that the other boy must be Arvin. While flying, he looked in the corner of his vision that a person was coming into the same route as of the boy where walking to. He looked like a guard, and wore the same dress as the one he saw at the main door of the palace. The bird started flying towards a nearby high ground from where the two pathways could be seen, they intersected each other at this point.

Damark was now able to see the face of the guard, it was the guard from the palace that had pushed Arvin's father.


"He pushed my Dad as if he had committed some crime! We are paying taxes and also working for them on low wages! They don't have any right to treat us in this way!"

The guard had heard the Arvin's voice earlier, so he was hiding behind a wall near the intersection.

Through the vision of the bird, Damark had seen that the guard had almost sheathed his sword but stopped when he saw Arvin.

It was like something litnup in his mind.

Suddenly, he rushed over to Arvin and jumped over him disbalancing Arvin. The guard took hold of Arvin's hand from the back and twisted it toward his back.

He shouted, "You little!!.. how dare you bad mouth me!! I am the proud guard of the Palace, Rufendel! If I want I can kill you right here and no one will ever know."

Alex was dumbfolded, he was shaking in fear.

Arvin wasn't weavering at all, he replied back, "You don't have any right to act against me in this manner!! I am citizen of Ascendant Kingdom! If you hurt me then that means you are hurting the Law of Ascendant Kingdom!!"

The guard now tightened his grip and replied, "I can kill you in the name of treason that you tore the flag of our beloved kingdom since you were already angry with our king, why not become a victim of your own anger" he smirked.

Arvin replied, "Why would I? I don't hate my kingdom! I don't like the king! So just leave us alone."

The guard was about to initiate his plan, just then he looked up and said, "Fine! You will see the effect of your actions soon" he had an evil smile.

Arvin was a little worry that his family might get in this, then it would be really bad.

Suddenly again Damark's vision faded and this time he was again in the body of Arvin looking at the Guard which was leaving.

Now only did Arvin fell down on the ground and gritted, "Ouch"

His wrist had the mark of the grip from the guard. "They sure are strong, if he had hold onto my hand for a little longer, my wrist would have been broken."

He looked at Alex who had a dazed face, "Hey?? Where are you?? Are you alright??"

Alex fell down unconscious.

Damark thought, "it feels strange that this Arvin was able to keep his calm in that situation and endured the pain.. Despite him being a youngster."

Arvin quickly ran towards Alex and grabbed him in his hand, "This boy is really weak.*

He lifted Alex on his back and started walking towards his home.

When Arvin was about to reach his small wooden home, he saw that his mother was waiting on the door. He was a bit confused to why was she waiting for him.

When she saw him, she covered her mouth with her hands and ran towards Arvin and Alex.

She said, "Arvin!!! Where were you?? Many people were saying that you had gotten into a fight with the guard??"

"What happened to Alex ?? Why is he fainted??"

Arvin replied waking up Alex, "It's nothing to worry about mom, he just asked us some questions and we replied with determination so people thought we got into a fight. As for Alex he was scared because he had never come in proximity with a guard."

Arvin's Mom didn't find it convincing but she said, "Did you get hurt anywhere??"

"Ah.. i don't see any wound"

"Ok, I know you are skipping too many parts, I would like to ask you in detail, so first come enter the house."

Arvin had covered his wrist with a cloth so that his mom couldn't see it.

Alex was now awake, he whispered to Arvin, "Why did you pick a fight with the guard, you are now in bad terms with him."

"What if he causes some problem with you?"

Arvin shook his head and replied, "Don't worry.. The Ascendent Kingdom's law will always protect us citizens"

Damark while watching this all thought, "Arvin is really naive, sometimes it is important to understand that to how much degree is the law applicable for someone. Someone with a high post will have to bother less about any law than a person working in a farm."

Arvin and Alex entered the home.

Arvin fabricated the whole story and includes some of the truths to make it somewhat believable.

Alex had no choice but to agree with Arvin.

They eat lunch together and enjoyed a bit.

With the sun sipping down into the earth, Alex left.

Just a few minutes later, Arvin's Dad came back. He was also told the fabricated story. He parted his son and said, "Great! You didn't weaver and stayed composed. But remember don't ever get on the bad side of any knight in this kingdom. It may seem that they can't do anything but they will play a very big game and you will be trapped in it."

Arvin only nodded and didn't say any further.

Then his mom gave him something green in a glass and said, "Drink this to maintain you health."

New information started rushing into Damark's brain. This green liquid was a 'Lion-Heart Potion", it gave effects of strong mindset and bravery. It was given to the tailors as they had to sometimes work with so big projects that they were told to use needles of the size more than a person.

Damark thought, "What is this information?

Needles bigger than a person? Why would someone need that? And what would they make using that? But one thing's clear that this was the reason he didn't weaver infront of the guard."

He didn't get the answer, it seems like Arvin was also unaware of it. Arvin took the glass and drank it whhole.

He went back to his room, and said to himself, "I really need to work more harder. If I want to become the strongest person in this kingdom, I would need to train like a madman."

A wooden sword was lying down on the table, he moved towards it and picked it up.

The word had cracks but he was bearable to use it. He started swinging it in the air. It was a fluid motion, it felt like he had done this for at least a thousand times.

Time passed and he kept training soaked in sweat.


Damark's vision faded and he found himself in a white space. "Hmmm.. seems like we are about to get a time skip."


The white space disappear and the world slowly started fading in. He saw a wooden ceiling...

Birds wer chirping and sound of wind blewing could be held.

This time it seemed that he was able to move his body. He was no more in a vision.

He sat up and prepared to leave.

"Now the story will start to get intense, I must prepare myself for the odds"

He walked out of his home, it was a sunny morning. The silent peaceful morning that could make anyone love it was now showing its presence.

He stretched his body, and looked at the walls of his house. It was spring season with green leaves covering the ceiling .

He saw three photo frames on the wall. It was the birthday painting, someone had drawn their moment.

"This requires a lot of skill, I would who was behind this painting."

It was written:

[10th Birthday]

[11th Birthday]

[12th Birthday]

[13th Birthday]

"Hmm, so now I am 13 years old. My body seems refined now."

He had developed tight muscles in this while. And had small amount of hairs on his face, which was the typical teen moustache.

He walked out in the market wishing people Good morning just like Arvin used to do.

There was a commotion going on near the special board of the village.

He walked over there and asked a person, "Um, excuse me Uncle, do you know what's happening here?"

The middle aged man turned around and saw Arvin, he replied, "Oh Arvin? You already know right that our Kingdom was Attacked by those dirty Polar people. It seems like they have defeated us and they will be taking over the Ascendant Kingdom. And their reign will start from today."

Damark was shocked, 'attack? Polar? When did this happen? So much have happened in just so less time??'

He replied, "Oh no! This is really bad"

The man replied, "Yeah boy, our pride had really fallen down"

Arvin left the scene and went back home.

And picked up the wooden sword, prepared a hilt to hold it. He knew something bad was going to happen.



The ground started shaking.