The door of the crematorium was wide open, although the light inside was very bright, but when it shone on the signboard, it was oozing green, strange and scary, I don't know what Christoph was thinking, the whole signboard like this, was it trying to scare people to death?
I don't know what Christoph had in mind, was he trying to scare people to death by putting up a sign like this? However, thinking about it, there's no problem, there's no living people coming to the crematorium, and most of the ones who can come here are dead people.
I've been to this place before, I can't say I'm familiar with it, but I know how to get there. After I went in, the mute corpse carriers weren't there, and the whole crematorium was quiet, which made me feel a little bit scary.
I know how to go to Christoph's room, and I don't dare to look around, even more don't dare to walk everywhere, went straight to Christoph's room.
But when I passed by the incinerator, I suddenly saw a little girl with double braids squatting in the incinerator mouth and kept adding firewood.
This scared me. Is that something a child should play with? What if I accidentally hurt myself? I was so anxious that I didn't think too much and rushed forward to stop it.
"Hey, kid, don't go near there, where's your mom and dad?" I immediately rushed up and tried to carry her away, whose kid is this, and too damn irresponsible, what kind of talent can leave a child here?
It was an incinerator! How dangerous must it be for a small child to approach, the parents have big hearts.
But when I approached, that little girl suddenly turned around, and that's when I immediately braked my footsteps, with an extremely frightened expression on my face.
The other side of this little girl is actually still a back of the head with a double braid!
What about her ... face? Both sides are tied with a double braid back of the head?
I was so scared that I couldn't move, my feet were numb as if I was numb, and I was sweating cold sweat, this is too scary for Nima.
"Uncle, do you want to play with me? Come in!" After the little girl finished speaking, she actually dove headfirst into the incinerator, and then she stretched out a gray and green hand before yanking me inside.
"Play my ass, get back, make a mess for me again, press you cremains into the cesspool, let you stink for years to come." Suddenly a loud voice rang out behind me with an extremely menacing tone.
As soon as these words came out, that hand immediately shrunk back, and up to this point the incinerator never moved again, and that little girl didn't come out either.
I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead, then turned back, and instantly saw Christoph, who was holding a large sunflower fan and was bare-chested, and yawned when he saw me.
"Great nephew, sorry haha, I just fell asleep, I was planning to work overtime to burn this corpse before calling it a day, I didn't realize that I fell asleep napping in my room, haha, it didn't scare you, did it?" Christoph laughed.
"Just now that is ..." I pointed to the incinerator and asked, saying that did not scare is not true, to now are a little stunned.
Christoph said on a naughty little girl, don't care what she, but also asked me to find him something? This night ah, he let the future or less to come to this crematorium, because his crematorium is always to the west, the door is open, some evil normal, but he let me do not have to be afraid, as the saying goes, people are afraid of ghosts three points, ghosts are afraid of people seven points, normal ghosts will not harm people, some are also afraid of people, unless it is the ghosts of the grievances of the ghosts, ghosts, evil ghosts of these.
Encounter these also do not need to be afraid to see if you can not run away and can not fight, then you can report his name, so you can die a little decent.
I laughed bitterly, this little old man is also quite good at jokes, the middle of the night said on the cold joke, think it is very humorous?
I do not bother to bullshit with him, directly told him the intention, want a Tattoos of Gods and Ghosts Five - Ghosts Fortune - Bringing.
Christoph said it's no problem, he has a ghost in stock for three years and he can't sell it.
This ghost is not ordinary, very cunning, his name is Kairos, when he died, he was about fifty years old, he was a hustler in his life, and he had won a lot of money by gambling, but once he was caught cheating, he was caught and thrown down from the 20th floor, which was a terrible thing!
This time I feel a little strange, before Christoph sell ghosts are simply say the cause of death, this time the ghost information is too detailed, right?
Christoph sighed, said more are tears, this ghost is too cunning, he caught more than a year before he caught, if not to check out his information, on his full understanding of him, I guess it can not catch him.
What Christoph said made me curious, and I hurriedly asked him what was going on. I see him quite capable, what ghosts in front of him is not honest, how to give back to the difficult.
Christoph said he had never seen such a cunning ghost in his life, that thing actually hid in the women's bath, you say he was a big man how to get in? Later, he hid in the women's locker room for a while. Luckily, during the Ghost Festival, he went up to a gambling ghost to look for food, and Christoph found the right time to catch him.
This kind of ghost, tattoo Yin - inspired Tattoo effect is particularly good, but Tattoos of Gods and Ghosts is only my family ah, I do not want him also do not know who can sell, you say Ghost - cultivator can want this thing? They are also raising little ghosts, female ghosts, they can still listen to words, and they can even serve a bed at night.
Christoph this a flurry of crying ah, I thought he just spit out the hard work, I did not realize that all of this is in his price increase to make the pad, an opening to 30,000, said this is the hard work of the fee, the money is not a little bit of money, is already counted as a discount for me, affordable very much.
I'm not a vegetarian, the tattoo Five - Ghosts Fortune - Bringing is only 100,000, charge me 30,000 pigment money, that's not cutting my meat?
I revealed a sinister smile and said, "Christoph, didn't you just say that? I'm the only one Tattoos of Gods and Ghosts who wants it, otherwise you won't be able to sell it, I'll take this ghost, for the sake of your hard work, I'll give you an extra 5,000, 15,000, otherwise, let's go bye bye!"
At this time Christoph patted his head and said: "Oops, rash, how to say this out, to your kid caught the handle, forget it, sold to you pull down, and then save can not feed, have to lose my old money into, you wait ha."
Christoph finished, turned around to go back to his room, he left, I heard all around the movement, placed next to the two coffins seem to have something jumping inside, Christoph came out, the surrounding quiet again.
Christoph hand holding a bamboo tube came out, he let me put it properly, this ghost is very cunning, do not let him run away, and then run will be difficult to catch back.
I nodded my head to show that I understood, and then gave Christoph a quick transfer of money.
After the ghost bought, I do not continue to stay, this big night, the crematorium is extraordinarily eerie, originally Christoph also said to let me taste the good stuff, he has a fresh female corpse inside, said not to charge me money, I do not want to, and hastily scattered legs and ran.
I fucking Vervecity famous iceberg beauty don't want, want your what female corpse, I have a sick brain?
They say that while it's hot, it's hot, you're cold, so what the hell! Get outta here.