55,000 years into the future, humanity has evolved beyond recognition. The universe is governed by the All-Seeing Eye (ASE), an omniscient system created by a Type-10 civilization that promises perfect justice and security through its mastery over space and time.
But in the shadows of this utopian order, one man defies the impossible. Zenon, branded as a Universal Criminal by the ASE, survives on the edges of known space, hidden on the desolate planet Starkus. Living under the alias of Zenin, a simple wanderer, he maintains his secrecy through ingenious technology and pure survival instinct.
Yet beneath his carefully crafted facade lies a mystery even he can't unravel. His only connection to his forgotten past is a locket containing the image of a hauntingly beautiful girl with starlight-white hair and jewel-blue eyes. Who is she? And why does her memory drive him to challenge the most powerful surveillance system ever created?
As Zenon navigates a dangerous web of secrets and lies, he begins to uncover a truth that could shatter the foundations of the universe itself. The All-Seeing Eye harbors a devastating secret - one that makes Zenon's ability to evade it both a miracle and a target.
In a future where every moment is watched and every action is recorded, the greatest mystery isn't how to hide...
It's why one man can't be seen.