Chapter 10- A New Bloom

I collapsed.

My body has given up. My like I have just ran a marathon. What is this? Fear? Shock? No, it is…ugh, I don't even know! My hands won't stop shaking, and my chest feels tight, like someone stuffed it with a bunch of rocks. And that guy—ugh, that guy! His words, his stupid smirk—it's like they are still echoing in my head. What the heck is wrong with me? Why is my brain replaying his face like some bad movie I can't turn off?

Why? Just—

It all went black.






"Ugh..uh. Wha—?"

My eyes fluttered open after a long sleep, and before I could even process where I was, a blur of excitement tackled me.


Shizukaaa? Sh-she is jumping like a kid who just found a candy. "RUBY—CHAAN! You're awake! You're finally awake!" she cried, wrapping me in a tight, almost rib-cracking hug. Great, just what my poor, battered self needed—overenthusiastic affection.

I blinked, trying to make sense of everything around me. Slowly, it dawned on me. The walls. The symbols. The familiar faces. "Wait... this is Hyakuren HQ, right?

Shizuka pulled back a little, her boobs still touching mine. "Yup! It's been two days since you passed out, Ruby-chan! You gave us all a scare."

Two days? I was knocked out for that long? Guess that explains why my head feels like a warzone right now.

"So… how did I end up here?"

Her eyes lit up, and she bounced on her feet like a kid ready to spill a secret. "Oh! Oh! It was crazy, Ruby-chan! So this super scary guy named Crimson attacked the town. He was, like, all dark and shadowy, with these giant wings—totally terrifying! And then there was this fight, like BOOM! ZAP! SWISH!" She waved her hands wildly to mimic the chaos.

"You were soooo cool, by the way! Like, poof, petals everywhere, messing with his head. But then, you kinda… you know… collapsed. Takumi-kun was all panicky, and we had to carry you back. Oh! And Kaito-san said something super smart like, 'We need to treat her immediately,' so we rushed you here."

She then clapped her hands together with a grin. "And now you're awake, yay!"

"Ohhhhhh, is that sooooo?" I paused, "Don't explain from that far back, idiot and please...spare me the sound effects next time."

She blinked, tilting her head like a confused puppy. "Eh? But I thought I did great…"

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Ah, right… the last thing I remember. He patted my head, and then… everything went black." I clicked my tongue, leaning back. "Tch, what a way to go out."

Shizuka's eyes then went wide with curiosity. She tilted her head and asked, "Ruby-chan, why'd you collapse after that? Did he do something?"

"You know what...I honestly have no idea. No idea at all. But wait—this is Crimson we're talking about. That shady guy definitely did something when he touched me. Probably cast some sneaky spell. Yeah, that has to be it."

But his gesture… it seemed… I don't know… kinda genuine? Or am I losing it? Let's not overthink this any further.

Next, the door creaked open, and Kaito stepped in. "Shizuka, there are still survivors needing treatment. Go take care of them," he said.

Shizuka pouted, "But Ruby-chan just woke up! I wanna stay with her a little longer!"

Kaito crossed his arms, "Your job comes first, right?"

With a dramatic sigh, Shizuka finally gave in. "Fine, fine! But don't overwork her, okay? She just woke up after two whole days!"

As she skipped out of the room, Kaito's eyes landed on me. His brows raised slightly, "So, you're awake."

"No, Mr. Genius, I'm still unconscious. This is just my ghost sitting here."

"Still sharp, I see."

"Always," I continued, "Now, what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Mr. Bossy?"

He pulled up a chair next to my bed. I could practically hear the lecture brewing in his head. Oh, great, here comes the "what were you thinking" speech. I braced myself.

"You caused quite the scene back there," he said, leaning back casually.

"Oh, Kaito, please spare me. If you're here to nag, I might just faint again. Two-day nap, here I come."

He raised an eyebrow. "You think this is a joke?"

"Of course not," I said, sitting up slightly. "It's my life we're talking about. I'm very invested in it. Speaking of which, care to explain how I ended up here? Did you carry me in your big strong arms?"

"Shizuka and Takumi handled that part. I was busy ensuring no one else dropped unconscious like someone I know."

"Wow, you're really bad at this bedside manner thing, huh?" I shot back. "Bet you don't even know how to say 'get well soon.' Should I teach you?"

"Ruby, focus," he said, his voice sharper now. "What happened before you passed out? Did Crimson—"

I cut him off with a wave of my hand. "Yeah, yeah, let me guess, you're about to ask if he cursed me or zapped me with some spooky shadow nonsense, right?" I sighed. "I don't know, okay? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Or maybe I'm just allergic to overgrown egos."

"Ruby, this isn't a game."

"I know that," I continued, "And trust me, Kaito, I know that better than anyone." I smirked again, "But seriously, if you're worried, maybe you should've gotten me flowers or something. That's how you comfort people, you know."

He sighed, rubbing his temples like he was regretting stepping into the room. "You're impossible."

"And yet, here you are,

What can I say? I'm irresistible."

Kaito then leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his eyes narrowing like he was getting ready to bring up that. Oh boy, here we go.

"Ruby," he started, his voice dropping to that serious elder brother tone he loves so much. "Wasn't that the same illusion you cast—"

I cut him off, "You mean that Noctis Mirage? Cool name, huh? Sounds all dramatic and mystical, like something out of an old fairy tale. Fits me perfectly, doesn't it?"

"Fits you? Sure, if you mean causing chaos and getting yourself exiled."

I laughed, shrugging. "Oh, come on, Kaito. Don't make it sound so tragic. I just gave the moon a little… makeover."

"You know it is forbidden,right? You used the Mirage again to erase the moon from everyone's sight. You once more tampered with something sacred, Ruby."

I leaned back, rolling my eyes. "Relax, Kaito. This time, it was for a good cause. World-saving stuff, remember? Not my usual 'make people lose their minds for fun' kind of thing. You should be thanking me."

"Thanking you?" His voice rose slightly, "Ruby, the last time you pulled this stunt, it wasn't to save anyone. You did it because you were bored. Bored! You disappeared the moon just to see if you could."

"Yeah, and it worked, didn't it?" I shot back, grinning. "Admit it, Kaito, it was impressive."

"It got you expelled from the Hyakuren clan!" he said sharply, "You broke sacred rules. Do you have any idea what that did to the clan?"

"Oh, come on. The president was just itching for a reason to kick me out. I gave him one. End of story."

"You're wrong," his tone softer now, almost sad. "You were part of us, Ruby. A vital part. And despite everything, we trusted you."

That one hit a little too close to home, but I wasn't about to let him see it. I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Trust? Really? Funny, I don't remember anyone stepping up for me back then. The whole clan couldn't wait to see me gone."

"That's not true," he said, leaning closer. "We didn't want you gone. The president made that call, not us. And you know it."

I hesitated, feeling a flicker of something I couldn't quite place. Regret? Nah, couldn't be. I pushed it aside, plastering on a smirk. "Well, what's done is done. I'm not exactly losing sleep over it, Kaito."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You should. You cast the Mirage again. And this time, it wasn't just a prank. You risked your life to save us all. That's not something the old Ruby would've done."

"Oh? So you're saying I've changed? Wow, Kaito, you're getting soft on me."

"Ruby, the Hyakuren clan isn't perfect. We've made mistakes. Expelling you? That might've been the biggest one."

I stared at him, caught off guard. For a moment, I didn't know what to say. Then I shrugged, hiding the knot forming in my chest. "Well, maybe they should've thought of that before tossing me out. Too late now, huh?"

"Maybe not," he said quietly. "You saved us. That's worth something. Maybe it's time to stop running and think about coming back. After all those destructions, all those killings, we are now nothing just some scattered pieces. We need you."

I can't help but laughat that thought. "Oh wow...I'm sure the Hyakurenshas are just dying to welcome me back with open arms. Thanks, but no thanks, Kaito."

He didn't argue, but the look in his eyes told me this isn't the last I will hear of it. And honestly, that scared me more than Crimson ever could.

Kaito leaned back in his chair, rubbing the back of his neck as if trying to shake off the weight of everything. "Well, at least Crimson's out of the picture for now."

"You sound so sure of that. Pretty bold of you to think a guy like him won't pop back in for round two."

"Maybe. But you have to admit, what happened back there was…unexpected. That guy's power was off the charts, and yet—"

"And yet he left without wiping the floor with us. Weird, right? Almost like he got bored halfway through his evil speech. Who does that?"

"Don't take it lightly, Ruby. If he comes back, we're, especially you're, not getting a second chance like that. He let us live, but next time, he might not."

"Oh, lighten up, Kaito. If we're still breathing, that means we're doing something right. Speaking of which, did you see that Takumi kid out there?"

His face softened a little, "Yeah, I did. The kid's got guts, that's for sure. I didn't think he had it in him to face Crimson like that."

"Guts? Kaito, that's an understatement." I chuckled, shaking my head. "He charged at Crimson like a freaking lunatic. I mean, sure, it was reckless and borderline suicidal, but you gotta respect the commitment."

"Well, that's true. And you know, it's not just his willpower that's impressive. His lineage is something else entirely. I heard about the Fire Spirit stuff."

"Umhmm...The Fire Spirit, That's a whole other ball game. And yeah, Takumi's a direct descendant, which makes him a potential powerhouse if he ever figures out how to truly tap into it."

He nodded. "Yeah, that's the thing. The Fire Spirit, one of the five main ancient spirits. It's not something to be taken lightly. If Takumi can connect with that power fully, he could become one of the strongest we've ever seen."

"I'll admit, I'm curious to see how this turns out. I never thought I'd get tangled up in a story about ancient spirits and legendary powers. Feels like I've wandered into some mythological novel."

He chuckled. "Yeah, well, the Hyakuren clan's been tangled up in that mess for generations. Takumi's just… next in line, I guess."

"Next in line for what? Being a target for every power-hungry freak out there? Well, good luck with that, little boy. The kid's gonna need more than just fire to survive all that."

As Kaito and I sat there, talking in the quiet room, I suddenly heard some faint footsteps approaching. It was a sound I recognized—Takumi.

He walked in with the usual hyper expressions, "Hey! Shizuu—huh?" His gaze immediately flicked over to us, taking in the scene, as though he knew exactly what was going on without anyone saying a word.

"Speak of the devil." I greeted him with a smirk, leaning back in my seat.

He glanced at me with trace of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "R-Ruby-saan, you're up and talking already? I guess I don't need to worry about you anymore."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, act like you weren't worried."

"Hmph...Anyways, I'm really glad to see that you're doing fine."

I leaned back against the wall, smiling.

"Now, listen carefully, you both," I started after a long deep breath. "There's so much more to all this than you think. And I'm itching to spill the beans now."

Takumi looked at me, confused, so was Kaito, waiting for me to explain.

"The Demonic Realm," I began, focusing on one key detail, "is where the Oscuros live. But here's the thing: it's not just a bunch of random monsters. There's an entire hierarchy going on over there. We'll talk about it later. First, the Devoids—the usual brainless ones, the ones that teleport here? They can cross over to Earth, no problem. They don't need any special power or permission."

Takumi raised an eyebrow. "Ain't those the only residents there? They are weak though."

"No, kid, the Devoids—they're the low-level minions. They're just the cannon fodder, nothing more. They can come and go like they own the place. But the real problem? The Asuras."

He frowned, "The Asuras? I've heard the name, but what do they have to do with all this?"

"The Asuras are the top of the food chain in the Demonic Realm. Humanoid Oscuros with unimaginable power. They regenerate infinitely, unless you destroy their Orca—their heart. Crimson, that bastard, is one of them. But he's different—he doesn't have an Orca."

Kaito's eyes widened. "Wait, so Crimson is like... immortal? And he has no weakness?"

"Exactly." I sighed, feeling the weight of my words. "Crimson doesn't have any Orca, any weakness. That means infinite regeneration. That's why he's so dangerous. He's basically immortal, but also not, if you get what I mean. There's no telling how many more like him are out there."

"Okay, that's bad enough," Takumi muttered, running a hand through his hair. "But you said something about the Yonzol. What's that got to do with anything?"

I gave him a grim look. "Ah, the Yonzol. That's the Orca of their Demon god, Judas. It's... different from all the other Orcas. It has its own consciousness. And it was brought to Earth by an Oscuro centuries ago. The Yonzol gave Seishin—spiritual magical energy—to certain humans. And those humans? They became Vorixas. People like you, me, Kaito, Shizuka..."

His jaw dropped. "Wait... you're saying the Yonzol is what made us Vorixas?"

I nodded, biting my lip. "Yes, exactly. That's how we got our powers. But the thing is, the Asuras are after the Yonzol. They've been searching for it for years. And they know it's on Earth. That's why they want it so badly."

"So they've been looking for the Yonzol, but they haven't found it yet?" Kaito asked.

I shook my head again, "That's where Crimson comes in. He tried to cast the Aeternus Eclipsa Lunaris ritual—it swaps the beings between the two realms. And let me tell you, it's not just some fancy magic trick. This was actually the Asuras' shortcut to Earth."

"So... the Asuras have been looking for the Yonzol for years, and now Crimson somehow made it easier for them to come here?"

"Yes," I said, "He tried to swap the realms, but he failed. But in reality, that ritual never meant to swap the was actually meant to make it easier for the Asuras to come to Earth and find the Yonzol. And he was successful in doing that. At first, it seemed like he failed, but, the truth is, the ritual was already done at the very beginning of the blood night. It's now like a door has opened for the Asuras to walk through."

They both went silent for a moment, their mind racing through the implications. Then Takumi looked at me, more serious than I'd ever seen him. "So... when they come here, what happens?"

I exhaled slowly, "When the Asuras—or even more terrifying beings—come here, it's not just a simple invasion. It's the end of everything. The world won't survive if they take the Yonzol. And when they find it, they'll destroy everything in their path to get it. Earth's destruction will be just the beginning."

"That's... that's insane." He muttered, rubbing his forehead. "So Crimson has basically opened the gates for a whole army of monsters to come through?"

"Yes," I said, biting my lip in frustration. "And the barrier between the two realms...It's getting weaker by the day. As time passes, it'll be easier for the Asuras and other beings from the Demonic Realm to cross over. Soon, even the Devoids won't be the only ones popping in. The Asuras will start entering the same way the Devoids did, and we won't be ready for them."

"But how did Crimson even manage to enter here at the first place? Isn't he an Asura?" He asked, confusion and worry.

"That's the thing," I said, "We don't even know. We don't know how he managed to cross over, or if it was part of his plan all along. But we have to prepare ourselves. The future's looking grim, and the Asuras are just the beginning. There are beings in the Demonic Realm far stronger than Crimson, and they'll come for the Yonzol."

"So, what do we do? We can't just sit around and wait for them to show up."

"We have to brace ourselves, Takumi. We need to strengthen our defenses, find a way to stop the Asuras from taking the Yonzol, and protect Earth from what's coming. But the clock's ticking, and every moment we waste makes it easier for them to get through. We need to act—now."

He clenched his fists, "You're right. We're not letting this world fall apart without a

But even as I heard those words, the reality of it all hit me again. The Demonic Realm was coming for us, and we were nowhere near ready. But there was no turning back now. We have to prepare for the worst.

Kaito, who had been listening in silence, finally spoke, "But... how do you even know all of this, Ruby?"

I leaned back. A sarcastic smile creeped onto my face. "Oh, Kaito, it's simple. My cute little kitten, Crimson told me."

Kaito blinked at me, "Wait... what?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, he pretty much spilled all the details while we were having our little chat. Quite the conversationalist, that one. Real friendly, you know?"

I then paused, thinking for a moment. Kaito's words about rejoining the Hyakuren suddenly echoed in my mind. Honestly, with everything going on, it kinda made sense if I rejoined. The Hyakuren can help me face the Asuras. And well, if I'm gonna be stuck in this mess, might as well be the strongest, right?


I'll take up your offer," I said with a sigh, looking at Kaito and Takumi. "I'll rejoin the Hyakuren. Someone's gotta keep you guys in check."

Kaito blinked, surprised. "Really?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, why not? Can't just sit around while the world falls apart. Can I?"

Then, next moment, Shizuka returned from healing all those survivors. I can easily tell looking at her face that she is drained out of every ounce of energy she had, though she tried to hide it.

"Ah, Takumi-kun! You're here!" she exclaimed, her eyes showing a hint of weariness despite her effort to stay upbeat.

She glanced around, trying to figure out what we were talking about. "So, what's going on? What are you three talking about?" she asked, her gaze moving between us.

Takumi then spoke, "Ruby-san just joined the Hyakuren."

Shizuka's face lit up instantly, the exhaustion started fading from her features as she straightened up, her eyes widening in surprise and excitement. "What?! No way!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in excitement. "That's amazing! Glad to have you back! Ruby-chan!"

She suddenly seemed to forget all her tiredness. Her energy bounced back as she took a step closer to me, her face practically glowing. "Hey...wait, wait... since the last president is gone," she continued, her expression turning thoughtful, "how about we make Ruby-chan our new president?"

I blinked. What? Did she just say... president?

"Hah, what? I—" I was about to protest when I saw the sparkle in Shizuka's eyes. She was dead serious, even if she was half-joking.

I shot a glance at Takumi, who didn't seem to mind the idea. Of course, he'd go with the flow. But me... a president? That was a whole new level of responsibility I wasn't sure I was ready for. "Uh, I'm not really cut out for that... don't you think?"

"Of course, you are! You've got the smarts and the power, Ruby-chan! Who else could do it?"

"Shizuka, this is a bit much, don't you think?"

But she was already on a roll, pacing around like she was the one giving me the job. "Nope! You'd be perfect. You're the one who pulled through, who faced Crimson without flinching! It's your time to shine!"

Shizuka then turned to Kaito, "So, Kaito-san, what do you think? Shouldn't we make Ruby-chan the president already? I mean, she's got the brains, the power, and all that… but I wanna hear your thoughts!"

Kaito took a moment, his serious gaze meeting Shizuka's excitement. "Honestly, it makes sense," he began, his tone calm but carrying a weight of truth. "The Hyakuren needs someone with strength and resolve, someone who can handle the upcoming dangers that we're all facing. Between the Asuras, the Yonzol, and whatever else is coming from the demonic realm... we need someone who can lead us through this storm."

He paused for a beat, his eyes briefly flicking to me before turning back to Shizuka. "And Ruby—" he gave me a small nod, acknowledging the situation. "Ruby's the one who has the experience. She's faced threats head-on, and if she keeps pushing forward like this, she'll grow into a leader faster than anyone else."

I raised an eyebrow, not sure if he was trying to flatter me or just being his usual straightforward self.

But then Kaito added something that caught me off guard. "Besides," he continued, his voice softening slightly, "don't you remember? The younger Ruby once had a dream of becoming the president. You were always talking about it, how you wanted to protect everyone. This might be your chance."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I hadn't thought about that in ages. As a kid, I used to imagine myself standing at the front, leading the Hyakuren—protecting the people I cared about, fixing everything that seemed broken. But that was before I was expelled... before everything fell apart.

"Ugh, don't remind me," I grumbled, looking away. "That was a long time ago, and I was just a naive kid back then."

But deep down... I couldn't deny it. Maybe this was my chance to finally live up to that old dream.

Takumi, leaning against the wall, finally spoke up. "If Kaito-san believes it, you might as well give it a try," he said with a shrug. "You've got the ability. And the guts."

I bit my lip. It isn't like I don't want to help. I am just not sure if I was ready for such a big role. But… then again, who else would take the spot? Who else could possibly manage the Hyakuren now that things were so chaotic?

Shizuka stepped forward again, looking at me like a proud mother. "Ruby-chan, think about it! You're the perfect candidate. And I'll be there to help you with everything!"

My head was spinning. I looked over at Takumi, then back at Shizuka, and I had to admit… there was some logic to it. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea. Maybe, I..can.. handle it.

"Ugh, fine," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "But don't expect me to turn into some big-time leader overnight, alright?"

Shizuka practically bounced on her feet. "Yay! I knew you'd say yes!"

I meant it. The battles ahead wouldn't be easy, but I am ready to fight for everyone's future. I can see the silent support in their eyes. But it isn't just about them. This isn't just about me. It is about standing up when the world feels like it is crumbling, about making sure the Hyakuren, and everyone we cared about, have a fighting chance.

"I won't let anyone down," I muttered under my breath, more to myself than anyone else. "I'll lead, I'll fight, and I'll make sure the Hyakuren stands tall against whatever comes next."

I stood up, feeling the weight of my decision, but also the fire inside me that had never burned brighter.